Yall sound like the old hillbillys on Hee Haw...

Whine...woe is me...gloom, despair, agony...

Throw in a groan of pain every so often.

Buck up and do what you can your team and your coaches. All this sky is falling, Rome is burning hand wringing name calling produces what? Negative vibes. Which produce what? More negative vibes.

Jesus didn't teach to think on the good things just to hear himself talk. It's a choice we all have to make.

If you think Spurriers done you wrong, go tell him. Or tell his boss. Vomiting venom all over the rest of us incessantly certainly does nothing to build anybody up, except maybe the tiger trolls on here.

A new defensive system always brings growing pains. And once we settle on a QB the offense will be okay.

In the meantime, perseverance through the hard times will bring character and make us stronger. It has in the past and it will again. Buck up Gamecocks.
We're not growing; we're shrinking.
I'm with you Iceman.. I love my Gamecocks and win or lose, I'll be there pulling for them.. I don't speak badly of our players or coaches. They are Gamecocks. When/if the time comes and the administration chooses another staff, I'll support them as well.

One gentleman asked how much you spend on Gamecock football. I guess you can only be upset if you spend a certain amount of $ or if you don't spend much $, you must not have a voice.. As if it matters, I have (6) tickets and (2) parking passes and give close to $10,000 a year between football, basketball and baseball. Is that enough for you? Am I still allowed to be patient and not venomous of the program?? I'm not happy with the current product and will always hope for more.. However, trashing the program does little to help but that is your right if you choose to do so.. I don't hate you. As misguided as you may be, you're Gamecocks as well :)

I think Spurrier's mediocre comment was directed more at his team and certain players than the fans but the fans have now adopted it for themselves and think they can actually make a difference in the performance of the team by being a fan.. It doesn't matter if you, as a fan, accept mediocrity or not. It only matters if the players do.. The only thing you can do is support the program or not. If you choose to not accept mediocrity, cool.. You should stop spending your $ on the program. That will indeed make a statement. Otherwise, digging in and supporting the team would help immensely more..

My theory is, that most of you venom spewers talked so much shit about how good we are/were to anyone that would listen, that now you've "invested" yourselves a little too much and therefore are letting your emotions get the better of you. That, or you've never played competitive sports at a high level. Or both.