Well, our Poor

Trudeau is one of the biggest Gaslighters the world has ever seen. He's using tariffs and tears to try to reclaim power. His policies have ruined Canada. This is why it pays not to a have a Gomer mind in these situations. Gomers love Gaslighters.

Negotiating what?

He’s just making a mockery out of his supporters to look like a tough guy. Everyone knows the tariffs are idiotic. That’s why the market keeps crashing the moment he mentions them. That’s why he keeps backing off of them.

He’s only doing it so you guys keep lying to yourself that he’s “winning” something.

As for the border, let’s see if this is a long term success or just a short panic that will collapse once people realize he’s not actually deporting people at any greater levels than before.

If tariffs are "idiotic", why do just about all countries in the world use them against us?
One thing that needs to happen immediately with all of this money, laundering, fraud, and theft being discovered is every single government agency must have one person in charge of spending. He’s the only person that can send funds out and he will be audited every quarter by random private outside auditors. Every dollar must be accounted for and documented where it went, why it went, who requested it be sent and who received it on the other end. This must be posted live in real time online for everyone to see. Transparency. Period. No more pelosi bullshit “you’ll find out after you sign it”. Btw please Hang that pos. Ty

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