Will say that the 2nd half from the other night proved something


Sep 7, 2004
which had been suspected by many concerning the defense......lack of effort and intensity has been loss from our play.

These current crop of players have not understood the level of intensity required to dominate at this level of football. I think that goes back to the loss of Brad Lawing and the current DL staffs lack of ability to instill the understanding of how intense a defense has to play on every play.

Nothing was changed scheme wise between the two halfs but for once in the last 3 years the DL played with the intensity and effort which used to be common place from the Ingrams\Robertson\Taylors etc and the rest of the Lawing groups.

That is the way that EVERY SINGLE SNAP from scrimmage should resemble and was before the current coaches took over.
The lack of energy and intensity is disturbing. This was the first home game. The crowd is amped. All we've heard is how the defense didn't want to repeat what happened last year. What did we get for the entire first half. Last year's defense. That's happened for two halves now.
Right.....the 2nd half showed that it does not appear to be a talent issue really but more a motivation\intensity issue...

UK could hardly get a snap or a handoff before the DL was wrecking havoc in their face...that type of dominating EFFORT used to be the standard in WB.

I think we are seeing the effect of the DL coach which was hired from UNC of all places.....he apparently brought the wine and cheese mindset with him and he has been teaching it to our DL in practice.

The sad part is that we have never had more capable bodies ready to contribute on the DL which was not the case even with some of our dominating DL in the past...but the DL coaches have failed at getting them to play with their pants on fire.

They did it for a would be nice if they would keep doing it but not optimistic.
Right.....the 2nd half showed that it does not appear to be a talent issue really but more a motivation\intensity issue...

UK could hardly get a snap or a handoff before the DL was wrecking havoc in their face...that type of dominating EFFORT used to be the standard in WB.

I think we are seeing the effect of the DL coach which was hired from UNC of all places.....he apparently brought the wine and cheese mindset with him and he has been teaching it to our DL in practice.

The sad part is that we have never had more capable bodies ready to contribute on the DL which was not the case even with some of our dominating DL in the past...but the DL coaches have failed at getting them to play with their pants on fire.

They did it for a would be nice if they would keep doing it but not optimistic.
Fitzgerald. I think he's the biggest loss since Spurrier has been here. You can certainly make a case for Lawing, but I'll go with Fitzgerald.
The lack of energy and intensity is disturbing. This was the first home game. The crowd is amped. All we've heard is how the defense didn't want to repeat what happened last year. What did we get for the entire first half. Last year's defense. That's happened for two halves now.
It's a FOUR quarter game! Not just a second half! I'm sick of hearing our we "adjust" at halftime - that's great but we need to play full speed for 4 full quarters imo!!
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What was crazy is that the 1st series on D with the pick and subsequent TD you would have THOUGHT would have given them that effort....I guess when KY came back and punched them in the mouth so to speak they did not react the way you'd hope
I heard a rumor that Whammy is the DC in the first half and Hoke takes over in the second half....just a rumor mind would explain a lot.....JK of course!
You couldn't be more wrong. We jammed the line of scrimmage, played man coverage, and actually shot the gaps in the second half. Totally different scheme in the second half. Many of us may be surprised come Saturday.
It's the offense that is the issue right now.

I agree with a lot of what you are saying. In the first half after the INT, I saw a D that played the soft D, not wrapping up tackles, and played not to get burnt deep, which kept getting them in more trouble by giving up the five six yard play which Kentucky would take ten to fifteen yards.

Our offense was very blah all game. It was almost like SOS wanted to prove he could run whatever he wanted on Kentucky when a simple draw was working for big yards. I also thought the team played harder for Orth than for Mitch- and I don't think it is because he was the backup...
It's a FOUR quarter game! Not just a second half! I'm sick of hearing our we "adjust" at halftime - that's great but we need to play full speed for 4 full quarters imo!!

Quite right, Miss Jane. I cannot remember the last time we played 4 qtrs of's very disheartening. Hope you and Big John are doing well....hope to see y'all at Edisto soon.
Our recent defensive troubles are MOSTLY due to Ellis and Brad leaving and the replacements not being up to par. I'll state again, Lorenzo is a great relationship guy which is why he is so good at recruiting. It makes him a good positional coach too. He doesn't have the skills to be a great manager of people or a program. At least not yet in his career.
I understand why Spurrier elevated him. People like him and respected him as a positional coach. Johnson gave him high marks. Kids love him. So, Spurrier gave him a chance at DC. It wasn't a stupid move. It just didn't work out.
To compound things, Lorenzo brought in a guy in Adams that is very similar to himself. Heck, many managers make this mistake. It's difficult for any of us to hire someone we're likely to butt heads with all the time, right? We want folks that think like we do. Life feels better that way.
So, yes, Spurrier made a mistake in elevating Ward. He also corrected that mistake in getting Hoke here. It takes awhile to turn it around, but we've seen flashes of what is to come. The defense will get stronger as the year goes on.
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We dominated them - when they went vanilla to avoid turnovers to protect the lead.
It's a FOUR quarter game! Not just a second half! I'm sick of hearing our we "adjust" at halftime - that's great but we need to play full speed for 4 full quarters imo!!
I'm with you.... Whatever miraculous adjustments were made at halftime should have been made much sooner. Im probably in the minority with this thought, but I think Hoke is relearning how to call games at the collegiate level. No doubt he is a great defensive mind, but he's been away from the college game for a very long time. Things have changed. Defensive coverage should be disguised, and Spurrier shouldn't have to tell him that.
I agree with a lot of what you are saying. In the first half after the INT, I saw a D that played the soft D, not wrapping up tackles, and played not to get burnt deep, which kept getting them in more trouble by giving up the five six yard play which Kentucky would take ten to fifteen yards.

Our offense was very blah all game. It was almost like SOS wanted to prove he could run whatever he wanted on Kentucky when a simple draw was working for big yards. I also thought the team played harder for Orth than for Mitch- and I don't think it is because he was the backup...
It almost, I repeat almost, reminded me a little of how the team responded at Mizzou a couple of years ago when Shaw came in for Thompson. It's a very small sample size so far, but Orth looks like a player that may compete above his skill level. Mitch needs to find a way to conquer his fear, relax, and play the game. It looks like he's trying to hard to be perfect, instead of relaxing and playing the game.
Ha! I love this stuff consistently found on this board. They were reeling while throwing and running the same plays they ran in the first half. Our defense was finally allowed to play aggressively.
We're just lucky to live in the same world as the great brad lawing.
I look for the Patriots to bring the great brad lawing in as the coach in waiting.
Hoke won't get the right mindset into these guys until Wards walks away, is fired or buys in. That simple.
I look for the Patriots to bring the great brad lawing in as the coach in waiting.

What is your big explanation for the complete collapse of DL play since you seem to have hated the way that SC used to play?

I am sure it is merely a coincidence that the thing went to crud when the former coaches left....let us hear the "smart" crowds explanation....