Mulkey is classless

I don't have any reason to believe Mulkey - or not believe her.

I will say, if someone called me to ask about my boss, I think basic due diligence would be for me to take the person's number and contact information, and then tell them I need to check with my boss, then if he/she is ok with it, I'd be glad to talk. I wouldn't just assume my boss was ok with it. But that's me.

All that is irrelevant.

It was a very interesting and deep dive that detailed good parts and parts that some might not see as positive. In other words, she's human.

That's why even reporters that cover LSU and other programs have said it wasn't a hit piece at all.

The 2-year odyssey was dedicated effort to show that a Women's College Basketball Coach was human?

Nah. He was aiming for the homophobic angle and other inflammatory goodies WaPo is known for.

Unfortunately for him, she checked it in advance and they had to water down the propaganda.

The article fell flat Dave. There's probably more people talking about it on this site than anywhere else.
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Washington Post feature on Kim Mulkey is out- and a terrific read

A reporter I reached out to responded

Said there was no way Kent Babb would back off anything,
( sometimes stories go various ways depending on who you talk to at the time so you try to talk more than one person when you write a profile.)

especially since he talked to her dad and sister, which can take time to set up and schedule. doesn't mean you work on such a story all the time- can go a month or more without really doing much on it so you leave it open. routine for feature stories. some sports figures like coaches won't even talk to reporters about stories like this during their seasons so you have to wait.)

Said Mulkey is a bit paranoid like a lot of higher profile coaches.

Hahahahahahaha. Dave, the decision would have nothing to do with Babb or his desires.

Legal makes those calls.

Your heresy creations to support a position on this site are legendary.

At some point when I'm painfully bored, I'll put together of collection of them with full context.

This really puts in perspective how you were once hanging on every word of the likes of Don Lemon.

Please never change.

Washington Post feature on Kim Mulkey is out- and a terrific read

My favorite aspect of the fluff piece was the claim it took 2 years to produce.

Two years to write a piece like that about a women's basketball coach?

Well over 95% of what was included was already available on the internet.

It could have easily been written by AI in under a minute in storytelling API mode and then you just place phone calls to the parties included in the story to infuse some original quotes and authenticity.

What a lame duck.

Lsu thugs gone

Come on COD, you know from reading my posts over the past 20 years that I’m not a Clemson fan. I’m merely an objective fan who doesn’t always get caught up in the rah-rah stuff. That said, when I place money on a contest, I WILL pull for the team my money is on. Being a rah-rah homer has its limits when it comes to the Benjamins.
I do Understand that!
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Mulkey is classless

What exactly is your point? Van Lith whines about negative comments being racist when they clearly are not. There are 14 SEC teams - ALL ARE MADE UP OF PREDOMINATELY BLACK FEMALES. None of the other teams are being criticized in this manner, only LSU. It is clearly a result of their behavior and nothing else.
HVL is just expressing her white guilt. It’s the thing to do these days for stupid white college students.
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Lsu thugs gone

Absolutely 100% gushing over Iowa beating LSU!! UNLIKE YOU, i will NEVER pull for the taters. Now having said that South Carolina will be Iowa by 20.. Hopefully They get to play them..
Come on COD, you know from reading my posts over the past 20 years that I’m not a Clemson fan. I’m merely an objective fan who doesn’t always get caught up in the rah-rah stuff. That said, when I place money on a contest, I WILL pull for the team my money is on. Being a rah-rah homer has its limits when it comes to the Benjamins.
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LOL, Taters. You almost had it!!!!

i disagree that the taters had a better season. I’m not a basketball guru. But. Quick google searches

Taters picked to finish 5th in the mighty ACC. They finished. - drum “roll”. They finished 5th.

Gamecocks were picked Last. They finished 3rd
That’s pretty impressive.

Taters were one and done in ACC tournament.
Give them credit. They had a good ncaa tournament run. But fell short against the SEC. Alabama was picked to finish 5th in the SEC. They too finished 5th and are still rolling. So both teams were equal and I believe the taters were favored.

To me - the Gamecock had a better season. There is no moral victories for not winning it all.

Btw. I think the taters now find themselves similar to the situation USC was in a few years back with Coach Martin. No way the Taters can fire Brad. Most likely they will reward him with a raise and extension. Similar to that of Tommy Bowden. Give them 2-3 more years. They will be paying him more money to leave.

To me. This was best ( in my opinion ) and worse case scenario for tiger fans. They are Stuck with him now.

Carry on.

I can see that reasoning. Compared to expectations, we overachieved, they did not.

I was looking at it as a straight up comparison. They beat us, and went farther. But regardless, the reality vs message board comment doesn't change.
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