Students not attending college football games. I've seen two different reports


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
talk about millennial's not attending college football games nearly as often as their predecessors. I briefly heard Paul Finebaum discuss it on his show and recently read an article saying the same thing.

What's wrong with those millennial's? I personally think the millennial's are the laziest generation in the history of America.
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that talk about millennial's not attending college football games nearly as often as the predecessors. I briefly have Paul Finebaum discuss it on his show and recently read an article saying the same thing.

What's wrong with those millennial's? I personally think the millennial's are the laziest generation in the history of America.

I don't think it has anything to do with laziness Freddie. IMHO it's a social media thing. Many, many things happen in the course of 3 hrs on social media. If they're really interested, they can watch it on TV or stream it in near live time. Too much hassle to go to the games. Traffic, cops, etc. Much more efficient to click on a link or tap on an app. One could argue that's lazy. I argue it's efficient.

FWIW, I am not a millennial fan or defender. I just think they do things different.
that talk about millennial's not attending college football games nearly as often as the predecessors. I briefly have Paul Finebaum discuss it on his show and recently read an article saying the same thing.

What's wrong with those millennial's? I personally think the millennial's are the laziest generation in the history of America.

Current college students are Gen Z. Millennials are currently 23-38 years old. Get your younger people bashing straight.
I don't know; what I do know is that I called out 90% of a student section last night for being lame.
I don't think it has anything to do with laziness Freddie. IMHO it's a social media thing. Many, many things happen in the course of 3 hrs on social media. If they're really interested, they can watch it on TV or stream it in near live time. Too much hassle to go to the games. Traffic, cops, etc. Much more efficient to click on a link or tap on an app. One could argue that's lazy. I argue it's efficient.

FWIW, I am not a millennial fan or defender. I just think they do things different.

A large number of them claim to be Socialist.
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I must admit you are correct, but all I'm saying, regardless of the generation, students in grades 1- college are lazy and feel entitled.

I guess we all have our own perception. I have worked in higher education for 20+ years and the students I see today are some of the most ambitious and driven I have encountered. And many of the students I see who struggle are because of helicopter, overly involved parents.
I guess we all have our own perception. I have worked in higher education for 20+ years and the students I see today are some of the most ambitious and driven I have encountered. And many of the students I see who struggle are because of helicopter, overly involved parents.

Yeah I've always been confused at how the admissions standards and job markets could be getting so fiercely competitive with such awful kids in the market.
For the record, I'm 35, married for a decade, have 3 children, a postgraduate degree, a stable job and make good money, active in my church and community, and also starting my own company on the side.

Most of my friends who are my age or younger are busting their tails to make it in this world.

Prior generations have allowed the cost of living and education to go through the roof and have had no backbone to stand up to politicians (in both parties) who kick the debt can down the proverbial road. We have allowed the cost of education to hamstring our nation to the point that people are struggling to survive. Most people cannot afford to pay their student loans, eat, and have a mortgage.

Are there losers in my generation that have no perception of hard work and would rather sit around and smoke weed with little ambition, absolutely. However, every generation has had this dynamic. Remember the Hippie movement.

Bottom line is that if you don't like the way kids behave today, you need to look at the parents that raised them. Those parents probably came from the same generation as many of you who are posting in this thread bashing millenials.

All of that said, looking back on my life during college, I definitely didn't have it all together. It took God's grace, the right woman, and time for me to mature into a functioning member of society.

No need to bash 20 year olds. They still have time to figure it out and make a difference.
It is not just college sports. Watch 16-26 year olds at any kind of event, sports, music, restaurants, bars, pretty much anything. Their smart phones never leave their hands or their attention. If "attend college sports" cannot be produced as a phone app, they just do not care about it.
Too much hassle to go to the games. Traffic, cops, etc.

Traffic issues, and God forbid a cop in a bad mood that you cross paths with while making that 2 hour ride back home as the group pre-selected driver of an SUV packed with 6+ friends/fans whom are all in a very good/bad mood, and you're asked to step out of the vehicle that you're the D.D. of because they (cops) claim to smell alcohol and/or marijuana!!

Talk about a potentially bad scenario!!

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talk about millennial's not attending college football games nearly as often as their predecessors. I briefly heard Paul Finebaum discuss it on his show and recently read an article saying the same thing.

What's wrong with those millennial's? I personally think the millennial's are the laziest generation in the history of America.

As a non-millennial who went to USC, the football game experience has declined in many ways. More noon games, almost no night games, more games against teams no one cares about (Missouri? Wake me up when it's over).

Meanwhile, Columbia has tons more entertainment options than when I was there. Breweries, downtown bowling, actual good restaurants, actual sports bars with actual televisions. And tons more entertainment options.

Sounds like the kids of today aren't lazier. Just smarter consumers who have better things to do than listen to, you know, Paul Finebaum. Seriously, how bored are you?
As a non-millennial who went to USC, the football game experience has declined in many ways. More noon games, almost no night games, more games against teams no one cares about (Missouri? Wake me up when it's over).

Meanwhile, Columbia has tons more entertainment options than when I was there. Breweries, downtown bowling, actual good restaurants, actual sports bars with actual televisions. And tons more entertainment options.

Sounds like the kids of today aren't lazier. Just smarter consumers who have better things to do than listen to, you know, Paul Finebaum. Seriously, how bored are you?

Well, I don't listen often to Paul Finebaum but that topic was being discussed and I briefly listened to some of the call ins about the topic. I have absolutely nothing for Paul Finebaum.
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I’m a millennial but do not fit the stereotype as I am very gritty and work My ass off with very average to below average technology ability. It is true that a lot of people in my generation are pathetic but there are losers in every generation. One good aspect I’ve seen in working along side and managing mellinials is adaptability and openness to change. The sorry thing about your generation is that you are so stuck on old school tradition that it inhibits you. You do things just because they always have been done that way instead of bracing change and updating and doing things because THEY MAKE SENSE. That’s pretty “ loseresque” and poisonous/lazy in its own right. Also I convinced that with today’s technology and resources your generation in its youth would have been the same way. My dad who is in his 70s is addicted to his phone like a teenage girl. I’m just a little cautious of “The Greatest Generation” Tom Brokaw mentality because there are losers and winners in every generation but times change and they manifest in different ways according to times.

talk about millennial's not attending college football games nearly as often as their predecessors. I briefly heard Paul Finebaum discuss it on his show and recently read an article saying the same thing.

What's wrong with those millennial's? I personally think the millennial's are the laziest generation in the history of America.
Maybe spending entire days and lots of money and attention, in often uncomfortable conditions, watching 18 year olds run into each other, fall down, and get injured, and do it over and over again, year after year, just doesn’t have the mass appeal it once did.
Maybe spending entire days, and lots of time and attention, in uncomfortable conditions, watching other 18 year olds get concussions, while fawning hypocrite coaches collect hundreds of thousands of dollars, as you try to pay for rising tuition and housing, and do it week after week, just doesn’t have the mass appeal it once did.
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I think there is a disconnect between our football program and the students and that is why the attendance is lower. Heck, at Clemson you can actually get so close the QB and Heisman front-runner will push you down twice on the basketball court. You can’t simulate that type of intimacy here!!!
talk about millennial's not attending college football games nearly as often as their predecessors. I briefly heard Paul Finebaum discuss it on his show and recently read an article saying the same thing.

What's wrong with those millennial's? I personally think the millennial's are the laziest generation in the history of America.
They aren't mellenials. It's the next generation that Boomers (ironically) will call "the worst generation in history."
Freddie starts this same thread once every couple of weeks..

'...those dang ole millenials ruining everything so damn lazy.." "

"ok cool Freddie, how many games do you go to a season?"

"Well I, uh, can't, because I, uh, live in NC.."

Attendance at all sports is going to continue to decline. I'd much rather watch a game with a group of friends, case of beer, and have food on the grill.
I’m a millennial but do not fit the stereotype as I am very gritty and work My ass off with very average to below average technology ability. It is true that a lot of people in my generation are pathetic but there are losers in every generation. One good aspect I’ve seen in working along side and managing mellinials is adaptability and openness to change. The sorry thing about your generation is that you are so stuck on old school tradition that it inhibits you. You do things just because they always have been done that way instead of bracing change and updating and doing things because THEY MAKE SENSE. That’s pretty “ loseresque” and poisonous/lazy in its own right. Also I convinced that with today’s technology and resources your generation in its youth would have been the same way. My dad who is in his 70s is addicted to his phone like a teenage girl. I’m just a little cautious of “The Greatest Generation” Tom Brokaw mentality because there are losers and winners in every generation but times change and they manifest in different ways according to times.
And being a millenial, you have yet to reach the stage where you suddenly realize you're not as smart and aware as you always thought you were. Many things and actions have reasons and foundations not particularly apparent to one who did not experience their development.
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Life will beat the socialism out of millennials. My fellow boomers needn’t worry about that one bit.

What I do think is worrisome is the impact of technology. I think that is hard to forecast. I haven’t worked with a millennial who doesn’t have their face buried in a phone all day.