As the dad of a marching band student who does not attend one of the richer school districts, they are always in bad need of local support.
Right before COVID, our local band had a trip planned to Disney World to march and sightsee. This trip had to be canceled but I learned that a few of the kids would not be able to go because of lack of funds. The band raised a lot of money (they are always raising money to defray expenses) but even with the fundraising, some kids were not going to be able to go. I even talked to the band director and offered to help pay part of another student's costs if he could find another family or two to help out.
Your local marching band, art club, ROTC program, strings program, chorus, computer club, etc are always in need of support if you are not in one of the wealthier school districts.
The difference between the Have and Have Not school districts is evident in the sports programs, but it's even more evident in the arts programs. The differences are as large as mountains.
That's how to support real "amateurs"