The State of California has a lot in common with Ukraine
Ukraine is much more than a money laundering operation. Ukraine was developed by George Soros ever since it got its freedom after communism fell. He literally helped write the constitution, the judicial reforms, and all the policy positions the country took.
Ukraine is an experiment in how to build a nation that will comply with the permanent Democratic socialist party in America. Slowly, but surely through USAID, we have turned almost every European country into the democratic socialist country. And we have made it so that it is almost impossible for populist uprising to occur.
Ukraine was the test child. That’s why Soros opened one of his first NGOs there in the late 90s.
When Obama came into the White House, he took the concept of a permanent democratic socialist state in America to new heights. He changed the way we gather intelligence. He changed the way we define radical Jihad. He changed the way the world viewed the Israel Palestine conflict. He changed the way the EU nations operated. It was during the eight years of Obama that the mass migration into Europe occurred. You can’t even recognize the Scandinavian countries anymore.
None of that is a coincidence.
It’s all part of a bigger plan to make sure that no matter who wins an election, there is a permanent underbelly of bureaucratic deep staters that will continue to push the country in a democratic socialist path.
Until Donald Trump came in shattered the illusion.
The big picture here is that Barack Obama figured out a way to ensure a permanent liberal Democratic socialist government in every single country. That’s why he spied on Netanyahu and that’s why he spent our money to try to overthrow him. They cannot allow strong conservative leaders who are not afraid to ignore the status quo.
That is why populism around the world is treated like fascism by our intelligence agencies.
That is why people like George Soros other useful idiots and USAID make sure that they would fund civic institutions, judicial reform and protests in the street.
Because when they say, democratic backsliding, what they mean is a populist government.
The people can’t actually have any input in how their government is run.