kinlaw decommitts

Interesting how The Gamecock coaches stuck by Kinlaw & helped him on his way to being eligible in the quickest way possible, but he did not stick with Them. I guess they do not teach loyalty & appreciation at JC
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Interesting how The Gamecock coaches stuck by Kinlaw & helped him on his way to being eligible in the quickest way possible, but he did not stick with Them. I guess they do not teach loyalty & appreciation at JC
No they do not.
Great new!!...USC dodged a bullet there....USC found out before it was to late that a commit wasn't "all in"
............Next recruit up to take his place

....but I do wish you well young man
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They should change the term to reservation. It's not commitment anymore.

But it's his life. Do what's best for you big guy.

Doesn't matter, it would have the exact same meaning. The key part most ignore and leave off is the "verbal" part.
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Who cares. Dudes just weighing his options, or he might know of a certain assistant coach that could be gone?? Lol
Alabama was the last to offer. That should tell us something, it sucks but generally they get who they want.
Interesting how The Gamecock coaches stuck by Kinlaw & helped him on his way to being eligible in the quickest way possible, but he did not stick with Them. I guess they do not teach loyalty & appreciation at JC

Settle down. This kid had a very good twitter post that explained where he's at. Can't blame him for taking some trips. He still may be a Gamecock, and he might not. But give him a break cause he's handling it the right way.
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Alabama was the last to offer. That should tell us something, it sucks but generally they get who they want.
The thing with Alabama is that he may never even get to play for them. Miller from Columbia was a five star linebacker and he still hasn't seen significant snaps on the field from what I can tell.
Read what was just put on sports talk. Makes us and Muschamp sound bad and he can't even defend himself because of NCAA rules
Muschamp is a great recruiter - sounds like Kinlaw just needed to have some reason to decommit.
#1 He texted his de-commitment (not even man enough to call)

#2 Did it late in the season so we have little time to get in with a good replacement after investing years in him

#3 Bashes Muschamp to everyone in public, hurting Boom and the program

Hope he rots on the bench at Bama.
Karma will win this one. Saban will recruit someone better and toss him out without a second thought.
For those saying he hasn't ruled us out. It's very unlikely players go back to a school they decommitted from. It happens but not often. So we should move on too.
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#1 He texted his de-commitment (not even man enough to call)

#2 Did it late in the season so we have little time to get in with a good replacement after investing years in him

#3 Bashes Muschamp to everyone in public, hurting Boom and the program

Hope he rots on the bench at Bama.

Bashing Muschamp ? Why would he do that or what was he saying ?
So let me get this right. Kinlaw is upset because Muschamp made him feel like he owes it to him to commit to South Carolina. After the coaches and administrators came up with a plan for him to only spend 1 year of eligibility in Junior College and stuck with him even when he didn't have the grades or scores to get into USC. Seems like he's having a change of heart because of the interest from Alabama. Smdh!
Tell this young man to kick rocks. The school and coaches did everything within their power to help him after he screwed up his grades. Then he "doesn't owe them anything"? How about some gratitude?
Talk about childish.
For those saying he hasn't ruled us out. It's very unlikely players go back to a school they decommitted from. It happens but not often. So we should move on too.
That's 2 pretty decent players to have done so this cycle. It happens, but given our situation we can't afford to lose anybody who can help us.
He says he doesn't like for people to remind him of the help they've given to him, because it makes him feel obligated to reciprocate. I believe this is a good indicator of what kind of man, husband, father and employee he'll be down the road.
That's 2 pretty decent players to have done so this cycle. It happens, but given our situation we can't afford to lose anybody who can help us.

I agree. When we are rebuilding we need all the talent we can get but not sure that type of attitude is what we want. Like mentioned above he is not Clowney.
JMO...If someone has to remind you what they did for you...that's a no go.
Sounds like Muschamp was just reiterating how the process is supposed to go, how important he will be to the team and what they have invested in him for the future. You are telling me that it's not appropriate for coaches to remind recruits that the program is committed to them? Recruits are getting upset because a program reminds them that the program really wants them?
He says he doesn't like for people to remind him of the help they've given to him, because it makes him feel obligated to reciprocate. I believe this is a good indicator of what kind of man, husband, father and employee he'll be down the road.
Exactly , cut ties now . There's a reason CU dropped him after he visited them !!!!
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Read what was just put on sports talk. Makes us and Muschamp sound bad and he can't even defend himself because of NCAA rules
Yeah, but you can read between the lines in JK's statement. Boom was pressing him for his level of commitment because if JK is going to jump ship, it's better now that on signing day. So the kid hears Boom's words and in his mind he's leaning to Bama already, so he just jumps ship. Kid needs some way to save face so he projects it on Boom rather than admit he just switched favorites. In fact, I have the feeling he switched a while ago. So we move on to another JuCo DE.

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