Obama was the worst president in history. He started the Supreme destruction of America. First truly EVIL President to hold office.
Obama was the worst president in history. He started the Supreme destruction of America. First truly EVIL President to hold office.
Facts. And the simple truth. Execute em all for treason. PPV Friday night LIVE. Raise more money to eliminate taxes
Actual factsObama was the worst president in history. He started the Supreme destruction of America. First truly EVIL President to hold office.
everyone with a brain cell left should know this. Government is welfare. They steal from us. We support them. Time to pull the plug, lock em up and best case fire up the chain gang, make em make full restitution for all they’ve stolen or die trying. Worse case hang em for treasonA Perfect Summary of the Economic Plan in very user-friendly language.
Everyone should watch this.
everyone with a brain cell left should know this. Government is welfare. They steal from us. We support them. Time to pull the plug, lock em up and best case fire up the chain gang, make em make full restitution for all they’ve stolen or die trying. Worse case hang em for treason
If you get evidence on anyone in government or tied to government you prosecute as hard as they did Trump. Really don’t care who can’t handle it. Suck it up buttercup. This is real life.They certainly have earned it. Not sure how deep Trump can take it without the fabric of society unwinding though. A segment of the population has been thoroughly brainwashed and will not listen to anything Trump has to say. There's another segment who are too slow to understand. Then there's another who can't handle the information overload and can't believe our leaders could do such a thing -- it's too extreme for them to process.
I think when it comes to the highest criminals like Obama, Clinton, Biden and (maybe) Bush - he's just going to expose them as much as possible for the greater good and make sure they never have any kind of influence ever again.
Actually - If he finds any of their fingerprints on his assassination attempt(s) and can prove it -- that would be a different scenario. However, I doubt there would be any real evidence tying them to it. Probably more a CIA/FBA/Mossad or foreign influence thing.
If you get evidence on anyone in government or tied to government you prosecute as hard as they did Trump. Really don’t care who can’t handle it. Suck it up buttercup. This is real life.
Everything is traceable
Funny how they believe if they retire they’re immune to prosecution 🤣
Funny how they believe if they retire they’re immune to prosecution 🤣
Maybe they’re headed to China
FactsFurther proof this effeminate POS Tampon Tim had no business being a heartbeat away from being President of the United States. Minnesota’s State Board of Investments hold 1.6 million shares of Tesla in its retirement fund, and this turd is gloating about the price dropping. He would gladly tank their retirement to get back as someone the hates political. ALL about money and power for them.
But it is no surprise. Tesla makes the MOST American cars on the market. And if there is anything Democrats hate, it's America.
They won't be prosecuted. LOL
How silly. You morons believe that though- of course- they never would be and you'll forget about it eventually because it's stupid to suggest it in the first place.
Further proof this effeminate POS Tampon Tim had no business being a heartbeat away from being President of the United States. Minnesota’s State Board of Investments hold 1.6 million shares of Tesla in its retirement fund, and this turd is gloating about the price dropping. He would gladly tank their retirement to get back as someone the hates political. ALL about money and power for them.
But it is no surprise. Tesla makes the MOST American cars on the market. And if there is anything Democrats hate, it's America.
He fits right in with aoc and bernieWalz has to be one of the biggest political putzes of all time.
He did nothing but lie during the campaign.
He even lied about the way his wife got pregnant and she publicly called that out.
Walz's career is largely over, but his Sociopathic nature will keep him in the limelight as it's must watch TV.
Further proof this effeminate POS Tampon Tim had no business being a heartbeat away from being President of the United States. Minnesota’s State Board of Investments hold 1.6 million shares of Tesla in its retirement fund, and this turd is gloating about the price dropping. He would gladly tank their retirement to get back as someone the hates political. ALL about money and power for them.
But it is no surprise. Tesla makes the MOST American cars on the market. And if there is anything Democrats hate, it's America.
“1410: More F-18s LAUNCH (2nd strike package)”
“1415: Strike Drones on Target (THIS IS WHEN THE FIRST BOMBS WILL DEFINITELY DROP, pending earlier ‘Trigger Based’ targets)”
“1536 F-18 2nd Strike Starts – also, first sea-based Tomahawks launched.”
“MORE TO FOLLOW (per timeline)”
“We are currently clean on OPSEC”—that is, operational security.
Can’t fix STUPID!For well over 4 years, Gomer has spent his entire account telling us that Trump is a fascist and his followers are cultists.
On virtually every major issue, he turned out to be dead wrong.
Meanwhile, his party that he parrots was stealing at will and burning our country to the ground.
One might expect a morsel of reflective thought and appreciation that his neighbors were far wiser than him and clearly bailed he and his family/country out.
Nope - That would be someone with a soul and conscience....a moral compass.
Instead, he presses on with even more far fetched propaganda.
This is our Exotic Gomer.