
We haven't heard anything about it on campus, and the original job ad (with the March deadline) is still up on the Parker search firm page. Evidently my nomination of JohnShadows has already been derailed by his social media error, too.
Latest: McMaster working behind the scenes to rally the BoT around the Robert Calsen guy who was rejected by students/faculty last time:

My take -- I side with the university faculty on who the next president should be over the governor. Quit trying to railroad us Henry

I don't like this at all, and from the article it appears the BOT is none too pleased either. McMaster isn't trying at all to hide his shadiness.
I don't like this at all, and from the article it appears the BOT is none too pleased either. McMaster isn't trying at all to hide his shadiness.

it won't happen unless something really shady goes on. Last I heard is that we have an interim president designated and the board is looking hard to find some really good candidates this time. The group served up last time reminds me of the basketball coaches we have had over the past 30 years. We should be able to get someone really good and not have to settle.
There should be plenty of great options at some of the smaller schools in and around the state or southeast region.
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it won't happen unless something really shady goes on. Last I heard is that we have an interim president designated and the board is looking hard to find some really good candidates this time. The group served up last time reminds me of the basketball coaches we have had over the past 30 years. We should be able to get someone really good and not have to settle.
Fig Newton for USC President! Better yet, King Dixon. What a farce of a search and the governor needs to keep his nose out of it. The state barely even supports USC, anymore.
I don't think the faculty or students should have a say. They just want someone that makes everything easier on them instead of being their boss or leader of the school. We need someone to go in there and strengthen our STEM majors and improve our national ranking. Not someone to build new buildings for underwater basket weaving majors that don't produce skilled professionals our state needs to grow into the 21st century. Pastides was popular because he was at sporting events. He didn't do shit to improve the reputation of the school itself.
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I don't like this at all, and from the article it appears the BOT is none too pleased either. McMaster isn't trying at all to hide his shadiness.

1) McMaster is as shady as they come.

2). Doing this in the middle of summer is by plan.

3). As in any organization, it’s important to consider the opinions of students, faculty, and alums.

4) the governor forcing a vote is not how good universities do business when hiring a president.

5) Per The State, McMaster has not met the candidate that he is forcing people to vote for.
Fig Newton for USC President! Better yet, King Dixon. What a farce of a search and the governor needs to keep his nose out of it. The state barely even supports USC, anymore.
McMasters is telling the Board that his guy can bring in those sweet federal dollars. Here's an idea for Henry - why don't we get the state legislature to cough up the money? And if they don't want to pay for "public education," get out of the college business altogether and see how it goes.
If this is true, it confirms my suspicions regarding the university and being located in Columbia. Government wants to have its hooks in the university. No wonder the board of trustees is full of politicians and lawyers just trying to further their political ambitions. It’s a big reason why our athletic department has been a mess over the years.
You've based this assumption on what?
Campus events during the spring semester. Would try to find links, but I'm off to work. The State and WLTX have been covering the search if interested in looking for yourself.
Seems like the current students are going to protest any selection, so might as well get it done while they are gone.
If fans can’t protest coach hires students can’t protest the Prez! Get used to it
it won't happen unless something really shady goes on. Last I heard is that we have an interim president designated and the board is looking hard to find some really good candidates this time. The group served up last time reminds me of the basketball coaches we have had over the past 30 years. We should be able to get someone really good and not have to settle.
What gets me is would he demand a vote like this if he didn't already know he had the votes in hand?
1) McMaster is as shady as they come.

2). Doing this in the middle of summer is by plan.

3). As in any organization, it’s important to consider the opinions of students, faculty, and alums.

4) the governor forcing a vote is not how good universities do business when hiring a president.

5) Per The State, McMaster has not met the candidate that he is forcing people to vote for.
Regarding point #2 - Holderman, Palms, and Pastides were all hired during July. July makes since as it is the start of the Fiscal Year for the University. However, those individuals were qualified for the position, and not met with the same reservations as McMaster's, as it seems, personal choice. This is simply McMaster overstepping and trying to push through who he wants vs the candidate that is best for the University.
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When will the people of this state see that the republicans in SC are a bunch of criminals? McMaster just wants a leader that will pull the university in a right wing direction because it is a force for moderation in SC. IE it was a USC prof that lead the recent teacher uprising. This sort of activity is a threat to the fascist SC Government.

There is way more to education that job training and what graduates earn out of college. I was criticized for earning a Bach of History at USC and now I have my own marketing company with clients in 10 states.

USC has always had the philosophy that you need a liberal arts education if you want to be more than a widget builder.
I don't think the faculty or students should have a say. They just want someone that makes everything easier on them instead of being their boss or leader of the school. We need someone to go in there and strengthen our STEM majors and improve our national ranking. Not someone to build new buildings for underwater basket weaving majors that don't produce skilled professionals our state needs to grow into the 21st century. Pastides was popular because he was at sporting events. He didn't do shit to improve the reputation of the school itself.
You think the Caslen guy is a supporter of STEM?
Wow, you are making too much sense to be on here. The faculty and students will never like anybody. If he or she isnt 100% "woke".
You get some provost from a state college with a proven record and the students will shrug and move on. I think them pushing back is a good thing. The guys is unqualified and McMaster is trying to force him into the position so we can get federal money. It stinks of banana republic politics.
Seems like the current students are going to protest any selection, so might as well get it done while they are gone.

Not true.

Several of the other finalists received high marks from student and faculty responses after the public meeting.
What gets me is would he demand a vote like this if he didn't already know he had the votes in hand?

Regarding point #2 - Holderman, Palms, and Pastides were all hired during July. July makes since as it is the start of the Fiscal Year for the University. However, those individuals were qualified for the position, and not met with the same reservations as McMaster's, as it seems, personal choice. This is simply McMaster overstepping and trying to push through who he wants vs the candidate that is best for the University.

The board hiring him/her in the summer is perfectly accepable.

McMaster doing this in the summer is by plan. (Students are out, many faculty are also out traveling, vacation, etc,). A friend of mine is a professor at USC. He’s traveling in Wyoming and Colorado this month with family.

Why would any alum of USC want a politician interfering in the process of selecting our new president? Any board member has the right to encourage the board to hire a President as soon as possible, but FORCING it out of the blue makes no sense. Other finalists were much better received that this particular candidate.
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I’m wondering if a potentially great candidate was right under our nose the whole time, and is now the President of the University of Minnesota.....

Yes, this has been discussed widely in the past in the university community.

But the way to remedY that is NOT for a politician to inject his choice into the process.

Plus, why would any good candidate want to get the job by a politician forcing the issue? What a disastrous way to start a job.

At our church ( a large church in the midlands) our most recent student minister said he wouldn’t take the job unless he received 90%+ member votes because anything less was a recipe for failure. He was correct.
Wow, you are making too much sense to be on here. The faculty and students will never like anybody. If he or she isnt 100% "woke".
Does every protest now consist of "snowflakes"? It seems likes the protests were actually completely justified. The decisiom was made to hire Caslen from the beginning. It's pathetic, and there seemed to be an assumption that all stakeholders just wouldn't care. I understand, though, how it's easier to chalk it up to a bunch of snowflakes.
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