Well, our Poor

Guys, we won't know for sure how Trump will do. He obviously has to produce. Everybody has an idea in their mind what will make Trump a success or failure. In my view, most people vote their pocketbooks or wallets, first and foremost PERIOD!!!!! It takes money to live. We all need to eat. We are not in a recession. In fact, I was on some errands yesterday and a couple of manufacturing plants with huge billboards near the highway were advertising for workers offering $18-20/hour. Jobs are booming or at worst steadily growing. We don't want to go into a recession. If we do, that's trouble. And inflation is about at the 2-3% range. You don't want to see inflation go to 9% it was in Biden's first year or 6.5% it was in his second. I'd say that as long as inflation does not exceed 5%, we are fine. Others may disagree on that 5% figure. Not sure. For me, as long as the market increases, I will be pleased. It increased all during Obama's, Trump's and Biden's years. If the market is not increasing during Trump's term, then I will be pissed. I have said this before and I will say it again: I'm pulling strongly for Trump to succeed. You have to be insane to want him to fail. I'm not into cutting my nose to spite my face.
Guys, we won't know for sure how Trump will do. He obviously has to produce. Everybody has an idea in their mind what will make Trump a success or failure. In my view, most people vote their pocketbooks or wallets, first and foremost PERIOD!!!!! It takes money to live. We all need to eat. We are not in a recession. In fact, I was on some errands yesterday and a couple of manufacturing plants with huge billboards near the highway were advertising for workers offering $18-20/hour. Jobs are booming or at worst steadily growing. We don't want to go into a recession. If we do, that's trouble. And inflation is about at the 2-3% range. You don't want to see inflation go to 9% it was in Biden's first year or 6.5% it was in his second. I'd say that as long as inflation does not exceed 5%, we are fine. Others may disagree on that 5% figure. Not sure. For me, as long as the market increases, I will be pleased. It increased all during Obama's, Trump's and Biden's years. If the market is not increasing during Trump's term, then I will be pissed. I have said this before and I will say it again: I'm pulling strongly for Trump to succeed. You have to be insane to want him to fail. I'm not into cutting my nose to spite my face.
Trump will succeed in my opinion but his success is not tied to the stock market for me. Closing the border, breaking the back of all criminals, deporting or eliminating them, reducing government, cutting red tape and regulations and Im happy. With that being said I fully expect a recession and inflation to continue above 2%. With the fed continuing to forecast rate cuts after 2.9% reported last month we have no chance to avoid a recession imo. It’ll all shake out one way or another. Either way Im happy if he fixes whats been purposely broken. Safety inside our borders must be restored. Pisses me off having to carry everywhere I go these days.
Trump will succeed in my opinion but his success is not tied to the stock market for me. Closing the border, breaking the back of all criminals, deporting or eliminating them, reducing government, cutting red tape and regulations and Im happy. With that being said I fully expect a recession and inflation to continue above 2%. With the fed continuing to forecast rate cuts after 2.9% reported last month we have no chance to avoid a recession imo. It’ll all shake out one way or another. Either way Im happy if he fixes whats been purposely broken. Safety inside our borders must be restored. Pisses me off having to carry everywhere I go these days.
I did say "MOST people vote their pocketbooks or wallets". I have absolutely no doubt about that. Frankly, I don't think Trump will succeed. But I hope and want to be wrong.
I did say "MOST people vote their pocketbooks or wallets". I have absolutely no doubt about that.
Thats one big part of it but MOST people’s pocketbooks aren’t tied to the stock market. Its tied to the grocery market and gas pumps. Most people could care less about the stock prices. That along with safe streets and eliminating sick sexual perversions in schools around their children are FAR more important than stock markets. Just sayin.
Thats one big part of it but MOST people’s pocketbooks aren’t tied to the stock market. Its tied to the grocery market and gas pumps. Most people could care less about the stock prices. That along with safe streets and eliminating sick sexual perversions in schools around their children are FAR more important than stock markets. Just sayin.
"Pocketbooks" and "wallets" is more than the stock market. They are tied to the grocery market and gas pumps. If you don't have enough to eat , feed your family , give them and yourself a quality life, the other stuff means zilch.
I did say "MOST people vote their pocketbooks or wallets". I have absolutely no doubt about that. Frankly, I don't think Trump will succeed. But I hope and want to be wrong.
He’s already succeeding and we’re just on day 2. Even for you. Market is up today.
"Pocketbooks" and "wallets" is more than the stock market. They are tied to the grocery market and gas pumps. If you don't have enough to eat , feed your family , give them and yourself a quality life, the other stuff means zilch.
I agree 100%. The stock market has never mattered to me. We’ve had great prices over my lifetime UNTIL the last 3 years and the wheels came off. Luckily It didn’t really effect me or you (both own homes, debt free, etc) but for the younger people not so much. The housing, grocery, gas, car and insurance costing regular young families $1200-1800 more a month. That’s ridiculous and not unsustainable. That’s gotta be fixed
If just one day made the market. LOL
It does if you can make 18,000% in 24 hours. Shoulda been in the Trumpcoin. That was UN freaking believable. I don’t fool with stock markets but that woulda been great. Turn 10k into 1.8M overnight. Ehhhh very nice except for tax time
I agree 100%. The stock market has never mattered to me. We’ve had great prices over my lifetime UNTIL the last 3 years and the wheels came off. Luckily It didn’t really effect me or you (both own homes, debt free, etc) but for the younger people not so much. The housing, grocery, gas, car and insurance costing regular young families $1200-1800 more a month. That’s ridiculous and not unsustainable. That’s gotta be fixed
I think you are referring to inflation because the stock market did well under Biden. I think I mentioned earlier that inflation was high in the first 2 years of Biden's term. But, the past 2 years have been reasonable. Now will Trump get prices down to where they were in 2020? I doubt it. If he can just keep overall prices where they have been the past 2 years, WITHOUT a recession, that will be good.

It does if you can make 18,000% in 24 hours. Shoulda been in the Trumpcoin. That was UN freaking believable. I don’t fool with stock markets but that woulda been great. Turn 10k into 1.8M overnight. Ehhhh very nice except for tax time
If it was that easy, everybody would be rich. Regarding those meme coins (I think that's what they call them), I dabbled VERY small in them one time. Never again.
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It does if you can make 18,000% in 24 hours. Shoulda been in the Trumpcoin. That was UN freaking believable. I don’t fool with stock markets but that woulda been great. Turn 10k into 1.8M overnight. Ehhhh very nice except for tax time
But hey, if Trump's 2nd term becomes a success, 18,000% will look low.
I think you are referring to inflation because the stock market did well under Biden. I think I mentioned earlier that inflation was high in the first 2 years of Biden's term. But, the past 2 years have been reasonable. Now will Trump get prices down to where they were in 2020? I doubt it. If he can just keep overall prices where they have been the past 2 years, WITHOUT a recession, that will be good.
No Im referring to prices in my lifetime. Never have I struggled to put food on the table or a roof over my family’s head. If I were starting out today it would be alot harder than it was in 85 when I started. Even paying 9.85% on my first and only mortgage it wasn’t a problem. Home prices, Taxes, insurance, food, gas were not a problem. Today every single one of those things are a serious problem. If you based inflation on just the things that matter for each and every family it would be up well over 55% the last 3 years. The bs numbers they give us are not even close. Just my home price has doubled in the last 6 years. That’s ridiculous

Im still hoping for a hard recession/depression and total reset. Just like 1980’s

It does if you can make 18,000% in 24 hours. Shoulda been in the Trumpcoin. That was UN freaking believable. I don’t fool with stock markets but that woulda been great. Turn 10k into 1.8M overnight. Ehhhh very nice except for tax time
By the way, Trump stock, DJT, was down big today.
No Im referring to prices in my lifetime. Never have I struggled to put food on the table or a roof over my family’s head. If I were starting out today it would be alot harder than it was in 85 when I started. Even paying 9.85% on my first and only mortgage it wasn’t a problem. Home prices, Taxes, insurance, food, gas were not a problem. Today every single one of those things are a serious problem. If you based inflation on just the things that matter for each and every family it would be up well over 55% the last 3 years. The bs numbers they give us are not even close. Just my home price has doubled in the last 6 years. That’s ridiculous

Im still hoping for a hard recession/depression and total reset. Just like 1980’s
It depends on what one's starting salary was. And if you look at the big picture, overall inflation has been reasonable in the past 2 1/2 years.

It would not shock me that you get your wish regarding a "hard recession/depression". But I feel sure that's not what Trump nor the Republican party want.
By the way, Trump stock, DJT, was down big today.

Stock - What relevance do you think this is?

Do you believe it's possible that people purchased more DJT in anticipation of the inauguration and now the inauguration has passed?

This info is right up there with Lurker's Annual Pansy Report. :)
Stock - What relevance do you think this is?

Do you believe it's possible that people purchased more DJT in anticipation of the inauguration and now the inauguration has passed?

This info is right up there with Lurker's Annual Pansy Report. :)
Like I said I would never invest in the stock market but if I did Id sell immediately after a huge profit. I know that. Im sure it was sold off after that record breaking surge. Common sense to take the money and run. I bet its not below where it opened though right? Even though its just a picture or something like that. What a crazy thing to buy. I can’t comprehend it but luckily don’t need to.
Yet another issue Gomer called people ever name in the book for.

Now he's admitting that Hunter is criminal, yet zero self-reflection of his goofy ways.

Vintage Gomer.

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Like I said I would never invest in the stock market but if I did Id sell immediately after a huge profit. I know that. Im sure it was sold off after that record breaking surge. Common sense to take the money and run. I bet its not below where it opened though right? Even though its just a picture or something like that. What a crazy thing to buy. I can’t comprehend it but luckily don’t need to.

Definitely. The 18,000% surge was actually from his $TRUMP coin but you definitely would want to take some off the table.

$TRUMP will likely serve as a proxy for his 4-year term. It will be interesting to follow.
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Like I said I would never invest in the stock market but if I did Id sell immediately after a huge profit. I know that. Im sure it was sold off after that record breaking surge. Common sense to take the money and run. I bet its not below where it opened though right? Even though its just a picture or something like that. What a crazy thing to buy. I can’t comprehend it but luckily don’t need to.
Been there, done that. DJT is.
No, I'm not. But I don't mind them getting a cut when my share would be significantly greater. Who knows??? Maybe they'd use part of their share to build a wall.;)
Nah they'd launder the cash. Thats their 401k. Just print whatever they actually spend and tack it to the deficit
No, I'm not. But I don't mind them getting a cut when my share would be significantly greater. Who knows??? Maybe they'd use part of their share to build a wall.;)
Plus on 1.8m Im not sure your cut matches theirs. Id be puking sending that in. Id rather donate the entire amount to tunnel to towers or habitat. Anything to ensure it’s legit helping

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