Dabo getting his butt handed to him on Twitter right now

The taters third string punter had symptons, and Dumbo was afraid to go into any game, even against a sorry ass FSU team, without his FULL compliment of players. last time he ahd a player out, they got that ASSES beat by Notre Dame..
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All protocols were followed and the ACC never said that if a player tests positive on Friday the game should be cancelled. The fact that multiple options to play later were offered along with additional testing and all options were refused is FSU’s way of saying they don’t have a qb ready and sets a precedence that basically every game can be cancelled right now if you’re standard for playing right now is the same as Florida State’s.
If all the rules were followed by all parties, which it sounds like they were, the question is whether FSU was more afraid of COVID or were they more afraid of getting destroyed on the football field. In reality, concussions and spinal cord injuries are a bigger risk than COVID, when all protocols are followed.
There’s nobody in this world who hates climpsun more than I do, but he’s 100% correct in this case. Teams are using it as an excuse. Troy did the exact same thing last week to avoid playing Coastal. Troy only had a handful of Covid positives, but they used it as an excuse to cover for injuries at key positions. It’s total BS. You should either play the game or forfeit.
I’d like to know how did the player get home? Did he fly back with the team ? Sounds like he flew out with the team but was separated in the back and has his own room.
I usually will jump on anything that goes against Clemson, but can't on this one. Dabo isn't wrong in this case. If protocols were followed and options were given to FSU to complete the game yesterday/today, and they refused, then that is a forfeit IMO. I agree with Dabo on this, people are using COVID as an excuse not to do this/that.
i will never agree with ANYTHING Dumbo does. He is such a Self promoter, he wants to be the spotlight in every situation. Ex. dancing like a fool, Berating a punter on National TV, etc etc etc
Let me be clear. Dabo ranks a very close second to JackLegg on my hated list. But just as I actually agreed with JackLegg in his call to lower the seams on the balls after they deadened the bats, I have to say Dabo has a point here. Based on everything being reported, not just by local SC Clemson loving media, but by national media, they met all protocols, the ACC was ok with game going forward, and FSU punked out at the last minute.
I appreciate the token tater media talking points. But they should have waited for the final Friday test before getting on the plane. Dabo got his pu__y hurt and runs to the tater media for help. This is clemson fault. Plus they will play the game.
Thats not how it works. It standard procedure for the visiting team to be tested on Friday after arriving at their destination. Travel rosters were expanded this season in anticipation of players testing pos the day before the game. It happens every week. CU even offered to retest and play Sat night, or Sunday or Monday.

But the player in question had mild symptoms on Monday, but had a negative test. He was still isolated from the team as a precaution. Tues - no symptoms, neg test. Wed - no symptoms, neg test. Thurs - no symptoms, neg test. At this point you have to trust the testing at this point, otherwise teams start leaving players at home for mild colds, allergies, headaches, etc. Fri the team traveled to Tallahassee and the player was isolated - no symptoms, pos test and was immediately sent home.
OK if the shoe was on the other foot FSU is the number 2 team in the country against a 2 win Clemson team. Do you think FSU calls the game off? I don't think so.
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So he’s calling bs on Covid, and you don’t like that?

I don't have an issue with that. I do it every day. In fact some of my greatest joy these days are watching the sheep react in horror as I conduct my life as normal. But Dabo is using this for his annual victim card moment. He picks something every year. This was convenient. Sets up his "little ole Clemson" against the world mantra he drums up all the time. But I will give him credit. It seems to work.

I hope he catches hell for this for a very long time.

There’s nobody in this world who hates climpsun more than I do, but he’s 100% correct in this case. Teams are using it as an excuse. Troy did the exact same thing last week to avoid playing Coastal. Troy only had a handful of Covid positives, but they used it as an excuse to cover for injuries at key positions. It’s total BS. You should either play the game or forfeit.

Wrong. I hate clemson more than you do. I would never side with anything they do. You just did.

I'm all for whatever damages clemson's brand.

Should be Carolina policy for any/all that wear garnet & black.
No, he’s not really. Just like this thread there are those who agree and others who don’t.
This is the first time I have agreed with Dabo in a long time. FSU has been one of the leading schools in off campus partying this fall (as usual), so the FSU team is as much of a risk to Clemson as vice versa. This is not a safety issue. This is a breach of contract that anyone gets upset about when it happens to them.
I had no idea he practiced that kid let alone put him on an airplane being symptomatic. I know before I tested Positive for the Rona I was symptomatic a few days and tested negative. My Employer and my Doctor made me quarantine even with a negative test result. The doctor invoked the PUI clause which means a person under investigation.
Don't you know, they're all in at Clemson?
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I don't have an issue with that. I do it every day. In fact some of my greatest joy these days are watching the sheep react in horror as I conduct my life as normal. But Dabo is using this for his annual victim card moment. He picks something every year. This was convenient. Sets up his "little ole Clemson" against the world mantra he drums up all the time. But I will give him credit. It seems to work.
I don’t see the problem. The victim card and no one believes in us got him 2 national championships. Is a coaches job not to get his players to put the most effort into it. Look like he found something that works I don’t see the problem. Wish we had a coach that would take a few plays out of his book. I know he coaches in the cow pasture but you have to admit the man has found a winning formula.
I don’t see the problem. The victim card and no one believes in us got him 2 national championships. Is a coaches job not to get his players to put the most effort into it. Look like he found something that works I don’t see the problem. Wish we had a coach that would take a few plays out of his book. I know he coaches in the cow pasture but you have to admit the man has found a winning formula.
i will not admit CRAP until he plays at least 4 teams with a pulse in his regular season..
FSU has been blown out 5 times this season. Y'all really think they were too scared and just wanted to avoid another?
All Clemson had to do is leave the infected player at home. They quarantined him on the plane , they gave him his own room - That in itself should have left someone in Pickens to question him even going. Not blaming Pickens but can’t blame FSU . For some reason FSU doesn’t trust Dabo. That’s why Dabo is fired up. .
All Clemson had to do is leave the infected player at home. They quarantined him on the plane , they gave him his own room - That in itself should have left someone in Pickens to question him even going. Not blaming Pickens but can’t blame FSU . For some reason FSU doesn’t trust Dabo. That’s why Dabo is fired up. .
He had had his symptoms since Sunday and tested negative 4 times before Friday. Protocol was followed. It’s November people get the sniffles. I unfortunately have to agree with dabo.