Worst concession stands ever

Aug 5, 2006
As if the loss wasn't bad enough, absolute worst concession operation I've ever seen. It seems Aramark has done away with some of the satellite "drink only" stands that helped with the crowding at the main ones. I've never had to wait long in the South Lowers, but it was 30 minutes plus last night. Anyone have a similar experience?
As if the loss wasn't bad enough, absolute worst concession operation I've ever seen. It seems Aramark has done away with some of the satellite "drink only" stands that helped with the crowding at the main ones. I've never had to wait long in the South Lowers, but it was 30 minutes plus last night. Anyone have a similar experience?
No way I am waiting in those lines and paying those prices. I do without during the game!
Our whole stadium experience is below par. Terrible concession situation. Disgusting bathrooms. Long lines to enter even 30 minutes before the game. Terrible merchandise stands. Lines everywhere. Poor speaker system. That's not even getting into packing people in like sardines on those metal bleachers.

I mean I love being there for what it is. But there is nothing comfortable or effecient about it.
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It was long. People, what you need to do here is send a letter to the President of USC, about the long wait. I guarantee you, he Will see to it, that this get corrected. He or someone in his office will answer. We all need to send a message, if you were badly inconvenient. This is how you do business. Don't just talk about it on this board.
It was long. People, what you need to do here is send a letter to the President of USC, about the long wait. I guarantee you, he Will see to it, that this get corrected. He or someone in his office will answer. We all need to send a message, if you were badly inconvenient. This is how you do business. Don't just talk about it on this board.
Been like this for years (Poor concessions). They said they were improving by bringing in this new group. They have received enough complaints that it should have already been corrected.
Yep, was a bad experience. Toilets that were overflowing because you could not flush them, concession lines that took me long enough to get through that I missed the first series of the second half, and many concession stands sold out of food by halftime. That coupled with me running across some of the rudest and unapologetic drunk people in all of my years going and the outcome of the game made for a crappy night.
But.....but.......we were all told to get ready for a new & improved experience at the stadium (pyro, better concessions, win over KY, etc.).
Been like this for years (Poor concessions). They said they were improving by bringing in this new group. They have received enough complaints that it should have already been corrected.

And this is obvious and shouldn't have to be brought up every year. Maybe if the powers that be would leave the pampered box seat and walk the stadium they could see for themselves

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