As we draw closer to the Missouri defeat, which angle will the most skilled pumpers take?

Yes all he needs is more time. Bama should have gave Mike Dubose and Mike Shula more time. Then they never would have had to hire Saban

Tommy Bowden didn't get enough time.

Poor Richard Bell. He'd have won 10 national titles had we just been patient.
  1. We overlooked UNC before an offensive juggernaut was born?
  2. We are racking up gobs of yardage/the wins will come?
  3. Refs hosed us in our two losses? (See Shawshank Redemption "Lawyer f-cked me" defense)
  4. Boom almost has the pieces in place? Just a few more years?
  5. Combination of previous or other?

It’s an SEC away game against a highly rated team.
It’s an SEC away game against a highly rated team.

Highly rated? Hmmm. Not sure I'd bestow them that moniker. It's also a game 85% of the people on this board chalked up as a WIN in the preseason prediction threads. I hope we win...truly do. I hope Muschamp wins out and I have to eat a buffet of crow.

Lose this one, and we're circling farther down in the toilet bowl than at any point in the Muschamp tenure.
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Highly rated? Hmmm. Not sure I'd bestow them that moniker. It's also a game 85% of the people on this board chalked up as a WIN in the preseason prediction threads. I hope we win...truly do. I hope Muschamp wins out and I have to eat a buffet of crow.

Lose this one, and we're circling farther down in the toilet bowl than at any point in the Muschamp tenure.

I was responding to the “list of excuses we can make if we lose. “ thread.
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I think we will win on sat. If we dont, this is year 4. We need to give Muschamp more time.
The reason the line is so high is because we have a true freshman making his first road start against a good team. That usually doesn't end well but I have hope because true freshmen don't usually throw for 300 yards against Alabama.
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we are 3-3 in the last 6 games:

2019/09/14 South Carolina 23 - Alabama 47 L
2010/10/09 South Carolina 35 - Alabama 21 W
2009/10/17 South Carolina 6 - Alabama 20 L
2005/09/17 South Carolina 14 - Alabama 37 L
2004/10/02 South Carolina 20 - Alabama 3 W
2001/09/29 South Carolina 37 - Alabama 36 W
What I said 3 out of 6 = 3 and 3
we are 3-3 in the last 6 games:

2019/09/14 South Carolina 23 - Alabama 47 L
2010/10/09 South Carolina 35 - Alabama 21 W
2009/10/17 South Carolina 6 - Alabama 20 L
2005/09/17 South Carolina 14 - Alabama 37 L
2004/10/02 South Carolina 20 - Alabama 3 W
2001/09/29 South Carolina 37 - Alabama 36 W
As I stated. Hold up 6 fingers now close 3, How many left standing?
I do not remember the "pumpers" justifying (using an excuse) the defeat against North Carolina. I would suspect the same thing would happen if South Carolina were to lose against the Tigers.
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6. Trap game. Obviously we were emotionally spent after the moral victory of a 24 point slaughter to Alabama and focusing on the mighty Kentucky Wildcats who have beat us ever year of the Muschamp era. The better team didn't win.

Muschamp was never going to be a HC again until Ray Tanner. We're not just the graveyard of coaches anymore. We're actually hiring coaches from the graveyard.

All of our games are Trap games...
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ain't gonna be no defeat. Go Cocks!
South Carolina has a dangerous offensive arsenal. For whatever reason, in the last few games I think the incompletions have been reduced. Even Dowdle looks like he has improved with his receptions. Markway is dependable and Feaster and Joyner can make explosive plays. South Carolina still needs to improve on scoring touchdowns while in the red zone and I think it is time for OrTre Smith to reclaim his starting position.

I can imagine that the defense will have it struggles throughout the season, where South Carolina will have to depend on the offense to win games. Who knows, if no injuries occur on the offense (very unlikely) then South Carolina could win seven or eight games this season.
Trap game after the emotion spent against Bama.
Still rebuilding, but Muschamp has things on solid footing and pointing in right direction.
Now matter Hilinski's numbers, you cannot replace the leadership qualities of a senior QB.
.... you cannot replace the leadership qualities of a senior QB.
One that's leading his team off the field after throwing a bad pass or an INT?

I'll pass on those leadership qualities and defer to the freshman.

Hindsight is 20/20, but if we had started Hilinski v. UNC, we would have smoked them. That's on our coaches.
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You can call me troll. Tater in disguise. Whatever. I don't care. I'm a CT refugee. Check my post history.

I love this school and athletic program. Don't give a rat's arse about a real fan check-up. Like me or hate me. Couldn't care less.

I didn't like the Tanner hire from the get-go. I love Frank Martin, BTW. He's a Cuban hard-head, but still love him. Not a fan of the Kingston hire. I know several ex-Yardcocks in the Upstate who aren't either. Last names start with W and P.

The Muschamp hire was terrible. Anyone defending it is delusional or a possible/potential cuck ("I love my wife. If I would have been more attentive, she wouldn't have cheated on me.") That noted, I hoped he'd do well. When I heard Roper was coming, I really knew we were effed. Of course, that didn't work out. Then, TRob, now BMac...

The Big Spur article about Muschamp's gaffe Saturday is telling. Wow. Pretty embarrassing.

In any statistical setting, there is enough data to tell you Muschamp isn't a very good head coach. If you want to believe otherwise, that's fine. There are flat-earthers out there, too.

Perhaps the University of South Carolina should hire you to be their next AD and Head coach, you certainly seem qualified just based on this and all the other positive encouraging/"keeping it real" post you put out on this site (i.e.As we draw closer to the Missouri defeat, which angle will the most skilled pumpers take?).

Gamecock football future would be in fantastic hands with you at the helm, the way you talk sounds like you could easily motivate, inspire and encourage every single one of these fine young men into putting their heart and soul into winning 15 games and a national title.

I'm sure you'll be the first one the board of trustees calls once the university fires Tanner and Muschamp.

Just keeping it real... nobody likes losing.

If and when change does comes, it won't because of anything posted on the Fighting Gamecocks Forum.

If posting none stop "keeping it real" help you grieve a loss, go for it, that's what this site is here for to have a place we can all go and cry... or not.

Go Gamecocks!!
Forever to thee!
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Missouri is the old Ga.Tech of the midwest, no way of knowing which team will show up,one week they are world beaters and the next? Well, you all know how inconsistancy works
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  1. We overlooked UNC before an offensive juggernaut was born?
  2. We are racking up gobs of yardage/the wins will come?
  3. Refs hosed us in our two losses? (See Shawshank Redemption "Lawyer f-cked me" defense)
  4. Boom almost has the pieces in place? Just a few more years?
  5. Combination of previous or other?
I honestly expect to win at Mizzou in a high scoring game. I have little faith in our secondary right now, but feeling pretty good about the offense. So if we lose like you think we are, I will have no excuse. This is a must win game to salvage the season IMO and I can't trust this team at all if they cannot rise to the occasion against a good but very flawed MIzzou team.

That said, what will be your excuse for how pathetically awful we still are when we win?
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Having a negative opinion about the coaching staff and AD Ray Tanner makes me a troll? Cool. I'm a troll. I'd hazard 65% of the fan base joins me in troll status.

Was I a troll when I supported Coach SOS?

I guess I'm a troll because I love Hilinski.

My trollship is on full display because I like Frank Martin. (I realize, that flies in the face of many pumper hold-outs. Tricky, the Martin situation.)

Guess I'm a troll. It beats being a blind pumper who cannot discern when he's been shat on.
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Having a negative opinion about the coaching staff and AD Ray Tanner makes me a troll? Cool. I'm a troll. I'd hazard 65% of the fan base joins me in troll status.

Was I a troll when I supported Coach SOS?

I guess I'm a troll because I love Hilinski.

My trollship is on full display because I like Frank Martin. (I realize, that flies in the face of many pumper hold-outs. Tricky, the Martin situation.)

Guess I'm a troll. It beats being a blind pumper who cannot discern when he's been shat on.

Your posts make it obvious, but play the I am not a pumper so I am a troll card. The title of the thread you started tells me all I need to know. " as we draw closer to the Missouri defeat.."
Cynicism isn't intelligence, and hedge-betting isn't profound insight.

This is a very different team from Week 1. That's not to say we're suddenly world-beaters, but it does mean if you watch the tape of the Bama game compared to the UNC game and don't see a sharp upward trajectory, it's because you're an emo-cock whose addiction to self-pity supercedes all reason.
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  1. We overlooked UNC before an offensive juggernaut was born?
  2. We are racking up gobs of yardage/the wins will come?
  3. Refs hosed us in our two losses? (See Shawshank Redemption "Lawyer f-cked me" defense)
  4. Boom almost has the pieces in place? Just a few more years?
JC, at least put up a smoke screen tater troll.
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