Weed Card (anyone here have one? Probably not allowed in SC or TX, but in many states)

Keep in mind that it is still illegal at the federal level. Important if you want to work for military or federal agencies, even federal contractors. Cute video.
Keep in mind that it is still illegal at the federal level. Important if you want to work for military or federal agencies, even federal contractors. Cute video.
Hahaha. The construction guys just use the fake piss, get a negative test result, then get their badge. Then no one follows up w random test unless there's an accident.
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I was a
Hahaha. The construction guys just use the fake piss, get a negative test result, then get their badge. Then no one follows up w random test unless there's an accident.
I was a federal contractor that required a security clearance, not a construction guy. Got polygraphed, etc. but not drug tested.
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What's in fake piss?
Keep in mind that it is still illegal at the federal level. Important if you want to work for military or federal agencies, even federal contractors. Cute video.
Many agencies have stopped screening for it.. Hell Elon Musk was on video smoking it and still got multiple huge contracts from the Government. How long can the Federal Government keep up this moronic prohibition? We are about 40 years late in ending that law.
They both were. The tall blonde was the girl obsessed with Sheldon, who tried to run his life until she asked for co-credit on a paper. The short dark haired girl is the girl who dated Raj and was so shy she climbed out of the window to get out of the date.
So that’s why they looked familiar. Thanks
I was a

I was a federal contractor that required a security clearance, not a construction guy. Got polygraphed, etc. but not drug tested.
I have seen a number of rather long careers ended by the polygraph. I have known a number of federal contractors who held security clearances for years but never had to sit for a polygraph. Then, they go to work for this agency or that agency that happens to polygraph, and boom, their clearance is yanked . . . forever/everywhere. It kinda sucks that those are the rules, but folks should be made more aware of the rules going in, I think.
What are they asking during the polygraph? Do you love America? Did you provide the best bid possible? Are you capable of doing this work? Around here they do background checks and drug test to work on the bases. I was in charge of a few projects working on SpaWar buildings and the air force base. They won't let a man who has child support issues work even if his job is taking the money out for the courts. Those guys getting denied always sucked.
What are they asking during the polygraph? Do you love America? Did you provide the best bid possible? Are you capable of doing this work? Around here they do background checks and drug test to work on the bases. I was in charge of a few projects working on SpaWar buildings and the air force base. They won't let a man who has child support issues work even if his job is taking the money out for the courts. Those guys getting denied always sucked.
I know some questions are like: Are you planning on lying in this interview? Are you withholding any relevant information you don't want the employer to know? Have you ever committed a serious crime?
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Sports go sports!
I promise I really totally care who wins
If there's a net or hoop or hole in the ground, I hope they get it in
If they want to go to all the bases, I hope they do
If they're supposed to run past a line or whatever, I hope they do that, too
Sports go sports
May they top their opponents numerically in the allotted time
Lest they disenfranchise their audience and see their revenues decline
May the partakers be sturdy and rapid in the spirited energies they exert
May they be victorious in perpetuity
Don't I look cute in this football shirt
Sports go sports
Athletics are number one
Participants are heroes
Go team yeah
This is the most important thing that's ever occurred
The vicarious fulfillment of your dream that got deferred
You had aspirations as a kid but you didn't have the skill
So you watch genetically superior people do the things you never will
Sports go sports
May the competitors you prefer best their opposing equivalents
So you can somehow feel connected to the feat of your self-appointed constituents
May the hours you spend watching post-match pontificators
Amplify the thrill of being a witness
And better your predictive aptitude
For your squad's future physical fitness
Sports go sports
Athletics are number one
Participants are heroes
Go team yeah
Watching abile-bodied millionaires play with each other
Watching less agile millionaires talk about it on TV
May they compile copious points so they are rewarded and meritorious
So you feel temporarily, adjacently victorious
Sports go sports
Athletics are number one
Participants are heroes
Go team yeah
Every other word:
Sports ____ sports
_____ are ____ one
____ are ____
Go ____ Yeah
Every other other word:
____ go ____
Athletics ____ number ____
Participants ____ heroes
____ team ____
Now in Latin:
Ludis ire ludis
Arcu sunt optimum
Participants sunt heroes
Ire quadrigus sic
Now the truth:
If you could only throw a ball
You'd have a hotter wife
Lots and lots of money
And a way better life
And a way better life
Go sports
  • Like
Reactions: vacock#
Sports go sports!
I promise I really totally care who wins
If there's a net or hoop or hole in the ground, I hope they get it in
If they want to go to all the bases, I hope they do
If they're supposed to run past a line or whatever, I hope they do that, too
Sports go sports
May they top their opponents numerically in the allotted time
Lest they disenfranchise their audience and see their revenues decline
May the partakers be sturdy and rapid in the spirited energies they exert
May they be victorious in perpetuity
Don't I look cute in this football shirt
Sports go sports
Athletics are number one
Participants are heroes
Go team yeah
This is the most important thing that's ever occurred
The vicarious fulfillment of your dream that got deferred
You had aspirations as a kid but you didn't have the skill
So you watch genetically superior people do the things you never will
Sports go sports
May the competitors you prefer best their opposing equivalents
So you can somehow feel connected to the feat of your self-appointed constituents
May the hours you spend watching post-match pontificators
Amplify the thrill of being a witness
And better your predictive aptitude
For your squad's future physical fitness
Sports go sports
Athletics are number one
Participants are heroes
Go team yeah
Watching abile-bodied millionaires play with each other
Watching less agile millionaires talk about it on TV
May they compile copious points so they are rewarded and meritorious
So you feel temporarily, adjacently victorious
Sports go sports
Athletics are number one
Participants are heroes
Go team yeah
Every other word:
Sports ____ sports
_____ are ____ one
____ are ____
Go ____ Yeah
Every other other word:
____ go ____
Athletics ____ number ____
Participants ____ heroes
____ team ____
Now in Latin:
Ludis ire ludis
Arcu sunt optimum
Participants sunt heroes
Ire quadrigus sic
Now the truth:
If you could only throw a ball
You'd have a hotter wife
Lots and lots of money
And a way better life
And a way better life
Go sports

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