Its sad to see how we've let the politicians divide us so much these days. Some of you may be too young but there was a time where it did not matter who you voted for, after the election you were an American and supported the President and the Office. Anyone remember the Dixie Chicks and that slight comment they made about not agreeing with Bush going into Iraq, it tanked their look at all the mud slinging going on and its considered just normal.
The country and society is irreparably divided and it's only going to get much, much worse. This very board proves that.
I had to count them with help from my wife, but I've lost 3 friends in the last 8 years due to politics. Two were from church, and another one was my professional mentor for 20 years.
At lunch one day, my mentor said something very bad about a group of people and said that Trump would basically end their freedom for no reason other than hate. That stunned me and impacted my own family and I knew immediately things had to change between us. (No, it wasn't a racist slur). I haven't talked to him in 7 years. He also didn't reach out to me. He immediately knew I couldn't stay friends with him. I knew it too.
In the other two cases, we drifted apart. I would have never thought politics would do that because we really never even talked politics. But it did. In both cases, they brought up politics to me when we weren't discussing any political issue and made it a litmus test on the spot. In both cases, I refused to play their game.
My wife's social media pages are absolutely full of people we know that didn't seemingly give a damn about politics 10-12 years ago and now post political stuff (all sides) almost every single post on their own social media pages.
A local pastor in my area that never posts about politics put on his facebook page a few weeks ago that one of the Sunday school classes at his church had disintegrated because they got to talking politics in the class and most of the people in that class had quit coming to church. (he didn't say what exactly they were talking about).
I think all the "norms" are way out the window now. That stuff just isn't important anymore.
I can still remember when George Bush was campaigning in Illinois in 2020 and he turned to Dick Cheney and used a profanity to refer to a reporter that he had seen in the crowd and he was ripped bad for using a vulgar term. He wasn't even saying it to the reporter. He was saying it to Cheney and it was overheard and picked up by a microphone. -
That wouldn't even make news now at all.
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