When does that stupid poster come down?

Worn out
Yet, some fans will get hypnotized by a coach because he did great things in the past the don't seem to notice that he has a become a worn out 70 year old man that is VERY different from the coach that he was and only still exists in their minds.

Worn out. LMAO... you guys need to take medication. I'm sorry but you don't have a clue.
Still espousing the virtues of the clean slate option yet, you have no clue as to what that would do to this program.

You've already thrown in the towel on this season and there's nine games left. Sad..... very very sad..

I hope they actually start winning after this because I would hate to heat about a few Cock fans offing themselves over a lousy year...

Relax a little...
Worn out

Worn out. LMAO... you guys need to take medication. I'm sorry but you don't have a clue.
Still espousing the virtues of the clean slate option yet, you have no clue as to what that would do to this program.

You've already thrown in the towel on this season and there's nine games left. Sad..... very very sad..

I hope they actually start winning after this because I would hate to heat about a few Cock fans offing themselves over a lousy year...

Relax a little...
I'm PERFECTLY relaxed I want a new coach and I am feeling good about my chances of getting him next year. You need to wake up and smell the rotting the carcass that is this football team. Did you watch the first 3 games? We are absolute garbage this year. Did you watch last year? We were pretty terrible last year too though not quite this bad. So just cut the "Still 9 games" crap will you? Because no one wants to think about about how many more @ss-beatings we are about to receive with a schedule with a lot of decent and good and maybe even some great teams on it. What will a clean slate do? 1. Get rid of all the sorry coaches that keep making the team worse every week. 2. Pump new energy and excitement into the program. 3. Hopefully, give us a coach that wants to recruit and who recruits will want to actually play for and who will give them the time of day.

Yes, "Worn Out." you heard me. Steve's been trying to find a quick fix for this team and there isn't one. And all the while the sucky coaches that have brought this team down are still here because the OLD Ball Coach won't fire any of them like he should have because he's lost his old balls. I wouldn't want any of those dudes near our players on a practice field after last season, yet here they are. Right back with their bad coachin, and now we are suffering the consequences. OBC is not likely to grow a new pair any time soon and go out get all new coaches like we need, so we are stuck with these same losers for however as long as he wants to stay. Meanwhile no recruits care about he name "Steve Spurrier" any more. He's also going to keep letting his son do whatever the hell it is he does, mostly sucking at his job, and we will continue to suck as team the entire time until the doo-doo ice hits the fan. I feel it about to happen soon, so I am ready. I got my goggles on.
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We're getting away from the poster dadgummit! 1 fuel filled super soaker & a it.

Torch the towering trailer trash tonight
I'm PERFECTLY relaxed I want a new coach and I am feeling good about my chances of getting him next year. You need to wake up and smell the rotting the carcass that is this football team. Did you watch the first 3 games? We are absolute garbage this year. Did you watch last year? We were pretty terrible last year too though not quite this bad. So just cut the "Still 9 games" crap will you? Because no one wants to think about about how many more @ss-beatings we are about to receive with a schedule with a lot of decent and good and maybe even some great teams on it. What will a clean slate do? 1. Get rid of all the sorry coaches that keep making the team worse every week. 2. Pump new energy and excitement into the program. 3. Hopefully, give us a coach that wants to recruit and who recruits will want to actually play for and who will give them the time of day.

Yes, "Worn Out." you heard me. Steve's been trying to find a quick fix for this team and there isn't one. And all the while the sucky coaches that have brought this team down are still here because the OLD Ball Coach won't fire any of them like he should have because he's lost his old balls. I wouldn't want any of those dudes near our players on a practice field after last season, yet here they are. Right back with their bad coachin, and now we are suffering the consequences. OBC is not likely to grow a new pair any time soon and go out get all new coaches like we need, so we are stuck with these same losers for however as long as he wants to stay. Meanwhile no recruits care about he name "Steve Spurrier" any more. He's also going to keep letting his son do whatever the hell it is he does, mostly sucking at his job, and we will continue to suck as team the entire time until the doo-doo ice hits the fan. I feel it about to happen soon, so I am ready. I got my goggles on.

While I share your pain I'm not really sure what it is you want RIGHT now (as in at this present moment).

Should he have let go most of the D staff and a few other after last year? A resounding YES from me.

However he didn' what now? You have 9 games left....Want to fire them right this moment? While it would be nice its not practical.....

I would at least like to hear him come out and take the RC position away from Jr and give it to someone else till the end of the season....That sends a message that he plans on fixing this mess.

I am afraid we are going to have to ride this train till late November and see where we are then....Not much you can do at this point except be mad and hope for the best....

You got other options I'm all ears!
While I share your pain I'm not really sure what it is you want RIGHT now (as in at this present moment).

Should he have let go most of the D staff and a few other after last year? A resounding YES from me.

However he didn' what now? You have 9 games left....Want to fire them right this moment? While it would be nice its not practical.....

I would at least like to hear him come out and take the RC position away from Jr and give it to someone else till the end of the season....That sends a message that he plans on fixing this mess.

I am afraid we are going to have to ride this train till late November and see where we are then....Not much you can do at this point except be mad and hope for the best....

You got other options I'm all ears!
The present moment? I doesn't matter. Let him do whatever he is going to do. He is just trying random things now it seems. He doesn't seem to have a real plan. Different QBs, different combinations of players. Scrapping the Depth chart every week basically. Asking fans for suggestions, lol! Well, sadly it's too late to the things that should have been done in the off season like get rid of the scrub coaches and let Hoke hire his own guys. Like I said eventually it will hit the fan. We don't have a team capable of doing much this season. It's the worst I've since Brad Scott was coach. Even our former players are disgusted. All the fans that just like to go out to games and have a good time go ahead. Do your thing. At the end of the season will be the most important crossroads of the University of South Carolina football.
Let's break this "big man" statement down a little bit eh?

What would I do? Would I fired him if I was AD? If he didn't resign after this year you are absolutely right I would fire him. Why? Because I have the heuvos to actually do it unlike a lot of you all......

So you have the "eggs" to fire him huh? LOL. You must be ovulating...

Because putting winning first is the ALWAYS the right thing to do when you are an Athletic Director, because that is your job. Because Spurrier's Legacy that you are so impressed with has been completely warn out and has not value in the sport to today.

First off, no coach is going to win every game nor win all the time. You are assuming that we could just fire Spurrier, go out and hire whatever coach it is that you think you can hire in your fantasy land, and we are suddenly an SEC championship team. Let me make this clear: If USC were to fire the coach who has been committed to, and given this university the best decade of football in it's entire 100+ year history BY FAR, no coach worth his salt would even consider coaching here.

Because, Yes, two years ago we won 11 games and YES he did LOSE IT JUST THAT FAST. He lost his good players and they aren't coming back. Because this cluster is F'ed up to fix and we need to just start over with a clean slate. Yes, I'd fire him if I had to but I don't think I would have to.

Good lord. Kids, I'd like to point out an important point here. As you can see, when someone has 5th grade grammar and writing skills, it is hard to give them any credit. That's not to discredit the pure ignorance and lack of understanding of the coaching profession that is on display here.

Furthermore, if you have been a long-time Carolina fan, you should know that we are living in some of the best days we've ever had. It is easy to take this all for granted, but to assume we can just fire a legendary coach, run out and hire anyone that is going to do better at the drop of a dime is absolutely reckless. Despite the current downswing, I am grateful we have coach Spurrier and he has my full support. You should go pull for Clemson!
The present moment? I doesn't matter. Let him do whatever he is going to do. He is just trying random things now it seems. He doesn't seem to have a real plan. Different QBs, different combinations of players. Scrapping the Depth chart every week basically. Asking fans for suggestions, lol! Well, sadly it's too late to the things that should have been done in the off season like get rid of the scrub coaches and let Hoke hire his own guys. Like I said eventually it will hit the fan. We don't have a team capable of doing much this season. It's the worst I've since Brad Scott was coach. Even our former players are disgusted. All the fans that just like to go out to games and have a good time go ahead. Do your thing. At the end of the season will be the most important crossroads of the University of South Carolina football.

Ok well at least your being realistic now! I like you agree changes should have been made last year.

Had they I still think we would be where we are now however but with hope that things will get better....

Now what we have to do is sit back and wait on the end of this season and see what happens.....Then we can all reach conclusions on what we should do....

As for me personally I have sat there for over 30 years looking at sub-par performance and always hoping for better.....

But the older I get the more I am inclined to say not another dime until I see someone else there making a commitment they will do what it takes to get better....

I'm pleased with the facilities....Pleased overall with Spurrier to a degree.....

If he isn't or can't devote the time it takes to be a power I'm good with him being the face of the program and calling a few plays....

But I want a COO in there running the day to day stuff that knows what the hell is going on and how to get the job done.....

This entire D staff (less Hoke at this point) must be shown the door for anyone to have credibility that they are serious about winning....That's a must!

Jr must give up the Rec Coord position immediately with someone serving in the interim while a plan is developed to bring in someone....

I'm no fan of Ellis Johnson but perhaps we do need him back to oversee things....

I'm hesitate to say it but I understand there isn't a coach on the team that can get along with JR because he gives off some impression directly or indirectly that he runs things....

If JR ever wants to be the HC here he needs to leave, take a position as a HC with another school and show he can get it done because he hasn't to date shown me, nor I expect anyone else, that he can do that job.

Hell just to be frank about the entire mess I would let pretty much this entire staff go with exception of perhaps Mangus......Sorry but its the cold hard truth.....

We didn't just get this way overnight.....This train wreck has been coming for some time

You want to tell me the best we could do as a position coach on Defense was to hire some guy from a High School? SOS's exact words when approached should have been HELL NO!

Ellis doesn't have a job at the moment that I am aware of...You send a message and you go hire him back as the Asst HC in charge of Whatever! His job is to begin to identify who is going and develop a short list of people to bring in as soon as the clock reads 00:00 after playing Clumpsum....

What I can tell you is the current situation is not sustainable and changes have to be made...
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He doesn't seem to have a real plan. Different QBs, different combinations of players. Scrapping the Depth chart every week basically..... It's the worst I've since Brad Scott was coach. Even our former players are disgusted. All the fans that just like to go out to games and have a good time go ahead. Do your thing. At the end of the season will be the most important crossroads of the University of South Carolina football.

Why are you not an Athletics Director? With your keen sense of coaching ability and how to manage coaching personnel I'm surprised you have not unseated Ray Tanner yet. We have played three games this year, there is opportunity to turn things around. I'm not saying we're going to have a great season, hell I'm not even saying we'll beat UCF, but I DO have hope and look forward to watching this team try to improve week to week.
And what would you have him do? Fire a HOF coach because things aren't going great?

You do remember that less than 2 years ago and for 2 years before that we won 11 games so SOMEONE knew WTH they were doing!

Last year was bad and I, along with most others, expected some changes as it was apparent we were missing with regards to talent.

Personally I thought the entire staff on D should have been re-assigned and/or just let go...

Jr should no longer have been in charge of recruiting and Elliott needed to show something quickly or been told to look elsewhere if not. I personally think he has reached his limit with regard to coaching ability but i'm not the AD

Our D was terrible for many reasons but the most obvious was lack of talent and inexperienced and/or inept coaching......

The mere fact that we have a lack of talent means someone (the guy in charge JR) was not properly overseeing recruiting.....

Geez red flags should have gone up someplace when a guy gets 11 players to commit and 1 makes it into school.......A recruiting genius Ward is NOT nor apparently is Jr in overseeing those efforts....

I personally like JR and I am sure its hard to be the son of SOS with respect to also coaching for him but thats his choice and not mine. He hasn't gotten the job done and the job should be someone elses.

Should we have gotten Muschamp if he wanted to come here? Yes! But he or we didn't want the other and we didn't /couldn't make it happen....I can live with that!

What I can't live with is they fact that a guy like Brad Lawing is let go, makes it known he would like to be back here, and we don't do what we need to do to get him is simply beyond belief. That is poor management on someone's part and poor management is getting old pretty darn quickly with me.....

We needed his coaching talent and his recruiting ability and we passed....Heck we didn't just pass we IGNORED him.....

Spurrier has done way more good than bad here but some of this stuff is getting old....

In the end its a simple as takes money to do things big....Our donors have ponied up and ponied up huge to improve Carolina athletics.....

Do I expect 11 win seasons every year? NO.....Do I expect to have 7 win seasons and not see major efforts taking place to correct what we need to in order to be competitive? YES.....This is just common sense and yet I see none of those kind of efforts to correct the situation.

The only thing that has changed since the end of last season is Hoke was brought in and even then is called a CO-coordinator to a guy that, im sorry, doesn't have a clue....

Why not just come out and tell the guy we will pay you what we owe you and let you go and get the new guy some help that actually knows what they are doing?

It darn sure isn't for lack of money so I put that on SOS........

One thing I have figured out over the last year and a half....Ellis Johnson was doing way more here than we thought he was doing.....While I don't like the way he left it may well be time to bring him back and put him back in charge of recruiting and make him the Asst HC again....

3 games into this season and the HBC finally says there will be some changes......? WTH there should have been changes after last season....Even the most reasonable didn't expect us to have 11 wins this year but getting beat by Kentucky in your own house is not acceptable.

Getting blown out by UGA is not acceptable.....

I'm sorry but throwing out Nunez to try to appease me and most of the fan base as the go to guy for the future simply isn't enough.....

Its time to either get in 100% and make the changes that need to be made to get the talent and coaches we need to be successful or its time to hit the links and let us move on.....

With regards to Ray I can appreciate his position.....He has a HOF coach that has a lot of influence. He can't just ride in and tell him to do this, that or the other no matter what some think.... It just doesn't work that way.
Where did you hear this:

"What I can't live with is they fact that a guy like Brad Lawing is let go, makes it known he would like to be back here, and we don't do what we need to do to get him is simply beyond belief."

I thought he left because of his ex-wife living in Columbia (and possibly because he didn't want to work under LW) and didn't hear anything about him wanting to come back.
You guys just don't get it. No team or program stays on top. Nobody. Some will argue that winning 11 games or a national championship should mean that you get all the recruits every year and will always be at that level. Newsflash: that doesn't happen in ANY college sport. Look at Texas football. Look at Nebraska football. Look at Miami football. Look at Florida football. Even Alabama has had years when they are not elite. Look at NC and Duke basketball. Look at LSU or AZ/AZ State baseball. When you're dealing with 18-20 year old kids, there wiill always be peaks and valleys. Sometimes you miss on recruits, kids don't pan out, or the talent base in your state (Such as SC for high school football) isn't as good as it was for a few years. Sometimes there are bad decisions (We've had those too). All part of sports. It's great to have expecations, some of our fans act like entitled children who think it's their God-given right to win 11 games per year or go to teh CWS.

BTW - Great job by women's soccer team last night! (I know most people don't care, but they're 18-20 year old kids just like the football/baseball team).
Go Gamecocks!
Where did you hear this:

"What I can't live with is they fact that a guy like Brad Lawing is let go, makes it known he would like to be back here, and we don't do what we need to do to get him is simply beyond belief."

I thought he left because of his ex-wife living in Columbia (and possibly because he didn't want to work under LW) and didn't hear anything about him wanting to come back.

If that is true about his being let go, it says a LOT about how the FB team is being managed. I thought he left because of his wife, too. How could he see the problems with LW but SS couldn't?
Let's break this "big man" statement down a little bit eh?

So you have the "eggs" to fire him huh? LOL. You must be ovulating...

First off, no coach is going to win every game nor win all the time. You are assuming that we could just fire Spurrier, go out and hire whatever coach it is that you think you can hire in your fantasy land, and we are suddenly an SEC championship team. Let me make this clear: If USC were to fire the coach who has been committed to, and given this university the best decade of football in it's entire 100+ year history BY FAR, no coach worth his salt would even consider coaching here.

Good lord. Kids, I'd like to point out an important point here. As you can see, when someone has 5th grade grammar and writing skills, it is hard to give them any credit. That's not to discredit the pure ignorance and lack of understanding of the coaching profession that is on display here.

Furthermore, if you have been a long-time Carolina fan, you should know that we are living in some of the best days we've ever had. It is easy to take this all for granted, but to assume we can just fire a legendary coach, run out and hire anyone that is going to do better at the drop of a dime is absolutely reckless. Despite the current downswing, I am grateful we have coach Spurrier and he has my full support. You should go pull for Clemson!
Let's break this "big man" statement down a little bit eh?

So you have the "eggs" to fire him huh? LOL. You must be ovulating...

First off, no coach is going to win every game nor win all the time. You are assuming that we could just fire Spurrier, go out and hire whatever coach it is that you think you can hire in your fantasy land, and we are suddenly an SEC championship team. Let me make this clear: If USC were to fire the coach who has been committed to, and given this university the best decade of football in it's entire 100+ year history BY FAR, no coach worth his salt would even consider coaching here.

Good lord. Kids, I'd like to point out an important point here. As you can see, when someone has 5th grade grammar and writing skills, it is hard to give them any credit. That's not to discredit the pure ignorance and lack of understanding of the coaching profession that is on display here.

Furthermore, if you have been a long-time Carolina fan, you should know that we are living in some of the best days we've ever had. It is easy to take this all for granted, but to assume we can just fire a legendary coach, run out and hire anyone that is going to do better at the drop of a dime is absolutely reckless. Despite the current downswing, I am grateful we have coach Spurrier and he has my full support. You should go pull for Clemson!
Hey old guys. I'm going to say this right now. "The best days of Carolina football" as you keep calling them aren't that much to brag about or want to hold on to. Also, they are over. And they aren't the best days we will see in my belief. They may be the best days that YOU will ever see because you are old, but there will be better days at some point. And the new fans are NOT spoiled. The old ones are just too used to seeing this team be awful for so long that they disgustingly embrace it like an old bottle of wine or a favorite pair of jeans. They act like it's our rightful place to be a doormat, just because we've been that way for so long it's what they know. And they are too old for their mentality to change.

The best days are in the future, so get out of the way and stop clinging to your 70 year-old fossil of a coach who doesn't even know what is going on with the team on daily basis, and let the torch be passed. You are being very over-dramatic with this "No one will want to coach here" nonsense. Yest they will. It's called: 1. SEC head coach pay. 2. Winnable SEC East 3. Brand new facilities. 4. Great Home field advantage when the team is good. 5. Fan base starving for victory, and much easier on the coaches than other SEC teams. Too many have put Spurrier on too high a pedestal and have attached their hopes to him alone. It's time for the painful separation, because it can't last much longer. It just can't. He isn't losing a couple of games, the team isn't just having a down swing. He's simply just doing terrible at his job because he just doesn't have what it takes to do a good job anymore. It happens to even the best of us.
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Why are you not an Athletics Director? With your keen sense of coaching ability and how to manage coaching personnel I'm surprised you have not unseated Ray Tanner yet. We have played three games this year, there is opportunity to turn things around. I'm not saying we're going to have a great season, hell I'm not even saying we'll beat UCF, but I DO have hope and look forward to watching this team try to improve week to week.
Good for you man. Enjoy yourself. Wave the flag if you saw something that get's you excited about watching this team. Me, I've seen nothing but a complete disorganized mess by coaches that don't know what they are doing. I've seen us getting worse from week to week. It's been too hard on my blood pressure lately, so I think I'll take a break from getting my hopes up for a good while. While you insist there is opportunity to turn the season around, I haven't seen anything that makes me think it will actually happen. It's likely going to continue to get worse with this tough schedule. It's just what I see happening.
If that is true about his being let go, it says a LOT about how the FB team is being managed. I thought he left because of his wife, too. How could he see the problems with LW but SS couldn't?

Lawing was not retained by the incoming HC at UF as part of his staff....He made it known he "enjoyed his time in Columbia" and "it was a great place to live and work" after he left UF. Was he going to beg SOS to come back? You don't know BL well if you ever thought that.....

He was later picked up at FSU after some time. As for why he left here I was told he went in and told SOS LW was an idiot and was told he either had to work for him or find another gig. He found another gig! Had nothing to do with his family....

I'm not on a "its time for SOS to retire kick" like some of the others....But this much I will say and its painfully clear......Someone is NOT managing this program the way it should be!

If you aren't going to manage it properly for whatever reason you MUST bring in someone that will....

If SOS is too arrogant to recognize there is a problem and get about having it fixed then yeah perhaps it time to take to the links on a full time basis.

If Ellis Johnson is not working under contract for someone at this point he should be introducing him tomorrow as the Asst HC in charge of Recruiting on an interim basis till season end when they can sit down and figure out a long term plan to bring in the quality of Coach's necessary to bring in and produce the kind of talent we need to be competitive each and every year for an SECC.

This program should be in the top 3 in the East with a chance to pay for the SECC every year.

You can not get to that point with coachs that have experience such as we have. LW hired each and every one of the assistants he has. One guy was coaching in HS. The rest have never coached at this level.

I think we all wish it had worked out but it hasn't and there is NO EVIDENCE that it will.

It's time to move on and put the pieces together that will get us back to the point of being competitive.

I said this last year when, for whatever reason, he didn't let all of the D staff go that no one was coming in and make them any better. One guy can't do it all.....I seriously don't think they (aside from Hoke at this point) have the knowledge and skill necessary to get the job done.

On the offensive side some things have to change there as well. I like Elliott but I think he has maxed out his coaching ability and its clearly not enough. Are we better than we were before he arrived? YES! Is it good enough? NO

Honestly I keep Mangus and that's it if its me....Jr needs to find a smaller school and take a shot at a HC gig. Its not going to happen here and from what I hear he causes more problems than he solves.

When all that is done you also better realize that it may well take 2 to 3 more recruiting cycles to bring in the kind of talent you need to play at the level we must play at in order to compete at the top. Its not going to be better for some time even if its done the right way.
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Kinda off this thread topic, but close. I had the same roommates from sophomore USC, to 5 years after. To This Day I Work With One Of them. We would always hang the Russell house football poster in whatever dump we lived in. I guess it was 90 when Todd went down vs. NC State. I came in the place and ripped the poster down in disgust. That got to be a yearly tradition for quite awhile. Hadn't done it in years, and low and behold we had one hanging at work and Monday. ..bam......tore it down...ha ha..May have been the earliest ever.