That's just not true. For the most part, FoxNews gets it right with a conservative spin. What you get from CNN/MSNBC is straight party propaganda from the left.
DNC leaked emails proved that.
You know there are sites that track statements and predictions made on cable news shows. None of them, including Fox, are very good at actual predictions, etc.. In fact, all of them are pretty bad.
The problem is that folks that lean one way or the other find a way to justify and rationalize the channel they identify with the most.
The interesting thing to me about cable news shows is 1) what they focus on 2) what they ignore.
Often the bias is most revealed in what they
don't cover.
For example, Fox spends a lot of air time talking about "crime in Democratic cities and states." In fact, they focus a big part of their network coverage on this issue.
But Fox never mentions or spends time talking about why Republican led cities or states have seen dramatic increases in crime. They simply never mention it or tell their viewers that cities and states led by Republicans and Democrats have faced many of the same problems.
For example - October 21, 2021 per WIS-TV- "On Monday, South Carolina Law Enforcement Division Chief Mark Keel spoke about high crime rates. He said murders are up 51% statewide in the last five years, which he attributed to drugs and increased gun usage."
Take a look at Texas. Fox News talks a lot about Texas- positives though. They haven't spent any time talking about how murders in Texas are way up. Murders in the entire state increased a whopping 37 percent from 1,403 murders in 2019 to 1,927 in 2020 . But this is not covered on Fox because a Republican is Governor and it's a GOP dominated state.
But this would never be covered on Fox News. They wouldn't focus on this or discuss it all day long on various shows because South Carolina is a Republican led state, led by a supporter of former President Trump. SO Fox is going to ignore crime stats in South Carolina and other Republican states and just focus on Democratic states like it only happens there.
Regarding CNN and MSNBC, CNN often focuses their coverage on some crazy thing a Republican politician said somewhere. But a viewer would likely never know that a Democratic official in Texas last year called Tim Scott an "Oreo" because CNN and especially MSNBC either didn't mention it or basically ignored it.