Well, our Poor

"The more I read the JFK files, the more I’m convinced that 2020 was an organized regime-change operation, by the CIA and their subsidiaries.

The release of C19 was economic sabotage via biological agent, just like Project Mongoose. It destroyed Trump’s economy, and gave the Deep State a platform to launch their full-scale propaganda campaign to oust Trump in the election. The failing economy, loss of jobs, shutdowns, etc., were all blamed on Trump, and it worked.

Then the CIA/USAID/Soros funded and orchestrated the BLM riots and “Summer of Love”, while using ANTIFA as ‘Brown-Shirts’ to spread violence and intimidation, similar to how the CIA did in Iran, Guatemala, and Chile during the Cold War, and how Soros did it in Eastern Europe/Ukraine. All the violence and chaos was blamed on Trump and his supporters for being racist, and it worked.

Then January 6th happened, and we later found out that it was far less violent than we were told, the CIA-controlled MSM blew the entire thing out of proportion, and they withheld countless hours of video showing the officers letting everyone in and walking around peacefully. Then we later found out that there were feds in the crowd and provocateurs that fueled/escalated the crowd to riot, in addition to Pelosi calling off security and refusing the National Guard, then they tried to cover the whole thing up. January 6th was an orchestrated event, in order to prevent electors from challenging a stolen election. In addition, it gave their propaganda machine more fodder to demonize and censor Trump and his supporters under the new regime, allowing them to stifle any dissent on social media pointing out the coup that just happened.

All of this was made possible by the near global control of media and social media, to push their propaganda and maintain their desired narratives.

What we witnessed in 2020 was the CIA regime-change playbook. The same tactics they use to overthrow leaders around the globe, they used on Trump.

We are under attack from the enemy within. Trump tried to warn us about this enemy many times."

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A Perfect Summary of the Economic Plan in very user-friendly language.

Everyone should watch this.

everyone with a brain cell left should know this. Government is welfare. They steal from us. We support them. Time to pull the plug, lock em up and best case fire up the chain gang, make em make full restitution for all they’ve stolen or die trying. Worse case hang em for treason
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everyone with a brain cell left should know this. Government is welfare. They steal from us. We support them. Time to pull the plug, lock em up and best case fire up the chain gang, make em make full restitution for all they’ve stolen or die trying. Worse case hang em for treason

They certainly have earned it. Not sure how deep Trump can take it without the fabric of society unwinding though. A segment of the population has been thoroughly brainwashed and will not listen to anything Trump has to say. There's another segment who are too slow to understand. Then there's another who can't handle the information overload and can't believe our leaders could do such a thing -- it's too extreme for them to process.

I think when it comes to the highest criminals like Obama, Clinton, Biden and (maybe) Bush - he's just going to expose them as much as possible for the greater good and make sure they never have any kind of influence ever again.

Actually - If he finds any of their fingerprints on his assassination attempt(s) and can prove it -- that would be a different scenario. However, I doubt there would be any real evidence tying them to it. Probably more a CIA/FBA/Mossad or foreign influence thing.
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They certainly have earned it. Not sure how deep Trump can take it without the fabric of society unwinding though. A segment of the population has been thoroughly brainwashed and will not listen to anything Trump has to say. There's another segment who are too slow to understand. Then there's another who can't handle the information overload and can't believe our leaders could do such a thing -- it's too extreme for them to process.

I think when it comes to the highest criminals like Obama, Clinton, Biden and (maybe) Bush - he's just going to expose them as much as possible for the greater good and make sure they never have any kind of influence ever again.

Actually - If he finds any of their fingerprints on his assassination attempt(s) and can prove it -- that would be a different scenario. However, I doubt there would be any real evidence tying them to it. Probably more a CIA/FBA/Mossad or foreign influence thing.
If you get evidence on anyone in government or tied to government you prosecute as hard as they did Trump. Really don’t care who can’t handle it. Suck it up buttercup. This is real life.
Even Clooney is now admitting his party is full of liars and cowards.

Wish the interviewer would have asked him about the fraud directly.

Also if he's ever taken money from the Democratic Party but I think we all know the answer to that.

Funny how they believe if they retire they’re immune to prosecution 🤣
Maybe they’re headed to China

They won't be prosecuted. LOL

How silly. You morons believe that though- of course- they never would be and you'll forget about it eventually because it's stupid to suggest it in the first place.
Fox News is mad at their correspondent for reporting on the story and not actively defending Trump like their other employees


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