OT Help needed


Feb 6, 2012
I need some help. I know a single father with 2 children that could use a helping hand. The youngest, a 6 yr. old, is in the hospital having just completed major hip reconstruction surgery. The second,a 9 yr. old, has a rare type of brain seizure (up
to 13 a day) and needs to go to Memphis TN. for testing and possibly brain surgery.
The father works in construction, and like many of us is day to day paying bills. He needs to be
with his daughter and has not been working full time due to her illness. While the opportunity to go to a special hospital in Memphis for her is a blessing it has brought even more financial hardship to the family.
Bills are mounting. Any suggestions on how we can help him would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Steve

This post was edited on 3/6 2:03 PM by cschcock
A fund raiser or starting a charity would probably be good starts.
Originally posted by johnnyplaid:

A fund raiser or starting a charity would probably be good starts.
Thanks John, I struggled to write my post so doing a fund raiser or charity is way over my head. Who do you talk with for help with that kind of thing?
You might want to go to Judy Gatson on facebook. She is a reporter for WIS...she may could get the families' story out to the public through television. Also, your local newspaper may could help.
Originally posted by nikolas22:
You might want to go to Judy Gatson on facebook. She is a reporter for WIS...she may could get the families' story out to the public through television. Also, your local newspaper may could help.
Thanks nikolas22, I will pass this info on .
Is he a member of a church? They may be able to help set up a fundraiser. Those online charities are easy to set up, you just have to get the word out about it.