kinlaw decommitts

Settle down. This kid had a very good twitter post that explained where he's at. Can't blame him for taking some trips. He still may be a Gamecock, and he might not. But give him a break cause he's handling it the right way.

Ok, after reading the article........his twitter post is less appealing. My bad..........I particularly like the quote the "he and Muschamp aren't seeing eye to eye." You gotta laugh. So Kinlaw thinks he has clout or something. If we signed a class with nothing but 3 star recruits, most people on here would be in an uproar. Last I checked, he was a 3 star. Sounds like he has potential, but if he never enrolls here, will anyone lose a night's sleep? Nada. I wish him well whatever he does cause it's his life. But please spare me the "they did allot for me but now I feel like they think I owe them" garbage. Just be a man and say I want to explore all my options and commit/sign with whoever you want. SC will still have a football program and he'll still have a life.
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Look this man knows he did not do the right thing after Muschamp and the staff paved the road for him to play college football. Implicit in an arrangement like this one is we'll do this for you and we expect you to come play for us. The man stiffed us and he knows it. Imo, he was looking for something to make an excuse for his shitty behavior and this getting back at Muschamp for the tweet provided the opportunity to feel poor little old me. The coach insulted me in public. Most of us would be highly pissed of if someone had stiffed us in like manner. We penciled the guy in and was holding a place for him and could have passed on others since his backing off his commit came at this time. All this reflects badly on the recruit.
Look this man knows he did not do the right thing after Muschamp and the staff paved the road for him to play college football. Implicit in an arrangement like this one is we'll do this for you and we expect you to come play for us. The man stiffed us and he knows it. Imo, he was looking for something to make an excuse for his shitty behavior and this getting back at Muschamp for the tweet provided the opportunity to feel poor little old me. The coach insulted me in public. Most of us would be highly pissed of if someone had stiffed us in like manner. We penciled the guy in and was holding a place for him and could have passed on others since his backing off his commit came at this time. All this reflects badly on the recruit.
You said it all. Bottom line, Muschamp and staff set a plan in motion that would allow him to do something that he couldn't do last season. PLAY COLLEGE FOOTBALL IN THE SEC!!!!! We do this for you and you will have the opportunity to play for us. Instead of, 'Thank you. I'm so glad to have this opportunity and I'm excited about playing for coach Muschamp and a Gamecock program on the rise!!!', we get 'they act like they own me, like I owe them something and can tell me what to do.' Unbelievable.
LOL........Those same recruits you mention, you normally would be on here saying "they're only 3 star guys and Muschamp has to do better in recruiting." Now they leave, and you post the "given our situation" stuff. You didn't even know who this kid was until yesterday. Your post history proceeds you. There are two people in this world where I can tell you what they will say before they say mother in law, and Atlanta Cock. But I do like you better than her.
Yeah, but I seem to be correct far more often than not when it comes to SC, don't I?
Toot. Toot. That's the tiger who calls himself atlantcock blowing his own horn again. And again. And again.

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A kid as you say, would be defined as someone under 18 years old...If a kid wants to mow your lawn, that's fine, but that kid couldn't enter into a valid contact.

Anyone under 18 years old is unable to enter into a verbal or written contract that a court would deem valid
How closely did you read my post? I said that the kid probably didn't have capacity to contract. That was because he was a minor.

But thanks for clearing up this point from first semester contracts. Which I took back in the 1970s.

Incidentally, a written contract is a verbal contract. It uses words, hence "verbal." The distinction is oral vs. written. Both verbal.
How closely did you read my post? I said that the kid probably didn't have capacity to contract. That was because he was a minor.

But thanks for clearing up this point from first semester contracts. Which I took back in the 1970s.

Incidentally, a written contract is a verbal contract. It uses words, hence "verbal." The distinction is oral vs. written. Both verbal.

Try buying Real Estate with a verbal contract,or oral as you say and see if its enforceable...the answer would be no

In my world, oral and verbal contract are the same

Written, well that's written
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What Muschamp allegedly said to him sounds exactly like things Dabo allegedly says to recruits, and everybody talks about great a recruiter Dabo is. I think the kid was just looking for a way out for whatever reason. Not exactly showing any gratitude to us at all for sticking with him so long. Not exactly endearing. He could have decommitted but taken the high road, and he didn`t.
Try buying Real Estate with a verbal contract,or oral as you say and see if its enforceable...the answer would be no

In my world, oral and verbal contract are the same

Written, well that's written
Man. Let it go. You are completely wrong. The law differentiates between written and oral contracts. An oral contract is, by definition, VERBAL. It involves words (unless it's just grunting or some foolishness). Verbal. Words. Verbal. Words.

Yes. I know about the Statute of Frauds. It makes oral contracts of certain types unenforceable. Such as contracts for the purchase or sale of real estate. Not verbal. Oral.

I will admit that the phrase "verbal commitment" prevails in sports. That doesn't make it correct. What's the opposite of "verbal"? That would be "non-verbal," Alex. Is a written commitment "non-verbal"? Of course not. It's in words.

A non-verbal commitment would be a wink, a nod, a high five, or some similar gesture.

I can do this all day. The best you have going for you is the sloppiness of the terminology applied by sports reporters. I don't think you want to look to that crew for accuracy in legal concepts.
I remember when we first started recruiting him under the last staff. He was more interested in going out of state. Then when he wasn't going to qualify he commits to USC. Smh!
I still remain puzzled at the term "commitment" and what it should mean. Yeah, I have set the standards too high for this current youthful generation. I get it.


So when the older coaches take a commitment but then decide they can do better a few months later - do you blame an entire generation for that to?

A verbal is like being engaged and signing day is like your wedding day. People have been backing out of both for years and always will.
So when the older coaches take a commitment but then decide they can do better a few months later - do you blame an entire generation for that to?

A verbal is like being engaged and signing day is like your wedding day. People have been backing out of both for years and always will.
That's a sad reflection on society and does nothing to reinforce character integrity or honor. Do you want my response in terms of being left at the alter? Give me the damn ring back!!!!
So when the older coaches take a commitment but then decide they can do better a few months later - do you blame an entire generation for that to?

A verbal is like being engaged and signing day is like your wedding day. People have been backing out of both for years and always will.

Then perhaps the term needs to change since people do. Call it a "declaration," perhaps.


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