Looking for some advice on a sobering personal medical issue


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Dec 15, 2004
Joanna, S.C.
Having read about some of our members' unfortunate medical problems of late, I decided to share my own personal medical issue that I'm going through in hopes that some of you might have some tips and advice of what to expect. In doing some reading about what I'm about to go through, it's recommended to share your experience with support groups, and this forum is about as close to that for me as one can find, as I've always admired how folks here provide outstanding and compassionate words to fellow members

Back in December, after fighting a brutal infection for months, I had my big toe on my right foot amputated. At the time, it was very traumatic for me, as I had never been seriously ill or hospitalized a day in my life prior to that. Fortunately it was not nearly as bad as I thought, and I immediately adapted and carried on with my life normally. A month or so later, the wound became infected again and I developed sepsis and was hospitalized for three weeks as doctors fought to bring me back to health. As a result, the infection spread and I forced to have a partial amputation of my foot, straight across just below the toes. I was layed up for several months as the wound healed, but again, I was eventually able to return to work and a mostly-normal life after making a few changes to my lifestyle.

Two weeks ago, I began experiencing serious drainage at the wound site, and pain as well. My doctor sent me for an MRI and on Thursday, he discussed the sobering results with me: the infection had not only returned, but was worse than before. The problem is that the infection is in the bone, so antibiotics will not eradicate it. The only way to permanently get rid of it is to cut it out of the bone, but in my case, since there is not much bone left to begin with, by the time they cut away the infected bone, I wouldn't have much of a foot left, and certainly not enough to support ever walking on it.

So, I am now scheduled for a below-the -knee amputation in two weeks. I will be out of work again for around six weeks (which sucks) and have to go through intensive rehab and learning to walk with a prothetic for the rest of my life. The only good news is that the doc says this will finally remove the infection from my body for good, since tests show that the rest of my body is bacteria-free.

My question to the board is: have any of you had a BKA, and if so, what were you experiences like during recovery? I have no doubt that long-term I will adapt to this change and manage it well. My concerns are more short-term, like what to expect, driving, fitting and use of prosthetics, etc.

Any comments are welcome and appreciated. I divulge this not for pity or apologies, but to try and put my mind at ease that this won't keep me from eventually having a normal life down the road. I have a terrific support team with my family and friends, so that won't be a concern. But I know you guys, and you'll shoot straight with me and hopefully provide me with some tips on how to make the best of this.

Thanks in advance, and sorry this was so long. Other than immediate family, you guys are the first that I have told, so the words just kept flowing.
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