kinlaw decommitts

"I understand they definitely did a lot of things for me but I’m just saying you can’t just rub it in my face like that.”

"I didn’t like the way he was stating stuff"

“We’re just not seeing eye to eye right,”

If he makes it to Bama, which I doubt he will, Saban will have this little snowflake running for his safe space.
I normally defend kids if they decommit - I figure it's their choice. Choosing a college is a difficult choice and athletes have the added trouble of coaches applying a lot of pressure.

But this case is a bit different. We stuck by him the entire time. It reminds me of the Matt Rollin LB that decommitted a few years ago.
I normally defend kids if they decommit - I figure it's their choice. Choosing a college is a difficult choice and athletes have the added trouble of coaches applying a lot of pressure.

But this case is a bit different. We stuck by him the entire time. It reminds me of the Matt Rollin LB that decommitted a few years ago.
Guys, it works both ways. Players stick with coaches and the coach up and leaves. Why is wrong for players to reconsider their decisions when coaches do it all the time? We had a coach up and leave in the middle of last season least year.

We had JC players in the past that have stuck with us and we turned them away because we no longer wanted them. They hypocrisy is unbelievable.
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Christian Miller currently a RS SO with 13 tackles and 2 sacks on the year....someone had mentioned him earlier and thought I'd look it up. Had no stats last year as a FR


Christian Miller currently a RS SO with 13 tackles and 2 sacks on the year....someone had mentioned him earlier and thought I'd look it up. Had no stats last year as a FR
Yeah, that's the tradeoff. He could be the man here already. There he's adrift in a sea of talent, equal or better. You cannot underestimate the help he got from other 4-5* DLinemen to get the 2 sacks and the tackles. Their bench could field a top 10 team.
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And guess what? We'd take him back unless we have a better option. There's a lot invested in him. All would be forgiven. :) BOOM won't burn the guy's bridge just yet.
Definitely don't want to burn the bridge
Yeah, but you can read between the lines in JK's statement. Boom was pressing him for his level of commitment because if JK is going to jump ship, it's better now that on signing day. So the kid hears Boom's words and in his mind he's leaning to Bama already, so he just jumps ship. Kid needs some way to save face so he projects it on Boom rather than admit he just switched favorites. In fact, I have the feeling he switched a while ago. So we move on to another JuCo DE.

Totally agree. Heres a quick snap of what happened (my opinion)

He was an average HS player with size and we saw potential... Took the time to set him up at a JC.... He prospered and now is receiving interest from other schools.... Now thinks he is better than SC.... Trying to CYA himself and make the reason for de-commit on Muschamp, only after Kornblut called and pressed the issue..... IDIOS!!!
I normally defend kids if they decommit - I figure it's their choice. Choosing a college is a difficult choice and athletes have the added trouble of coaches applying a lot of pressure.

But this case is a bit different. We stuck by him the entire time. It reminds me of the Matt Rollin LB that decommitted a few years ago.

Who? (Didn't realize he wasn't even on the team anymore.)
Christian Miller currently a RS SO with 13 tackles and 2 sacks on the year....someone had mentioned him earlier and thought I'd look it up. Had no stats last year as a FR

Christian's situation was different. It seemed like the last staff didn't want him, because of their sour opinion of his father.
He's a kid. Alabama and others have probably been stroking his ego. It would be better for him if he just said he was weighing his options and left it at that.

No big deal. Would love to have him but that might not be an option now.
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Me too....we'll be just fine....2018 is absolutely loaded with defensive lineman in both Carolinas and Georgia.....not to mention we do well in Florida.....that should be a priority next recruiting cycle....
While its true that 2018 is loaded, we need to start balancing our classes a little....need to bring in 4/5 OL and 3/4 DL each year.
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Yeah, but you can read between the lines in JK's statement. Boom was pressing him for his level of commitment because if JK is going to jump ship, it's better now that on signing day. So the kid hears Boom's words and in his mind he's leaning to Bama already, so he just jumps ship. Kid needs some way to save face so he projects it on Boom rather than admit he just switched favorites. In fact, I have the feeling he switched a while ago. So we move on to another JuCo DE.
I have a feeling that his "switch" happened right after he learned it appeared his grades would be ok and Bama offered him then!:rolleyes:
Note to Muschamp..move on ( which I believe he already has done) ..

.................... find a H.S. athlete , not a JC player who couldn't get into SC out of H.S.
Well it sucks but in all honesty can you blame him ?? Like it or not Bama is the best program in college football by far and the best springboard to the NFL . An 18 or 19 year old kid doesn't care about so called loyalty or commitment ; they care about getting paid as quickly as possible and I don't really blame them . Unfortunately until we can climb back up we are gonna to lose these battles to the Big boys . It's really a no brainer, if any of us got offered tons more money or way better opportunities by another employer we would all take it . Saban has every scout and NFL exec in his back pocket and if the kid is that good then more power to him . On the flip side he may end up buried on the depth chart and never touch the field ( like Matt Rolin at UF) but it's his life and career he's rolling the dice on .
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I find it laughable that a kid can attend 4 years of H.S. and during that time realize he has the talent to play D1 football, but also during that time and leading up to graduation he doesn't have the grades to get into that D1 school.....

......................than like magic , he goes go a JC program and in one year all of a sudden has those grades to be acceptable into the same college or other colleges that denied him entrance just one year before

..............I guess....... its a miracle
I find it laughable that a kid can attend 4 years of H.S. and during that time realize he has the talent to play D1 football, but also during that time and leading up to graduation he doesn't have the grades to get into that D1 school.....

......................than like magic , he goes go a JC program and in one year all of a sudden has those grades to be acceptable into the same college or other colleges that denied him entrance just one year before

..............I guess....... its a miracle
Watch Last Chance U. They do everything but take the tests for them. They even have a lady stand at the door to classes and make sure they go in and stay. If they go off the grid she calls and hounds them.
Watch Last Chance U. They do everything but take the tests for them. They even have a lady stand at the door to classes and make sure they go in and stay. If they go off the grid she calls and hounds them.

YESSS!!! Btw if any of you have not seen Last Chance U , It is by far one of the best Sports Documentaries of all time . It also shows you that some of these kids come from TERRIBLE , TERRIBLE , backgrounds and situations and in all honesty their only shot is making it to the league . It will really open your eyes . The Admins that force them to go to class and pretty much babysit them know that this is their only shot to break the cycle . Heard they are shooting season 2 right now .
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A few guys thought bamas grass was greener, Miller, John Fulton come to mind.

Then there's guys who decided to be men and make their own way, without bama, CC Whitlock, Steph Gilmore and Demario Jeffrey come to mind.

Choose your path wisely if you want to "play on a team" vs "be on a team". These days, you can get to the NFL from just about anywhere, except the bench. Wise choice to take the pt, kid.
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A few guys thought bamas grass was greener, Miller, John Fulton come to mind.

Then there's guys who decided to be men and make their own way, without bama, CC Whitlock, Steph Gilmore and Demario Jeffrey come to mind.

Choose your path wisely if you want to "play on a team" vs "be on a team". These days, you can get to the NFL from just about anywhere, except the bench. Wise choice to take the pt, kid.
Miller still has several more years. Not suggesting he'll be a great player but most players on the defensive side of the ball struggle breaking the two deep in their first couple of years.

There was a player that recently graduated that turned down Bama to stay at home and struggled for playing time here. It works both ways.
"Commitment" involves my making you a promise without any reciprocation from you. Or vice-versa.
You should probably steer clear of giving anything approaching legal advise.

This is completely confusing. If I "commit" to pay a kid $10 if he mows my yard and he mows my yard, I owe him $10. That's an offer accepted by conduct, and therefore a contract. If I make that promise and he never responds to it and he doesn't mow the yard, there is no contract. If he says "OK," we have an oral contract which is probably enforceable by both sides. So if he doesn't mow the yard and I have to pay another kid $12 to mow it, kid 1 owes me $2. Heck, I could sue his lazy butt. (In my example, please ignore the issue of capacity to contract--the kid might not have it).

So what's going on here? The team "offers" a scholarship. The kid orally accepts it by committing. But this is not legally binding, because some contracts have to be in writing. So neither side is bound--legally. Either side is free to renege on the deal until a LOI is signed. Coaches get justly criticized when they over-offer and have to cut kids loose right before signing day. This 19 or 20 year old young man pretty clearly doesn't understand the meaning of the word commitment. We were counting on him. We apparently heard something that made us nervous. Muschamp called him to make sure he was firmly on board, and he responded to this contact in a very juvenile way.

We don't want him.
You should probably steer clear of giving anything approaching legal advise.

This is completely confusing. If I "commit" to pay a kid $10 if he mows my yard and he mows my yard, I owe him $10. That's an offer accepted by conduct, and therefore a contract. If I make that promise and he never responds to it and he doesn't mow the yard, there is no contract. If he says "OK," we have an oral contract which is probably enforceable by both sides. So if he doesn't mow the yard and I have to pay another kid $12 to mow it, kid 1 owes me $2. Heck, I could sue his lazy butt. (In my example, please ignore the issue of capacity to contract--the kid might not have it).

So what's going on here? The team "offers" a scholarship. The kid orally accepts it by committing. But this is not legally binding, because some contracts have to be in writing. So neither side is bound--legally. Either side is free to renege on the deal until a LOI is signed. Coaches get justly criticized when they over-offer and have to cut kids loose right before signing day. This 19 or 20 year old young man pretty clearly doesn't understand the meaning of the word commitment. We were counting on him. We apparently heard something that made us nervous. Muschamp called him to make sure he was firmly on board, and he responded to this contact in a very juvenile way.

We don't want him.

A kid as you say, would be defined as someone under 18 years old...If a kid wants to mow your lawn, that's fine, but that kid couldn't enter into a valid contact.

Anyone under 18 years old is unable to enter into a verbal or written contract that a court would deem valid
He says he doesn't like for people to remind him of the help they've given to him, because it makes him feel obligated to reciprocate. I believe this is a good indicator of what kind of man, husband, father and employee he'll be down the road.
No one likes having it thrown in their face what people have done for them. But when talking about where you're going to go, and someone reminds you "Hey, it was we who were here for you when you needed it" and you decide "It's not like I owe you anything"... Well, that is a pretty damning character flaw.
I find it laughable that a kid can attend 4 years of H.S. and during that time realize he has the talent to play D1 football, but also during that time and leading up to graduation he doesn't have the grades to get into that D1 school.....

......................than like magic , he goes go a JC program and in one year all of a sudden has those grades to be acceptable into the same college or other colleges that denied him entrance just one year before

..............I guess....... its a miracle
You should probably steer clear of giving anything approaching legal advise.

This is completely confusing. If I "commit" to pay a kid $10 if he mows my yard and he mows my yard, I owe him $10. That's an offer accepted by conduct, and therefore a contract. If I make that promise and he never responds to it and he doesn't mow the yard, there is no contract. If he says "OK," we have an oral contract which is probably enforceable by both sides. So if he doesn't mow the yard and I have to pay another kid $12 to mow it, kid 1 owes me $2. Heck, I could sue his lazy butt. (In my example, please ignore the issue of capacity to contract--the kid might not have it).

So what's going on here? The team "offers" a scholarship. The kid orally accepts it by committing. But this is not legally binding, because some contracts have to be in writing. So neither side is bound--legally. Either side is free to renege on the deal until a LOI is signed. Coaches get justly criticized when they over-offer and have to cut kids loose right before signing day. This 19 or 20 year old young man pretty clearly doesn't understand the meaning of the word commitment. We were counting on him. We apparently heard something that made us nervous. Muschamp called him to make sure he was firmly on board, and he responded to this contact in a very juvenile way.

We don't want him.
I was being tongue-in-cheek. I was making a commentary about how "commitments" are viewed by many people purporting to make one.
That's 2 pretty decent players to have done so this cycle. It happens, but given our situation we can't afford to lose anybody who can help us.

LOL........Those same recruits you mention, you normally would be on here saying "they're only 3 star guys and Muschamp has to do better in recruiting." Now they leave, and you post the "given our situation" stuff. You didn't even know who this kid was until yesterday. Your post history proceeds you. There are two people in this world where I can tell you what they will say before they say mother in law, and Atlanta Cock. But I do like you better than her.

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