OT: 11 Bitcoin ETFs Approved by SEC.

Only problem it’ll never get through senate and even if it did brandon vetoes it

Very true. My hope is that they won't have enough time to implement. FEDNOW is still on the testnet and probably has another year or so before it might go live. Although, if they somehow manage to get the Deep State Cadaver another term, all bets are off. We'll be in a world of pain. They will need to shake the banking system to the core in order to get most people to buy into CBDCs.
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Very true. My hope is that they won't have enough time to implement. FEDNOW is still on the testnet and probably has another year or so before it might go live. Although, if they somehow manage to get the Deep State Cadaver another term, all bets are off. We'll be in a world of pain. They will need to shake the banking system to the core in order to get most people to buy into CBDCs.
IF they give us a choice
Is that directly from Newsom's Comptroller? It doesn't matter how they allocate the money they collect. The point is that they are taxing their residents at obscene levels in comparison to the rest of the country.

Don't sell people on the virtues of an EV and all of the cost savings, only to backend them with a tax when a large % of the population buys into the lie. This is a big part of the issue with progressive thinking. They can't connect the dots on the backend and realize they've been had. And they certainly are incapable of critical thinking on the frontend.

You don't believe that the State of California knew they were going to take a hit in gas tax revenue before they started pushing EVs down everyone's throat? Of course they did. But you are here to obliviously give them a pass for their latest bait-and-switch.
What something "costs" includes all forms of "cost", ergo, total cost.
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It's the best performing asset of all assets since inception.

Check the value of the dollar over time.

Check the fact we're paying almost $1 Trillion a month in debt service because of currency manipulation and overspending by corrupt politicians.

Check the fines banks rake in every year and the penalties they receive from illegal activity directed at consumers.

The message you're getting on mainstream media about Bitcoin is as accurate as their political takes.

Why? Because they want to protect the corrupt legacy banking system which pays their salaries.

Do you believe Blackrock and all the other big players jumped in on a farce?

And they were late and had to pay a big premium...something they typically would never do.

We got the internet 30 years ago. Now we have the currency of the internet.
Bitcoin is an absolute trap. The corporatacracy that controls the federal reserve as well as all the banks are luring people to invest and profit for now because it will all dissapear at the stroke of a key in order to herd people into central bank digital currency which will be tied to a social and carbon credit system that will economically imprison those who participate. This has been a plan for a very long time. If you don't hold it, you don't own it.
Bitcoin is an absolute trap. The corporatacracy that controls the federal reserve as well as all the banks are luring people to invest and profit for now because it will all dissapear at the stroke of a key in order to herd people into central bank digital currency which will be tied to a social and carbon credit system that will economically imprison those who participate. This has been a plan for a very long time. If you don't hold it, you don't own it.

How would that happen with the mining and node network? An asteroid would have to hit earth to kill Bitcoin. They could potentially suppress price to a degree with their OTC BTC paper but that's about it.
Rate cuts are likely around the corner. The only question now is timing. Most believe it would be Sept. With banks on the brink, they might have to go faster. As soon this happens, risk assets are going to fly hard.

Will major bank failures be the false flag of this election cycle?

I would LOVE for that to be the case. I WANT that to be the case. Why? Because Powell and the FED would lower the interest rate. The particular stocks I am in are VERY sensitive to interest rates and would go to the moon if rates were cut. To Powell I say:" the proof is in the pudding (interest rate cut). Cut the rate, Jerome. Jerome, you got inflation slowing, dammit. What are you waiting on?"
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Not many are talking about it in the media, but Saudi Arabia not renewing the 50 year old petro-dollar agreement is a big deal. A very big deal. Joetato stands by and does nothing. Probably wanted it to happen.
Not many are talking about it in the media, but Saudi Arabia not renewing the 50 year old petro-dollar agreement is a big deal. A very big deal. Joetato stands by and does nothing. Probably wanted it to happen.

Yep. Blackrock is likely running fiscal policy for this administration. They tried to do the same under Trump.

Blackrock and Fink have been open about a shift in emphasis to Middle East and Asian markets.

Blackrock, State Street and Vanguard need to be broken up and removed from policy decision making.

The main issue is that they've got an endless supply of wealth and bribe/bully anyone who stands in their way.
Not many are talking about it in the media, but Saudi Arabia not renewing the 50 year old petro-dollar agreement is a big deal. A very big deal. Joetato stands by and does nothing. Probably wanted it to happen.
The dollar is toast unless we produce 150% of the oil we use. We’re capable but green headwinds must be squashed immediately. You haven’t seen inflation yet but it’s coming on the track we’re riding
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Hate to say it but, they need to stop giving COLAs to Social Security recipients. If you do not hear from me again, it may be because the elderly gang hunted me down and gave me the Jimmy Hoffa treatment.
Hate to say it but, they need to stop giving COLAs to Social Security recipients. If you do not hear from me again, it may be because the elderly gang hunted me down and gave me the Jimmy Hoffa treatment.
Cut the Government is what must be done. Way to much theft going on. Id hate to think how much tax money is laundered to government/politicians pockets. 40%. Or more is probably conservative
Cut the Government is what must be done. Way to much theft going on. Id hate to think how much tax money is laundered to government/politicians pockets. 40%. Or more is probably conservative
By your response, I assume you agree to cut out SS colas. You can go into hiding with me.

By your response, I assume you agree to cut out SS colas. You can go into hiding with me.
We’ll be able to double everyone’s ss with the excessive savings from cutting government theft. What’s your beef with ss? Its a rip off as well and should’ve been made optional long ago but they hate it when you keep too much of your own cash. You know freedom is frowned upon these days. Lol
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We’ll be able to double everyone’s ss with the excessive savings from cutting government theft. What’s your beef with ss? Its a rip off as well and should’ve been made optional long ago but they hate it when you keep too much of your own cash. You know freedom is frowned upon these days. Lol
No beef with it at all. That's why I continue to collect it.
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I do try to be fair. I am willing to sacrifice. But I am in a small minority in trying to do my part. Just about everybody first asks, What's in it for me, whether that be government spending or taxes.
Very few things in this world are fair. All we can do as individuals is treat others fairly in our daily lives, As far as so called gov spending and taxes, well that’s decided for us by the most corrupt. God will take care of that in the end so no worries.
Hate to say it but, they need to stop giving COLAs to Social Security recipients. If you do not hear from me again, it may be because the elderly gang hunted me down and gave me the Jimmy Hoffa treatment.

Get it while ya can. Lol
Thanks for reminding me. I've been waiting until "full" retirement age to collect SS. I was supposed to sign up in March. I forgot. 🙂
I bought a sausage biscuit with it today. I tried to hand them a bitcoin promise but they wouldn’t take it.

Didn't we have a similar convo at $27K? :)

The US Government still has Bojangles tethered to a currency they can manipulate at will. The American Way.

Trump claiming he will fix this.

Blackrock has been suppressing prices via futures overnight to get good daily entry points.

Keep an eye on BTC starting either in July or Sept when Powell lowers rates for the election smoke show.

It's likely going to be spectacular as demand sets shorts on fire and doesn't look back.
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I bought a sausage biscuit with it today. I tried to hand them a bitcoin promise but they wouldn’t take it.
Many crypto stocks are building a base for the bitcoin bull market which is close to getting underway. Many will go 5x-11x from current prices (hope all 5 I own participate). I could be wrong!
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There are many ways to invest in bitcoin. Miners are one vehicle. That being said, I'd be careful there. I imagine many will go out of business. If one is to invest in miners, I'd look for those who have a diversified revenue stream. Not in the crypto sector, but in another sector, I did that today. I bought 3 stocks in that sector. 2 of those stocks, with a diversified revenue stream, I intend to hold into the next decade. The 3rd stock I bought I intend to sell at a certain target. Why? Because recessions have not been outlawed. Bitcoin should do well past this decade. But not all crypto stocks will.
There are many ways to invest in bitcoin. Miners are one vehicle. That being said, I'd be careful there. I imagine many will go out of business. If one is to invest in miners, I'd look for those who have a diversified revenue stream. Not in the crypto sector, but in another sector, I did that today. I bought 3 stocks in that sector. 2 of those stocks, with a diversified revenue stream, I intend to hold into the next decade. The 3rd stock I bought I intend to sell at a certain target. Why? Because recessions have not been outlawed. Bitcoin should do well past this decade. But not all crypto stocks will.

It could have bottomed Monday or there might be one more fear flush into the 50Ks. Next 60 day period beginning within next week or so will probably rocket at least temporarily. September looking more and more like the beginning of "up only."
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Ward, I agree wholeheartedly. It will go parabolic. What the skeptics don't realize is that it is a SCARCE asset. Buying it today would be like buying real estate in Manhattan 125 years ago. EVERYONE should invest at least 1-3% of their portfolio in the asset. I'm aggressive and so invest more.
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It could have bottomed Monday or there might be one more fear flush into the 50Ks. Next 60 day period beginning within next week or so will probably rocket at least temporarily. September looking more and more like the beginning of "up only."
I had at first thought that bitcoin would begin its rise again in November (based on history). But I think your September timeline is now the date. I think the FED will cut the rate in September. (I know some think that will help Biden against Trump. But I predict Trump will win in November). I don't know if you invest in more than bitcoin. I hope you do. But a rate cut will help in the other sectors or sub-sectors (4 of them) I am in. I think a rate cut will be rocket fuel for my investments, maybe even help me beat my all time record of 64.3% increase.
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Ward, I agree wholeheartedly. It will go parabolic. What the skeptics don't realize is that it is a SCARCE asset. Buying it today would be like buying real estate in Manhattan 125 years ago. EVERYONE should invest at least 1-3% of their portfolio in the asset. I'm aggressive and so invest more.

I do hold some. Mostly focused though on DEFI and AI.

This sounds like Saylor talk. :) He's probably right though. Everyone knows what's going on with the dollar right now.

At some point, there very well could be a run up that blows everyone's mind.

If a few more governments start to back their reserves or a few more billionares leap in, the masses will follow.

Also, the US government holds bunch and has incentive to run it up and try to clear out some serious debt service.

Gradually then suddenly.
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Technical analyses and Elliot Wave work suggest that bitcoin could see the $57 - $52k region. The coin will move up 2x-3x. Many crypto stocks will move up multiples of that. And if small cap stocks (IWM) cooperate on the upside (looking bullish at this time) and obscene FOMO takes place, then my outlook here is conservative. If bitcoin moves down to that region, then I will probably add a little to 3 of my existing positions.

I went to lunch Saturday with a friend. He is a smart man who does consulting work with the Department of Energy. He is also investment savvy. When we talked investments, I mentioned the sectors and sub-sectors I'm in and, he was complimentary. I mentioned crypto last. I could interpret that he is not a fan of crypto investing. That's OK because I'm used to it. When I've told others that I invest in crypto, I'm given a hard time about it. After bitcoin went from $25K and broke $50K, I had fun calling them to say that bitcoin broke $50K. And then I could not help myself to ask them "Who knew?" LOL. I will do that again when the coin breaks $100k.

There are lots of skeptics out there. When they develop a case of FOMO, there's no telling how high bitcoin will go.

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