Jon Hoke told me "They'll play better.. I PROMISE YOU."

Kenny Hill became Kenny Thrill against us, then got benched (because he really wasn't that good), then transferred. We make them look so good they want to trademark their names. Grayson "can't miss the slant" Lambert?
This. It has to be the coaches fault but if it is because the players are that bad then it comes back to the coaches because they recruited the bad players! But even still some coaches are so good it is possible they take over a team and have good seasons in their first year.
I don't know.. You would've thought they would have tightened up their coverage in the 2nd half & not let them continue to make easy catches. Its whatever

Believe it or not, I wondered TOO why didn't defensive coaches didn't just tighten up coverage (9/19/15). Perhaps the defensive pep talks at halftime that worked in the N. Carolina AND Kentucky games, (Sept., 2015) just did'nt work against U G A ?
Anyway, let's hope for the best: WE HAVE at least 3 DEFENSIVE CHANGES FOR THE CENTRAL FLORIDA GAME --and then we'll have another chance to play significantly more consistent defensive over MIZZOU, Oct 3, 2015. I don't want to lost all hope in the middle of the season--let alone after 2 or 3 games.
G O ' C O C K S !
7.25 yards per play. That's 124th out of 128 teams.

The only reason opponents aren't averaging 50 point per game is because the kicking game has been excellent and the offense has done a good job of not turning the ball over on our side of the field.

But Hoke is right -- the defense will play better Saturday. How could they play any worse?
Believe it or not, I wondered TOO why didn't defensive coaches didn't just tighten up coverage (9/19/15). Perhaps....
Anyway, let's hope for the best: WE HAVE at least 3 DEFENSIVE CHANGES FOR THE CENTRAL FLORIDA GAME --and then we'll have another chance to play significantly more consistent defensive over MIZZOU, Oct 3, 2015. I don't want to lost all hope in the middle of the season--let alone after 2 or 3 games.
G O ' C O C K S !
Unbelievably tired of this thought process. We know had bad Carolina football has been and it doesn't have one thing to do with this seasons' abysmal start. What you're basically saying is that we should be happy because we could be 0-3 rather than 1-2. Dang I wish our fans had a great desire to win rather than settling up

Frankly, Shorecock, I'm suprised that a Gamecock fan as yourself, who's been writing since 2008, is basically crying over a 7-win season of 2014 --and this 2015 season that isn't even 1/4 over (including a 13th bowl game). A REAL Gamecock fan remembers just 11 years back when a 7-6 season and a bowl win etc. was a major Victory. Now, don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong w/ wanting more. BUT,to be common sensical, in the 120+ year history of Carolina, we have not always been a program that has topped three 11-win seasons w/ any 12 or 13 wins ! And sometimes you slip a bit before cycling back up--like last year's 7-6. I've paid to get into Carolina games too. But I don't think I have a right to demand that we definitely win the S E C championship--on my timetable. Oh yes, get out your frustrations--up to a certain point. And, personally, I'm hoping for the best for the rest of the year. If others are so tired of me trying to believe in the almost same coaches that got us the 33 wins in three years, if it makes them THAT unhappy, then it may be time to support another program that tugs more at their heart. We'll miss your support at the games, but at the end of the day, we Carolina Gamecocks need some loyalty ,too. And when a coach tells me to my face "I PROMISE YOU, (WE)'LL DO BETTER"--and I see him immediately taking TWO mediocre performers off the Defensive Line, and a couple other significant changes--.--unless I'm BLIND, he's obviously trying !-----So,WHO THE HELL AM I TO NOT give Coach Hoke that much benefit of the doubt ?
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Why you say that, he went to AU without him and look at what he has done for their defense. Ellis Johnson is a better DC and AU fired him for Muschamp. AU's defense was an embarassment to the SEC with their play and tackling against LSU last week.

Wait till u see our d against LSU
I really can't believe our problems are all, or even mostly, because of bad players. I believe we have recruited better than many of our opponents but they aren't being developed by our coaches. I mean GEEZ, look how UCF DL is dominating our OL. We had more production against Georgia last week.