Strange Times

So all they have to do is just make inheritance seizure a thing and you’d be okay with it because it exists.
Nope. Because eminent domains entails fair compensation. If the government seizes my 50 million dollar trust fund, guess what they owe me in return.
Are the people who supports seizure of land and assets by the government for things like highways, pipelines and walls also communists?
BTW, you do know the property owner is compensated. Not exactly theft.
Nope. Because eminent domains entails fair compensation. If the government seizes my 50 million dollar trust fund, guess what they owe me in return.
Right but it’s “just compensation” as determined by the government and in the end someone whose family farm is taken from them doesn’t really care about the compensation especially as valued by the government. They could seize the 50 million trust decide the 10 million referenced above is “just compensation” and you’re in the same boat.
Right but it’s “just compensation” as determined by the government and in the end someone whose family farm is taken from them doesn’t really care about the compensation especially as valued by the government. They could seize the 50 million trust decide the 10 million referenced above is “just compensation” and you’re in the same boat.
Apples and bicycles.
BTW, you do know the property owner is compensated. Not exactly theft.
They can receive “just compensation” for the property as defined by the government. Its also not their choice so compensation or not they are being forced into something against their will. Maybe it’s more like property trafficking than theft. What’s even better is if they decide they want to build something through your families farm they could split your cornfield and make the middle of it private property leaving you no easy way to get to the rest of your property. On top of that if they decide to not do anything with the project you have still lost your property regardless.
Right but it’s “just compensation” as determined by the government and in the end someone whose family farm is taken from them doesn’t really care about the compensation especially as valued by the government. They could seize the 50 million trust decide the 10 million referenced above is “just compensation” and you’re in the same boat.
Well that’s where it becomes illegal. The value of 50 million dollars is pretty straightforward. So yes I’m ok with fair and legal eminent domain.
Well stated. I appreciate you reading all of the posts for context and the feedback as well.

We're now witnessing the impact of runaway wealth/power and the challenges it presents. A similar phenomenon was happening with the College Football Playoff System.

Wall Street has always been gamed, but this is a new paradigm shift and both the FED and SEC have chosen to jump on the bandwagon versus trying to protect society as a whole.

No one wants tech giants and big pharma dictating policy, censoring or telling people how to think and that's what is happening. You can't lean on history for lessons anymore because the individuals we counted on to keep it even somewhat between the lanes are no longer there.
This 100%.

I’m afraid the toothpaste is out of the tube on this one. Unless an amendment were passed to outlaw businesses, PACs and Super PACs from donating, the game is over.

Two recent examples.

1 $46 million in lobbying $$$ have been expended this year re the infrastructure bill.

2- Was reported yesterday that Janet Yellen took in $7 million in 2020 in speaking fees (almost all of it Zoom calls).

While liberals and conservatives argue over abortion, the 2nd amendment and whether the Orange Man is bad or Hunter is a crackhead, the real business of money is getting done. Whatever your politics are, when we as a society accept corruption in government so long as it got Hillary or Trump defeated (depending on your views), we’ve lost before the game ever started.
Well that’s where it becomes illegal. The value of 50 million dollars is pretty straightforward. So yes I’m ok with fair and legal eminent domain.

Do you honestly believe most people with that level of net worth accumulated it all above board? That a big chunk wasn't passing income via insider trading, VC deals and such? Same with politicians.

Look at what happened with Robinhood. They frozen all accounts to protect their central bank buddies.

Do you think it's cool that they are able to pay millions per person to hang in space for a few hours while nearly half of America struggles to get by? Your back problems are someone else's mental problems.

Again, I'm conservative but we have to be realistic here. These issues are starting to end up in places we don't want to find them.