OT SLED Investigating After Body Found On USC Campus:

Evidently the body was found on the sidewalk next to the garage. However, there's a park a few feet away at that same intersection that is one of the sketchiest looking locations I've ever seen. When I was on campus, this park was widely referred to as "Rape Park" and no one would dare to go in there. It's very difficult to see into the park because of the trees and a wall, and the trees make the park extremely dark even on the sunniest of days. I'm not sure why this park hasn't been torn down, it's located on prime real estate. Plus, it's located next to two girls' dormitories but all the young ladies I knew would never put a toe in that wretched place.
I never heard that park termed that but I will say the only time I ever went in that park was with a Fall Flora class to identify plant species. However, I'm a dude and none of my female friends lived in either of those dorms.
The park is actually on the USC campus - USC owns it - A.C. Moore Gardens. It is a botanical garden that is supposed to contain every tree that's 'native' to South Carolina. Personally, I'd like the university to clear out about half (or more) of the trees, clean up the 'ground cover' and make the area a true garden and green space that is more open and welcoming as is the East Quad Park across the street (also, a university park).

I'd like to see USC buy (preferably receive as a gift) Maxcey Park - a nice green space addition to the campus, imo. Plus, level most of Greene Street between Pickens Street and the rr track at 5 Points - it's beginning to look a bit neglected and Columbia's slum lords refuse to do anything about it - too busy running for political office, I guess. ;)
Oliver Sherlock Holmes? Really? His parents really named him Oliver Sherlock Holmes?
hmmm. a mystery is afoot.

Still very sad, and, bear with me, very mysterious. No one wants to get that news. And I remember that park well.

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