CBS News Report...Cover-up at Clemson (link)

The linked article contained the following notation:

"Polygraphs were also part of the investigation, Crenshaw said, for the first time publicly. He declined to release those results." And more than likely, of the 10 to 20+ articles that have been in The State newspaper and other media outlets around the state, I am sure that polygraphs have also previously been mentioned.

The Oconee Sheriff's department has not released any information to date on the information that they do or do not have - they apparently do not have enough information to confirm an arrest. I think that they even noted in one of the articles that they want to also see what comes out of the civil suit (perhaps a response to the text messages - of course if they were legally obtained).

My son's roommate at Clemson is/was a pledge of this fraternity, but he luckily overslept that morning. He was apparently called in to start looking for the kid when they realized that he was missing.

I have heard rumors also that all of the pledges had the same story, but no where have I seen that official release.

I agree with someone that noted that the kid was in good shape and should not have lagged behind. Back in the day, I also used to be a pretty good runner and let's just say that some mornings, I was not feeling it. That bridge is pretty long and just because something happened on one side of the bridge does not mean that folks elsewhere on the bridge can hear anything (e.g. when that truck buzzed by the CBS video at the end, the sound overshadowed even him with his microphone).

I highly doubt that the Oconee Sheriff's Department is going to cover up anything. It is interesting that the civil suit also fails to state the source of the text messages that they have. Last but not least, $25M or $50M is not going to bring the Hipps' son back. And I can assure you of one thing that you should not believe every word that is written in a civil suit as well. Have you ever been sued? I am not saying that some of the texts are not true, but you need to look at the entire picture vs. short blips noted in the lawsuit.

I have driven across that bridge and it is pretty close to the road and at 5:30 to 6 AM in the morning 6 months ago, it was very dark outside and there are enough A-holes on the road to do something stupid like trying to run a kid off the side of the road. These kids are between a rock and a hard place. They cannot come out and say it is all lies because they were the kid's friends and they attended his funeral and realize how much his parents are hurting to lose their only child and I am sure that they have attorneys at this point that are saying to not say a thing. Because anything that they could say would be twisted to whatever someone wants the end result to be.

Read more here:

Oconee County Sheriff: Chances of solving Hipps' c
I don't think you can be forced to take a polygraph...I bet you not all of those fellows took one.

I read somewhere that Mr. King was at the end of the line watching everyone run. Surely someone was in view of Tucker enough to know if a car went after him.

The law suit will not bring their son back...but it will definitely make some people squirm!
Originally posted by gamecockdad:
There is one person in the state that can keep SLED out of the investigation. What color does she wear on game days? And, she appointed the director.
My question is since the (possible) crime was committed on an Army Corps of Engineers lake, can the Feds be brought in?
good question.....i would think so....i feel so bad for the parents, but i am glad they are relentless in their pursuit of justice
I have no clue how many took polygraphs or the results - any other statement is essentially pure speculation.

You read the note about Mr. King in the civil lawsuit and to the best of my knowledge has not been stated elsewhere.

Again at 5:30 to 6 AM in the morning, the bridge is pretty dark. The bridge appears to be about 700' long (2 football fields).

I am sure to the parents it is not about the money but to the attorneys, it is their meal ticket - if this was an auto accident in California, we would call them ambulance chasers.

Part of me finds it hard to believe that that many kids would have a hard time telling the same story and honestly why they would all cover up what did or did not happen.

My note about a car/truck running someone off the bridge is pure speculation (but two times riding my bike in the lovely town of Columbia has encountered A-holes doing just that one of which resulted in a pretty good crash and did they stop - absolutely no). I would recommend going on Google Maps and go into the Street View mode and cross that bridge and tell me if it is pitch dark outside on a bridge with no lights and running on the side with no side walk how well you could see someone at the other end of the bridge. There was a note in one of the civil suits that talks about one of the kids shining their cell phone light down between the bridges - tell me how someone can see that at the other end of the bridge. Just an engineer's technical point of view

I also do not think Clemson would cover up anything and I highly doubt that the administration at USC would cover up anything. Do not forget that a young man also recently died at an off campus house being rented by a frat at USC.

It is not a conspiracy every time one team beats the other or something happens to someone associated with one of the campuses.
I believe the cover up was instigated by the frat brothers. I have heard one of them texted Tuckers girlfriend saying he was in the library then texted one of the brothers saying he had bought them some time. If this had happened in Columbia some guys would have been questioned down town and probably manslaughter charges filed. But remember this is where a drunken football player ran over a coach with a jetski and no charges were filed. Nothing will happen barring pressure on a national scale.
I don't think Clemson is actively trying to cover it up. I do believe at least ONE of those fraternity fellows are...but I don't know how in the world it can ever be proved. Looks like they have covered their tracts...unless those cell phones can show up something...and the police have already had them examined...surely.

If anyone was near him...even if they didn't see what happened...they would know he disappeared and have gotten help! That didn't happen.

I feel that those who were friends of his might not have been the ones close to him on the run...for you are right...surely they would tell.

It sounds like there had to be a conspiracy by most of them who knew that Tucker did not return from the wait for hours before reporting him missing. Why would you wait...if nothing was wrong?

This is not about USC vs Clemson...this is about Tucker Hipps vs those fellows who were on that run.

Yes, you are right...a young man at USC lost his life and I hope they can piece together what happened to him. His father is a you can be sure if he feels anyone else was involved...we will hear from him!

I think the parents want the civil suit so that the young men can be questioned in a courtroom. I would be shaking to death if I were a parent of one of those young think my son was being sued for millions. I am sure CU has some kind of insurance that would pay their bill...just like USC would have an insurance policy.
This post was edited on 4/18 8:11 PM by nikolas22
If the sheriff dept's investigation is at a stand still because they can't find inconsistencies in the stories from those that were on the run, why not call SLED and let them interview them? It doesn't mean that another law enforcement entity, especially one with more qualified investigators and resources, can't at least look over the results of their investigation before they shut it down.

And what are the details of the unrelated circumstances that the university suspend the fraternity for? Seems suspicious to me that they found a reason to shut down the frat but they aren't exploring other avenues or all means possible to try and determine what happened to the kid.

It's the "Nothing here to see" and "We don't need any help, we got this" attitude they have every time there's a crisis that makes people doubt their intentions.
I have read where CU was going to suspend the group at 5 PM...the day of the accident. If that is true...I think the parents might be able to sue...saying if CU hadn't waited so long after hearing complaints..their son might be alive today.
Originally posted by keydet#:

I am sure to the parents it is not about the money but to the attorneys, it is their meal ticket - if this was an auto accident in California, we would call them ambulance chasers.

Really? Ambulance chasers? The parents are well off, they don't need the money. They hired the law firm and not because the law firm is "ambulance chasers" (if in California-?!). The parents sought out the firm, not the other way around. Wow.

My note about a car/truck running someone off the bridge is pure speculation (but two times riding my bike in the "lovely town of Columbia" has encountered A-holes doing just that one of which resulted in a pretty good crash and did they stop - absolutely no).

Sure, have a story (probably fabricated) about the horrible city of Columbia to try to deflect what happened at clemsux and somehow prove your point.

"I also do not think Clemson would cover up anything" and I highly doubt that the administration at USC would cover up anything. Do not forget that a young man also recently died at an off campus house being rented by a frat at USC.

And there's your first problem. clemsux has a history of doing whatever it takes to make themselves look good and prevent anything negative from getting out about the school. cu= coverup U!
Originally posted by SCsandlapper:
Sorry but this is way off base.
These same kind of kids are doing the same things in Columbia.There is no "cover-up" or "conspiracy theory" in tatertown. Gee whiz, they've interviewed, polygraphed the kids that were with him that morning and there are no inconsistencies in the stories.
The "brothers" lied to Taylor's girlfriend saying they saw him in the library--to buy more time to figure out what they were going to do and get their stories straight.. Why did they wait so long to report him missing, when they knew in the morning?
Total outright lie. Then they tried to delete text messages and even changed cell phones in hopes of hiding anything incriminating.

And nobody took a polygraph exam. You just made that up. The fraternity was, at first, interviewed together and when interviewed separately, they had the exact same story--word for word This just doesn't happen. Everyone has their own take and experience from a situation. The lies were rehearsed & learned and they all stuck by them.
maybe sandlapper can give us some information on the lie detector tests.....seriously doubt it....comon sandlapper, were waiting
Originally posted by uscbeckham:
That article was devoid of some critical information, such as:

- That fraternity regularly pushed pledges off of the bridge.
- Hartwell was only at 4-feet of depth below the bridge that day.
- Tucker Hipps was used to running and in great shape, dispelling the "lagging behind" nonsense.
If that fraternity regularly pushed pledges off of the bridge, then Clemson just as guilty as the fraternity of not cracking down on them.

My son said that some students in Clemson knew that this fraternity did this all the time and maybe Tucker jumped off the wrong section of the bridge early in the morning when it was still dark.
Perhaps the attorneys will forego their regular fee/% and contribute any monies gained to charity if they truly care about the cause - do not think for one skinny minute that the attorneys are not in this for the money

Only going by article in paper that polygraphs were administered - the article did not state numbers and willingness to take polygraphs

It is amazing that some of our fans believe that everything is a coverup at their rival's university

It would be great to know the source of the text messages quoted in the civil suit

I heard the same rumor that the statements were the same but this has not been published in any news source - truth , speculation?? Who knows at this point

None of us know if they talked to SLED - remember this was investigated by Oconee County vs Clemson or Pickens

I am absolutely sure that Columbia and USC put everything out there for public view - when is the last time you have seen published crime stats for the university area

It is also amazing that if someone states something not fitting a specific agenda then they are either a liar or Clemson fan
Originally posted by keydet#:

It is amazing that some of our fans believe that everything is a coverup at their rival's university
It's a well known fact that clemmons has a very tight control on what the local media (their puppet journalists) are allowed to report. If they don't write what clemmons wants them to write, or if they write negative articles, they may as well start looking for a new job in another town.

Clemmons is in a small town area with no real big media outlets in town, and they learned years ago that they can control it to some extent. On the other hand, USC is in a much larger town with more and bigger media outlets who are all more than happy to report anything negative about USC. That's just the way it is.
I wonder if this would even be a blip on this forum's radar if this happened at Miss State? A person died, and some on here want to make this all about Clemson vs South Carolina.
Let the sun shine in. Testimony under oath will hopefully bring out truth. Perjury penalty is a bad thing even for frat boys.
"keydet#", Why the nasty attack on attorneys? What brought that on? They have a livelihood just like everybody else and take an oath when they enter the bar to do everything in their power to protect their clients! They're the brunt of a LOT of jokes which is okay, but seems like everybody jumps on that wagon and hates lawyers til they need one!
This post was edited on 4/19 4:54 PM by cocky lady

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