USC vs. Mizzou game thread....

13-8 Cocks with five minutes gone. Campbell with two threes. We're going to have to guard the shooter.
Frink giving us a lot of good and a little bad. If we can keep garding shooters at least half the time and pound the ball inside we have this.
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Good half a basketball for our guys. I really have to give Gravitt lot of props. He is working on his game to the point that I feel pretty good about him being on the floor. Didn't always feel that way.

Gotta guard Smith. That inbounds play they let him run right over there beyond The Arc and nobody went with him.
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Might have gone with the half court drop a few too many possesses. It led them get used to it and make adjustments. I would like to mix it in and out
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damn good win

wonder if any of our (0-28) belk bowl studs were in the house?

go cocks!
I give up. I have no clue what to expect, when to be optimistic...nothing. Pre-season, I got got kind of excited by Frank's comments about this team and their potential. The non-conference schedule, and Frank's demeanor, had me thinking that the team didn't like playing for him, and he didn't like coaching them. Now, a 3-0 SEC start has me back at the beginning: optimistic.
I give up. I have no clue what to expect, when to be optimistic...nothing. Pre-season, I got got kind of excited by Frank's comments about this team and their potential. The non-conference schedule, and Frank's demeanor, had me thinking that the team didn't like playing for him, and he didn't like coaching them. Now, a 3-0 SEC start has me back at the beginning: optimistic.

Optimism was off the table a few short weeks ago.

Ride the streak!!!
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