There is no way in Hades that I believe if quempsum was in the SEC they


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
would be in the playoffs. No way. This not to insult the nice Clemson fans that visit our board from time to time but in my heart and my observations of following college football for many years, I simply don't believe the taters could have survived an SEC schedule and made the playoffs.
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The two games where they gave up the most points were against SEC teams. Not to mention those were middle of the pack SEC offenses. No question they have at least two losses in the SEC this year.
Clemson's offense is as good as anyone's but it's pretty clear their defense earned the nation's 2nd best statistics against offenses that were pretty freaking crappy. After Clemson, I don't even know how you would pick the next best team in the ACC. Clemson's opponent in the ACCCG will be 7-5 Pitt who just got blown out by 7-5 Miami. The 2nd best team in the Atlantic, Syracuse, lost to Pitt.
What they do doesn’t matter. What we are does.

6-5 isn’t good. This is year 3. Everyone but the seniors is a product of this staff. The senior are a product of this administration. Who can we blame for this?
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would be in the playoffs. No way. This not to insult the nice Clemson fans that visit our board from time to time but in my heart and my observations of following college football for many years, I simply don't believe the taters could have survived an SEC schedule and made the playoffs.
Climpsen is a two or three loss team if playing an SEC schedule.
Kind of tired of this useless argument.

In the SEC, Oklahoma, Ohio State and OMG, Notre Dame would not be sitting where they are either.

You are correct, it is a useless argument but I can't help but be realistically.
You can't take THIS Clemson team and say "what if they were in the SEC" because they wouldn't have THIS team if they had been in the SEC. All those ACC titles, 10 win seasons, and BCS bowls? They would have had a fraction of that success. Think about the team Dabo inherited playing the schedule they would have had... they are the team they are now because they were able to win 10 games consistently even when they couldn't beat us (and we weren't winning SQUAT in the SEC) because they were in the ACC the whole time.
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They beat us last night. We have a program that is in need of improvement. And you’re talking about how they would compete against the rest of the conference we are in? Really? Dude, come on.
A healthy SC defense, and SC winns Saturday PERIOD.. taters couldnt stop Bentley... hell they had 2 90+ yard TD drives against a Tirerd Depleted Deense..
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You can't take THIS Clemson team and say "what if they were in the SEC" because they wouldn't have THIS team if they had been in the SEC. All those ACC titles, 10 win seasons, and BCS bowls? They would have had a fraction of that success. Think about the team Dabo inherited playing the schedule they would have had... they are the team they are now because they were able to win 10 games consistently even when they couldn't beat us (and we weren't winning SQUAT in the SEC) because they were in the ACC the whole time.
Dabo would have been FIRED by now if they wre in the SEC...

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