Well, our Poor

Have you seen the videos where Pelosi admits Trump asked for 10,000 additional capital/national security and she declined?

Why would she do that Stock?

Have you seen Pelosi in a 2nd video which was filmed by her daughter saying she was the cause of J6?

Why would she say that Stock?

Have you seen the video of Milley admitting also Trump did that in advance?

Why did it take him so long to admit that Stock?

Have you seen the evidence that the Feds where in the crowd posing as Trump supporters -- telling them to go in the capital?

The FEDS actors went in the Capital too.

Why would they do that Stock?

Have you seen the evidence that they have far more security at the BLM protest?

Why Stock?
They were able to get away with the lie because the actual story was hidden by the committee and the corrupt media. The plainclothes FBI agents among the protesters was the last straw for me. Biden’s administration wanted some activity they could call an “insurrection.” I’m thrilled most have been released.
They were able to get away with the lie because the actual story was hidden by the committee and the corrupt media. The plainclothes FBI agents among the protesters was the last straw for me. Biden’s administration wanted some activity they could call an “insurrection.” I’m thrilled most have been released.
Pelosi should die alone in solitary confinement. 5x5 box. What a evil person
Crazy how even Republican judges didn't find the entrapment defense compelling.

There was no entrapment.

The inspector general of the DOJ said as much- an inspector general that nearly every republican has been supportive of.

If someone is standing in my neighbors yard, I don't care if they are my best friend, I'm not going to break into someone's home no matter what someone "encourages" me to do.

Anyone that has been to the capitol building for a tour, can see numerous security signs all over the place.

Only a damn fool and criminal breaks through a window- or walks through a broken window or door or breaks through a police barricade.
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They were able to get away with the lie because the actual story was hidden by the committee and the corrupt media. The plainclothes FBI agents among the protesters was the last straw for me. Biden’s administration wanted some activity they could call an “insurrection.” I’m thrilled most have been released.

The Inspector General review found "no evidence in the materials we reviewed or the testimony we received showing or suggesting that the FBI had undercover employees in the various protest crowds, or at the Capitol, on January 6,"

the inspector general's office said 26 confidential human sources (not FBI employees) were in Washington that day. None of them were "authorized by the FBI to enter the Capitol or a restricted area or to otherwise break the law on January 6, nor was any CHS directed by the FBI to encourage others to commit illegal acts on January 6," the inspector general said.

Confidential human sources are not FBI employees. They are people that provide information to law enforcement.

The Inspector General provided a briefing to members of Congress and said millions of pieces of information were reviewed and was available for any member of Congress to review privately.
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I just want to say a word of thank you to all of the Trump-haters on this board whose comments helped elect Trump once again to the Presidency. Your idiocy led me to vote for Trump when I had earlier decided not to vote in this election. Thanks for exhibiting your TDS and DEI for us all to see.
Well, we are just going in circles on this subject.

We are at the point now where people are either lying about the facts or just ignorant of them. ,

My guess is a bit of both.

There were no FBI employees "encouraging" people to break into the capitol. That's a lie.

I mean- we have family members that testified in open federal court that their family members became extreme and went to DC- in some cases- looking for a fight.

- and what a stupid lie it is- as if someone "encouraging someone" to break the law is an excuse for committing a crime- how pathetic is that?

Could I convince you to break into a business and destroy property? Could I convince you to strike a police officer and commit violence against him/her? There isn't a chance in hell that I could

nor could you do that with me.

But apparently that excuse works for some here- and that's pathetic.
I just want to say a word of thank you to all of the Trump-haters on this board whose comments helped elect Trump once again to the Presidency. Your idiocy led me to vote for Trump when I had earlier decided not to vote in this election. Thanks for exhibiting your TDS and DEI for us all to see.

Such an odd thing to lie about.
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We are at the point now where people are either lying about the facts or just ignorant of them. ,

My guess is a bit of both.

There were no FBI employees "encouraging" people to break into the capitol. That's a lie.

I mean- we have family members that testified in open federal court that their family members became extreme and went to DC- in some cases- looking for a fight.

- and what a stupid lie it is- as if someone "encouraging someone" to break the law is an excuse for committing a crime- how pathetic is that?

Could I convince you to break into a business and destroy property? Could I convince you to strike a police officer and commit violence against him/her? There isn't a chance in hell that I could

nor could you do that with me.

But apparently that excuse works for some here- and that's pathetic.

Wray admitted having FBI informants dressed as Trump supporters just a few weeks ago in front of Congress.

When asked about Epps, he declined to answer and his silence was deafening.

Textbook Entrapment.

However, similar to the Hunter Biden criminality which you finally admit, you'll need to wait to hear it from the people who lie to you for years, even though there was an avalanche of evidence.
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Again, you can write any excuse you want. In my book, if you commit a crime, and especially if you admit to it, you should pay.

Dan Abrams just had a caller on Sirius who claimed -very confidently- that no BLM rioters were ever prosecuted for riots.

Dan patiently explained how that wasn't true and detailed some that were sentenced to significant prison terms - including a number sentenced to 10+ years in prison for arson.

Again, for some folks, the facts just don't matter at all.
I just want to say a word of thank you to all of the Trump-haters on this board whose comments helped elect Trump once again to the Presidency. Your idiocy led me to vote for Trump when I had earlier decided not to vote in this election. Thanks for exhibiting your TDS and DEI for us all to see.

As much as you lied above in your post about FBI employees in the crowd (not true) as an excuse for people to break the law, Donald Trump was your only choice.
Wray admitted having FBI informants dressed as Trump supporters just a few weeks ago in front of Congress.

lol the FBI informants WERE Trump supporters.

At this point I think I gave you too much credit early on that you were actually just a troll.
Just highlights the brain rot.

The guy keeps posting about "FBI informants" and either is 100% lying or just doesn't even know what constitutes an informant.

Those are Wray's words. Take it up with him.

Dozens of informants were in the crowd dressed as Trump supporters.

They also entered the Capital.

Ray Epps says hi.
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lol the FBI informants WERE Trump supporters.

At this point I think I gave you too much credit early on that you were actually just a troll.
Btw. Trump pardon’s are ready and waiting for any other injustices done going forward so all the liberal judges are now officially on vacation for the next 4 years. Enjoy your time off. Oh and thanks biden for leading the way! Appreciate you as well
Those are Wray's words. Take it up with him.

Dozens of informants were in the crowd dressed as Trump supporters.

They also entered the Capital.

Ray Epps says hi.

It has to kill you that this type of word play works amongst your fellow republicans.

But democrats are simply too smart to fall for the word play of trying to confuse undercover agents and informants.

@Lurker123 what's it like associating with people who aren't smart enough to distinguish between informants and undercover agents?
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It has to kill you that this type of word play works amongst your fellow republicans.

But democrats are simply too smart to fall for the word play of trying to confuse undercover agents and informants.

@Lurker123 what's it like associating with people who aren't smart enough to distinguish between informants and undercover agents?

Our Liberal OGs have too much mNRA in their system to engage in cohesive discussions at this point.

They did as they were told by the same people who were obviously lying about everything.

Good Day, Watson.
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Just highlights the brain rot.

The guy keeps posting about "FBI informants" and either is 100% lying or just doesn't even know what constitutes an informant.

It's like they are just learning that the FBI and all law enforcement- even tiny town police departments use police informants every single day to help them in dozens of ways.

It's either ignorance or stupidity or people that lie as often as they breathe.
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It's like they are just learning that the FBI and all law enforcement- even tiny town police departments use police informants every single day to help them in dozens of ways.

It's either ignorance or stupidity or people that lie as often as they breathe.

Entrapment Gomer. You might need to read up on it.

Ray Epps says hi.
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It's like they are just learning that the FBI and all law enforcement- even tiny town police departments use police informants every single day to help them in dozens of ways.

It's either ignorance or stupidity or people that lie as often as they breathe.

Dude literally thinks an informant is an undercover agent. 🤣

Imagine him trying to process the elements of entrapment 🤣🤣🤣
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It has to kill you that this type of word play works amongst your fellow republicans.

But democrats are simply too smart to fall for the word play of trying to confuse undercover agents and informants.

@Lurker123 what's it like associating with people who aren't smart enough to distinguish between informants and undercover agents?


Informants are private citizens- people that will help law enforcement at all levels.

If you've ever been to a large event- the police have plains clothes officers, and they almost always have informants in the crowd.
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Dude literally thinks an information is an undercover agent. 🤣

Imagine him trying to process the elements of entrapment 🤣🤣🤣

I have him blocked.

But he's a moron and a liar. He knows- he just lies about it.
Only the most ignorant will continue fighting for the left but we all know a few will die on that hill. Sad but comical watching those STILL defending the indefensible. A true idiot can’t admit failure. These are the true failures of humanity.

Pray for them 🙏

This is how Russian misinformation works. Ward just posted an old video that nothing came of and you're falling for it as if it's something new and true.

This is why college is so important, it teaches you critical thinking skills so you don't fall for these gimmicks.

@Lurker123 thoughts on this old video tricking your pals?
This is how Russian misinformation works. Ward just posted an old video that nothing came of and you're falling for it as if it's something new and true.

This is why college is so important, it teaches you critical thinking skills so you don't fall for these gimmicks.

@Lurker123 thoughts on this old video tricking your pals?
You can’t help it can you. Thanks teach. Your a treasure. Hang in there. You’re so good at getting pummeled.
You can’t help it can you. Thanks teach. Your a treasure. Hang in there. You’re so good at getting pummeled.

Yeah I can’t stop wanting to help you become a better person. Someone that’s self efficient and capable of operating in the modern world.

I hope you get there one day.
Yeah I can’t stop wanting to help you become a better person. Someone that’s self efficient and capable of operating in the modern world.

I hope you get there one day.
Bless your heart. You remind me of my 3rd grade teacher. Nicknamed him skeebo. That poor guy couldn’t handle it. We abused that poor guy so bad. He was weak and lost control of his class. He left two weeks before Christmas break, nervous breakdown. Never came back. Kids are much more sheeplike today though. Much easier to just sit back and let them watch porn in your class. Easy peasy.