Lane Kiffin

My choice. Relentless, passionate, hungry, relates to youth. We would win, often. He can win a natty........Then he would leave us a dumpster fire. But you won't care because we will have a shiny trophy. Selling my soul, line starts here.
And he cheats.
My choice. Relentless, passionate, hungry, relates to youth. We would win, often. He can win a natty........Then he would leave us a dumpster fire. But you won't care because we will have a shiny trophy. Selling my soul, line starts here.
I think he's already tried that at the other USC (W). Left the SEC for them.. Didn't work out to well for all parties.
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the same lane that said if players come to carolina they will end up pumping gas for life ? NOPE

I loved Joe Morrison. What a sad day it was when he passed.

As far as Lame Kiffen goes, what kind of loser would sell his soul to want a pos like that?
This is why you hire the guy. Instant talent upgrade
I would bet you a million dollars you would have said the same damn thing about Spurrier when he was at Florida....word for people amaze me.

fly, you owe me a million.
I said Spurrier was an arrogant smart a$$ (until he was ours - few have been happier with his hire)
Kiffin is crooked, I've never said that about the HBC or even worried about it
LK would get us in trouble, he can't help it - that's who he is
I want it in Subway gift certificates, I've been an a subway jag lately
Not trying to start an argument, but give me some examples of why people wanted to run him out of town. The steroid scandal? Was he losing control of the program? Regardless, Joe Morrison had us much closer to a NC than Spurrier. Spurrier never had a 9-0 undefeated South Carolina team going into the last 2 games of the season.

Spurrier had much more talent and had them competing at a much higher level in the SEC from '09 to '13, but he always lost before we won game 7. Sure, Morrison lost to Navy. But Spurrier lost to a weak Auburn team in '11 and a weak Tenn team in '13.
Do you really think it is fair to compare the two teams? We play an SEC schedule now. Very few teams, regardless of talent, make it through the SEC season undefeated.
fly, you owe me a million.
I said Spurrier was an arrogant smart a$$ (until he was ours - few have been happier with his hire)
Kiffin is crooked, I've never said that about the HBC or even worried about it
LK would get us in trouble, he can't help it - that's who he is
I want it in Subway gift certificates, I've been an a subway jag lately
My statement was....When Spurrier was at Florida and someone had said...I wish we would hire him would have thrown the "no he is an arrogant asshole and we don't want him." statement. I still say you would have said it evn if you say you wouldn't have. Hell 90% of the fan base probably would have. I am more interested in results. That's the businessman coming out in me. Not the "hey, I gotta like him" that people with no vision or people willing to do it and not do it hard will succumb to. If I fired everyone I didn't like or I thought had low morals I would be broke in 5 years. I want people who will think outside of the box and do what ever it takes to win.....but do it with in the lines. Kiffin has learned I am sure to keep it in between the lines. He could win doubt about it. I love Subway too by the have something in common.
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Not trying to start an argument, but give me some examples of why people wanted to run him out of town. The steroid scandal? Was he losing control of the program? Regardless, Joe Morrison had us much closer to a NC than Spurrier. Spurrier never had a 9-0 undefeated South Carolina team going into the last 2 games of the season.

Spurrier had much more talent and had them competing at a much higher level in the SEC from '09 to '13, but he always lost before we won game 7. Sure, Morrison lost to Navy. But Spurrier lost to a weak Auburn team in '11 and a weak Tenn team in '13.

It is difficult in this day an age to give you documented evidence of why people wanted to move on from Coach Morrison. What I will say is look back at the changes he made offensively and the lack of production towards the end.

He beat clemPson 2 out of the 6 years he was coach -- 3 if you count the tie in '86. Not a stellar record, but considering his predecessors, not shameful either. However, he started in '83 with the Veer offense, then switchover to the Run and Shoot in '86, and changed yet again in '88 to the West Coast offense and hired Al Groh as the coordinator. At the end of the '88 season (loss to clemPson and loss to Indiana in the Liberty Bowl) there was lots of talk about what "magic" does Joe Morrison have left and how would he change the offense next season to get new life into his team. I heard this on several radio programs and a couple of times on WIS sports segments. There was a heck of a lot of talk in the student body about wanting a new coach if we would continue to lose bowl games and lose to clemPson.

And for the record, I cannot recall any fans being so upset about the steroid scandal that they wanted Coach Morrison gone because of it -- some in the administration or booster community may have, but not the fans.
Hoke is our next HC, with Jr. as his OC. I heard it from an inside source. Will start next year.
Never accuse me of standing pat in the middle of stupidity.....never mind about Lane Kiffin. I guess some people are just too stupid to straighten up their act. He would have made a hell of a coach if he did....but....

LOL!! I just saw that myself and was about to post the link here!!!

Kuck Fane Liffin!!!

Here ya go, direct from that link...

So what are the rumors about? Well, they run the gamut. There's one about Kiffin getting into a fight with Nick Saban:

There's another about him sleeping with an Alabama booster's wife, despite being a married man:

Chris Grise @chris15grise
Is Lane Kiffin getting fired for sleeping with an Alabama booster's wife?

12:34 PM - 24 Sep 2015

There's yet another about him sleeping with—whoa—Saban's daughter Kristen:

Adam Howell @AdamHowell_RMFT
Lane Kiffin sleeping with Saban's daughter has got to the be best rumor of all-time

1:03 PM - 24 Sep 2015 · Memphis, TN, United States

And there's another about him leaving Bama to become the head coach at Illinois:

Adam Jacobi @Adam_Jacobi
Guys. If Lane Kiffin is resigning, it has nothing to do with affairs and everything to do with the fact that Illinois needs a permanent HC.

12:18 PM - 24 Sep 2015

If this doesn't illustrate the craziness of college football, what does?​
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Not trying to start an argument, but give me some examples of why people wanted to run him out of town. The steroid scandal? Was he losing control of the program? Regardless, Joe Morrison had us much closer to a NC than Spurrier. Spurrier never had a 9-0 undefeated South Carolina team going into the last 2 games of the season.

Spurrier had much more talent and had them competing at a much higher level in the SEC from '09 to '13, but he always lost before we won game 7. Sure, Morrison lost to Navy. But Spurrier lost to a weak Auburn team in '11 and a weak Tenn team in '13.

The bible belt was getting vocal. Joe was a mans man in every way. Dude smoked cigs on the sideline. He is an eternal bad ass.
My choice. Relentless, passionate, hungry, relates to youth. We would win, often. He can win a natty........Then he would leave us a dumpster fire. But you won't care because we will have a shiny trophy. Selling my soul, line starts here.
I hope this is some kind of stupid ass joke. Kiffen is the last person I would ever want running our program. If he is such a great coach, where are all the "nattys" he won as a HC at UT or So Cal? BS, disgusting, rotting, Stinking BS. Only a FOOL would hope that the dirtiest scumbag CHEATER in football- who CHEATS AND STILL LOSES- would be our next head coach.
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I hope this is some kind of stupid ass joke. Kiffen is the last person I would ever want running our program. If he is such a great coach, where are all the "nattys" he won as a HC at UT or So Cal? BS, disgusting, rotting, Stinking BS. Only a FOOL would hope that the dirtiest scumbag CHEATER in football- who CHEATS AND STILL LOSES- would be our next head coach.
So you're against it?
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My favorite memory is when he took a preseason #1 Southern Cal team to a complete woodshed loss to a half a$$ Georgia Tech team, and looked like the Unabomber in sunglasses and hoodie on the sidekines
fly, you owe me a million.
I said Spurrier was an arrogant smart a$$ (until he was ours - few have been happier with his hire)
Kiffin is crooked, I've never said that about the HBC or even worried about it
LK would get us in trouble, he can't help it - that's who he is
I want it in Subway gift certificates, I've been an a subway jag lately

I agree with you SS, for obvious reasons I don't care much for Spurrier, but you never had to worry about him doing something illegal when it came to recruiting. If Kiffin was my coach, if he won of course I would be happy, but I would always be waiting for the NCAA to come to town. He cheated at UT, while Carroll was the head coach at USC Kiffin was part of the staff and his brother is one of the dirtiest recruiters around, had a show cause attached to him for awhile. He is Ole Miss's head recruiter now, so that tells you how they have recruited so well. Tunsil's car rental is only the tip of the iceberg there. But Kiffin has basically got off pretty much unscathed by anything, left USC and UT just ahead of the NCAA.
Let's see....fired by Oakland after 10 months bc he was the worst coach in the history of the NFL, destroyed Tennessee, destroyed southern cal and even bama has stopped winning once he got there. We need him bad!