UK beats Ole Miss on the road

Makes our game tougher for sure- and was going to be tough regardless.

I was sort of hoping Ole Miss would pull out a close one. Now, Kiffen will be able to tell the team they aren't that good and use that as motivation on the road given it's a 3:30 game.

Now, Kiffen will be telling the entire offense how we mistreated Wells and treated him like trash and we treated one of their own so poorly.

I was thinking with a close win, the team might get a little too comfortable thinking they can do whatever and still win.

Ole Miss is very talented and losing 2 in a row is unlikely. Going to be tough.
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Haha. Of course.

A team that isn't as good as everyone thought makes it harder to win.

I think football fans realize when a good team gets beat in an upset, it often makes it tougher to face that same team in the next game. Lots of examples.

Good teams getting beat often refocuses the attention of the players, or at least helps the coaches refocus their attention.

Don't even have to think of it in terms of South Carolina or Ole Miss.
I've always said that. Nothing has changed.

And what would your crybaby ass be saying about Beamer if he played a bunch of cupcakes to get a top 6 ranking and lost at home to unranked Kentucky?

If Beamer went 10-3 and 11-2 in two of the last three years, I bet most people would forgive a loss to UK.
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Schedules have been friendly to Ole Piss.

Year 5 losing to Kentucky at home when you are supposed to be a playoff team and you are able to go buy the best players for other teams isn't a good look.

Especially after Beamer destroyed Kentucky in Lexington.
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Schedules have been friendly to Ole Piss.

Year 5 losing to Kentucky at home when you are supposed to be a playoff team and you are able to go buy the best players for other teams isn't a good look.

Losing 2 and 3 games in a seaon is no small feet, especially in the SEC west like they were.

But I forgot that we're the only SEC team with a tough schedule. Everyone else has it easy. The schedulers are out to get us. Etc, etc.
West has been weak. Just Bama. LSU has been good too. Everyone else is Kentucky or worse.

Like the East was just Georgia?

I can't believe you are sitting here whining that an SEC team has an easy schedule. It just shows the depths you'll sink to just to avoid admitting being wrong.

But I forgot that we're the only SEC team with a tough schedule. Everyone else has it easy. The schedulers are out to get us. Etc, etc.
Then surely Beamer should beat lowly Ole Miss.

Impossible, according to you, with super coach Kiffin that can buy our best players. But it's no surprise our two biggest shit "fans" are Kiffin nuthuggers. The guy that consistently shit talked the supposed school that you love. Or maybe you pump gas for a living like he said.

Thoughts and prayers for your loss. I'm glad that asshole got exposed. The Clemson and Tennessee wins we have are better than anything he has done at Ole Piss. Win or lose next week, I'm glad that piece of shit isn't walking our sideline.
And I'm not "wrong". Some SEC team have easier SEC schedules that others. That's just fact that anybody with a f'ing brain.

Beamers Tennessee and Clemson wins are bigger than anything Kiffin has done at Ole Piss. Kiffin has ONE regular season top 10 win at Ole Piss, and that was to an overranked Kentuckly team that finished 7-6.
Impossible, according to you, with super coach Kiffin that can buy our best players.

But according to you, kiffin is a terrible coach who won't survive without that qb corral. Is he still playing there, because kiffin looks to be doing okay.

A couple of years after Corral is gone, they will run him out of Ole Piss too.

But hey, it must be all those, "easy" SEC schedules he's had. Of course, we're the ONLY team that plays the really tough schedules in the conference. It must be a conspiracy.
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It's funny knowing how big of a Kiffin fanatic you would be if he was on our sideline.

Actually, this is true. We could hire muschamp and this loser would be screaming and crying about how how good he was. But then he'd have to change his handle after muschamp was fired.

Oh wait....
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Nobody needed to change their handle when Muschamp was fired because EVERYBODY wanted Msuchump fired. The site I was on before closed, but the only person I've seen defend Muschump in any way is usctaterwatson21.
Nobody needed to change their handle when Muschamp was fired because EVERYBODY wanted Msuchump fired. The site I was on before closed, but the only person I've seen defend Muschump in any way is usctaterwatson21.

I completely believe this made up story.

Tell me more about all those easy SEC schedules. And maybe follow up with telling us how Kiffin has been run out of ole miss?
Schedules have been friendly to Ole Piss.

Year 5 losing to Kentucky at home when you are supposed to be a playoff team and you are able to go buy the best players for other teams isn't a good look.

Especially after Beamer destroyed Kentucky in Lexington.

I'm always careful about comparing losses and scores. I also don't like dumping on teams we beat because it sort of knocks the shine off of our own win over them. I mean if they suck that bad and we beat them, it doesn't say much at all for our win.

Ole Miss is a talented team with numerous weapons. This game will be tough.

There is a reason they are favored. It's not because Kiffen is exactly a beloved figure in the sports world.
It's fascinating that Watson and Lurker continue to staunchly defend Ole Miss's coach but never have a kind word to say about Beamer?
I would expect a totally different style of game from Ole Miss this weekend.

They panicked when they were trailing and were overly concerned not losing versus playing their game.

Those playoff dreams are in the rear view mirror for now.

They'll likely play much looser as a result.

They also know we're a solid defensive team and we now have some pretty good tape on them.

If we're going to have a chance this weekend, we're going to need to jump on them early like we did with LSU.
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It's fascinating that Watson and Lurker continue to staunchly defend Ole Miss's coach but never have a kind word to say about Beamer?

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It's fascinating that Watson and Lurker continue to staunchly defend Ole Miss's coach but never have a kind word to say about Beamer?

I've said Beamer has the chance to prove me wrong this weekend.

If he beats, Ole Miss he will deserve more time as HC than I've given him.
I completely believe this made up story.

Tell me more about all those easy SEC schedules. And maybe follow up with telling us how Kiffin has been run out of ole miss?

How did I know someone would be too scared too comment.
