Men’s basketball

This team just took #2 to the wire and also beat our ranked rival.

They can't be too bad when you compare them with what we've had the past few decades. :)

All of the key players who took we to the dance last year were recruited by Paris, not Martin.

Again, I think Paris's current stats speak for themself at this moment in time.

You can't get better when it's sized up with USC Basketball History over the same time frame.
What about North Florida?? that Powerhouse that usually gets to the Final Four Each year?? Thank Goodness he beat TATERS! And OH YEAH my bad, I forgot about Losing to a "GOOD" team, I wasnt counting "MORAL VICTORIES".

Well, our Poor

No one is asking you to reason for anyone else. We're trying to figure out how you reasoned for yourself because nothing you've said makes any sense.

You started off arguing the Trump tax cuts significantly increased revenue. When faced with the reality that increase was largely equal to inflation, you've suddenly argued inflation made the federal expenditure higher as well. Make it make sense.

But it's telling you can't even say what you were trying to say.
I've said it very clearly. I cannot help you cannot understand simple facts and concepts.


Poor is relative
power 4 inflation
5 million NIL bucks ain’t what it used to be

Pointing out there's inflation doesn't suddenly negate those purchases though. ( us paying sellers more than some NFL qb's, buying a 5 star DL from A&M, and buying a qb from OSU)

Since none of us know the real NIL budget numbers, it's hard to really compare. But those hirings would be used to claim massive NIL investment if they were for an opponent, and we were so inclined to make that case.

Well, our Poor

I am not going to create a whole new thread to pass this along. This seems like a good place to put this:

A study published yesterday in "Nature Medicine" found that the number of people who develop dementia each year will double over the next 35 years to about one million annually by 2060.

My local college provides adult learning classes at a ridiculously low price. Last Fall I took a couple of classes, One on the media and politics and 2 on the coming elections. But the subjects they offer vary and are many. They include but are not limited to Apple Technology, Dance, Gardening , Genealogy, End of Life Preparation, History, Government, Literature and Poetry, Music, Nuclear Technology, Photography, Science Fiction, Well Being, etc.

I'm taking a couple of courses. One being "Brain and Body Fitness I" (I intend to take part II in the Fall). The other is "Humans Are Good-----Dogs and Cats Are Better". I thought about taking "Introduction to Meditation", but maybe next time. Hopefully, the Brain and Body Fitness course will pay big dividends down the road.

A guy sitting next to me must have signed up for a dozen courses. I said "WOW". He said, that it gives him a good excuse to get out of the house and away from his wife. :D

If you have the time, check out your local college. They probably offer the same opportunities. Like I said, the cost is ridiculously low. Registration for the semester cost me $35. One course cost me $12. The second course course cost me $10. That's it. Regarding time: one course is spread out over 3 days, one hour a piece. The 2nd is spread out over 4 days, 90 minutes per session. So, it does not take up a lot of time.

That's my "Public Service Announcement". It will do you a lot more good than obsessing over politics, Gamecock recruiting and your investment portfolio. The choice is yours.

Men’s basketball

Honestly, far too earlier to say how this team finishes out.

We just lost by 3 points to the #2 team country after leading a good part of the game.

Auburn thrashed us in both contests last season so the coaching staff did a great job in adjustments.

Murray-Bowles is an NBA Player.

The key is obviously getting more production from role players and we have many new faces.

We're not getting rid of Paris anytime soon so we might as well settle in for now.
I will agreee on Lets see how this team finishes, it however is no too early to see this team is not good. Again, it is This coach's 2nd year, he did okay last year with basically Martin's players, lets see if he can get HIS players to improve.

Men’s basketball

Honestly, far too earlier to say how this team finishes out.

We just lost by 3 points to the #2 team country after leading a good part of the game.

Auburn thrashed us in both contests last season so the coaching staff did a great job in adjustments.

Murray-Bowles is an NBA Player.

The key is obviously getting more production from role players and we have many new faces.

We're not getting rid of Paris anytime soon so we might as well settle in for now.
Make that the #1 team in the country, Sometimes in basketball it takes some time for your talent to meld, especially when you have several new faces, our fanbase needs to be a bit more patient, the SEC has 5 teams in the top 8 and 9 in the top 25, we just got beat by 3 top 15 teams, we're going to have some losses. We beat Clemson, not a bad, team they beat Kentucky.

LA mayor. Another dei failure

Can you imagine losing your home and everything you own in the fires a day or two ago and seeing this?

Everything pointing to a planned event at this point. Newsom can't contain his enthusiasm.

They got this one in just before Trump took office to ensure Biden sent the rebuild cash.

Trump would have helped those who lost their homes directly instead of funneling it through the deranged CA Government.

2028 Smart City Agenda and Gomers are riding with Gavin.

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What happened in life that made you want to spread misinformation during a natural disaster?

Zoning is a local government function lol

LA mayor. Another dei failure



The LA Fire of 2025 isn't a "natural disaster." Let's be real here.

I lived in California for years. Santa Ana winds and dry conditions? That's just any given Tuesday.

Previous generations handled brush fires like pros. They had systems. They had plans. They worked.

Then came one-party rule and the policy changes that came with it:

- Blocked access to available freshwater
- Dismantled reservoirs
- Rejected desalination projects
- Let forests become tinderboxes
- Defunded fire departments (to spend more on illegals)
- Ignored basic infrastructure maintenance
- Prioritized identity politics over competence

This wasn't Mother Nature. This was bad priorities.

This was preventable. We used to catch these fires early. Stop them cold. What changed?

The question isn't "how did this happen?" The question is "who let this happen?"

Think about it: When was the last time California's fire response actually worked as intended?

These weren't acts of God.

These were acts of malice and incompetence.

Speak up. Ask questions. Demand answers.

We can't let them call this "natural" when there's nothing natural about it.

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Fires were set. Lots of footage shows that. Who set it up. Not hard to figure that out

One family uses pool to save houses in cali

a man who said repeatedly that he was "lucky."

I am glad it worked for him. It's not a recipe for saving your house from fires in 85 mph winds and plenty of homeowner's simply can't handle such a situation.

For those that can, that's great.
Hey, it’s the only choice the poor bastards have out there. Government is there to make sure they burn. Only you can make a difference. Smokey knew 40 years ago.

LA mayor. Another dei failure

This is fantastic. Gomer honestly believes Gavin Newsom is of stronger moral character than people like Elon.

This is what I've been trying to get across on this forum.

We're not dealing with a run-of-the-mill Gomer.

This is an exotic breed.

He would follow Newsom's words to the end of the earth - and that's exactly where it would lead.

It's incredible all of his thoughts are free of charge. Be Grateful.

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Good! Please run gavin…….. 🙏

LA mayor. Another dei failure

Having insurance is part of my planning so that major life events don't threaten my family or cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The great majority of people can't withstand having their home burn to the ground without adequate insurance.

It's great that you have "structured your assets" so that a major life event (a home burning down, or a loved one having a life altering disease doesn't impact your finances negatively. But other than about .001% of the population, the rest of us use various insurance products to off-set our potential losses.

The great majority of people can't withstand a major illness without health insurance unless they want to lose their entire life savings.

The smartest people I know have adequate insurance products for protection.
Let me know how that works out for you. You’ve probably spent more than your homes worth on insurance premiums if you’re over 60 which is extremely sad. Invest that over the years and it would be double what you paid for your home. The odds of your home burning down are extremely low and chances are if it does burn you’ll be in court for years and never see a cent.

Health insurance. Please……………You'll definitely die much sooner fooling with “pharma care” here in the us. You’re probably on meds now. Right??

The smartest people I know have figured out insurance is a scam and big pharma runs the healthcare system pushing you straight into their lifetime care for all the sickness THEY infest their customers with.

The human body is designed to heal itself along with common sense, exercise and natural remedies. No insurance needed.

LA mayor. Another dei failure

Of course- but your "no way to live" is another person's "Don't tread on me. Mind your own damn business"

Then others blame the government when something happens and they tried hard to do something for years.

my county tried to pass a zoning ordinance about 6-7 years ago trying to get auto related business to clean up stored tires on their properties. The voters voted it down.

There is one auto shop about 4 miles from my house that has at least 1,000 tires piled up outside their shop, right along the main road. A fire would burn for days and likely threaten every neighborhood within 800 yards. There is nothing anyone can do about it.
You can move I guess

One family uses pool to save houses in cali

The average pool pump pumps out 40-80 gallons of water a minute- handled by a homeowner. In the California case, trying to put out a fire with 80 mph winds would have resulted in deaths of most homeowners given not only their houses- but the entire neighborhoods were burnt down- that is if the homeowner was even physically capable of trying to stand up to fight a raging fire and avoid falling trees and structures in 80mph winds.

An actual fireman's firehose pumps around 250 gallons a minute handled by trained personnel. A firetruck in front of a house can pump out 1500 gallons a minute.
And yet a retired 66 yo saved his home with a water hose. All you need is coverage on front and back of house. Those lots are tiny. A pool pump will work just fine but if I wanted a fire truck pump I could buy it. Not a problem. Personally Id just setup a sprinkler system to keep my home wet roof down and all sides for 2-3 days. Plenty of water in pool for that. Cheap and efficient.
