Originally posted by freekoffhisleash:
Rod has proven over and over by his words what he thinks about families like mine so there ain't no love
lost there. Sad to know that there is still a fair amount of people out there just like him but that's the way he
is and nothing I do or say is gonna change that. It's a heart issue.
I am not a fan of the N word and if you called my wife or daughters that I'd do my best to whoop your ever lovin arse.
However I'm not a supporter of trying to legislate the way people think either. The way the word is used here is definitely
in an ugly, hateful, racist context. I also noticed she has the word "ratchets" on her list as well which is also a newer racial
term for blacks as well - usually when referring to black women. I just wish that people of all races would quit looking for ways
to be offended but that they would also quit being so hateful.
I will say I would rather know where someone like rod stands over those wonderful folks who will smile in your face and act accepting of you and then
talk about you like your a dog behind your back.
This post was edited on 4/4 11:53 AM by freekoffhisleashfreakin, why don't you ever come on small talk anymore?