Bobby Knight


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2011
such a sweet guy...this story took a turn for the worse, thought there was gonna be a happy ending

“On my dying day I will think about how great the fans at Indiana were. As far as the hierarchy at Indiana University at that time. I have absolutely no respect whatsoever for those people,” Knight said on the show. “And with that in mind, I have no interest in ever going back to that university.”

“Aren’t all of those people out of there, coach?” Patrick asked.

“I hope they’re all dead,” Knight shot back.

“Well I know some of them are,” Patrick said, perhaps referring to then-Indiana president Myles Brand, who led Knight’s firing and died from pancreatic cancer in 2009.

“Well, I hope the rest of them go,” Knight said.
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Great coach, but really a weird, miserable person at heart. All of his enemies that fired him are long gone from Indiana. But they had a ceremony, either this year, or last, to recognize his 1976 undefeated team. All the players from that team showed up. Only person that didn't show was Bob Knight. After years of loyalty, and covering for his behavior, that was the last straw for some of them as far as their loyalty to him goes.
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One has to find his own best way to cope with being victimized. This is his way. What was done to him was nothing short of a lynching. In the story I saw no official invites by the university for him to come back. If there is none, why should he? I'd think it should be incumbent on the University of Indiana to give Coach an invitation. If they have not/will not, they are a childish and stubborn as the story writer accuses Coach Knight of being. I know one thing for sure. Bobby will not go back simply at the urging or requests of former players or friends. If he does I'll be watching the sky for that flock of flying pigs.

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