Guys, we won't know for sure how Trump will do. He obviously has to produce. Everybody has an idea in their mind what will make Trump a success or failure. In my view, most people vote their pocketbooks or wallets, first and foremost PERIOD!!!!! It takes money to live. We all need to eat. We are not in a recession. In fact, I was on some errands yesterday and a couple of manufacturing plants with huge billboards near the highway were advertising for workers offering $18-20/hour. Jobs are booming or at worst steadily growing. We don't want to go into a recession. If we do, that's trouble. And inflation is about at the 2-3% range. You don't want to see inflation go to 9% it was in Biden's first year or 6.5% it was in his second. I'd say that as long as inflation does not exceed 5%, we are fine. Others may disagree on that 5% figure. Not sure. For me, as long as the market increases, I will be pleased. It increased all during Obama's, Trump's and Biden's years. If the market is not increasing during Trump's term, then I will be pissed. I have said this before and I will say it again: I'm pulling strongly for Trump to succeed. You have to be insane to want him to fail. I'm not into cutting my nose to spite my face.