The LA Fire of 2025 isn't a "natural disaster." Let's be real here.
I lived in California for years. Santa Ana winds and dry conditions? That's just any given Tuesday.
Previous generations handled brush fires like pros. They had systems. They had plans. They worked.
Then came one-party rule and the policy changes that came with it:
- Blocked access to available freshwater
- Dismantled reservoirs
- Rejected desalination projects
- Let forests become tinderboxes
- Defunded fire departments (to spend more on illegals)
- Ignored basic infrastructure maintenance
- Prioritized identity politics over competence
This wasn't Mother Nature. This was bad priorities.
This was preventable. We used to catch these fires early. Stop them cold. What changed?
The question isn't "how did this happen?" The question is "who let this happen?"
Think about it: When was the last time California's fire response actually worked as intended?
These weren't acts of God.
These were acts of malice and incompetence.
Speak up. Ask questions. Demand answers.
We can't let them call this "natural" when there's nothing natural about it.
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