Dabo getting his butt handed to him on Twitter right now

ACC commish comes in with hard language condemning Dabo- stuff like “it is unfortunate” and “nobody is to blame”... as he visibly shakes in fear and secretly texts the Clemsun AD “are you mad at me, please don’t be mad...”
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Dabo Swinney is really upset: &quot;This game was not canceled because of COVID. COVID was just an excuse to cancel the game.&quot; Says FSU administration forfeited the game. If FSU wants to play Clemson, they can home to Death Valley, he says. Or they can pay for Clemson&#39;s travel.</p>&mdash; Grace Raynor (@gmraynor) <a href=" ">November 22, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
As he should be. You love to see it.
Dabo is 100% right. I don’t give a damn who he coaches for. Our whole society is pulling this crap and blaming everything on COVID. It’s about time somebody said it out loud. Oh, and Twitter ain’t America.
That ain’t it, bro.
Maybe I just don't know how to read Twitter but I don't see where anyone said much of anything bad about Dablo. Certainly not getting his butt handed to him. Got my hopes up for nothing.
He absolutely is everywhere except CU Twitter. Even a couple of them are giving it to him, gently, but all the Deliverance neighbors are trying to quell it.
Didnt hear it from official source, but didnt the player travel seperately? I thought I heard that was the big complaint, that he wasnt a risk, and that FSU was trying to say he was.
Dabo went on a standard 4 minute tirade during his radio show and never mentioned that. He’s dumb but not completely stupid - if that was true it would be an argument he made. It’s not true, haven’t heard it anywhere else. Good try.
He's the only coach taking up for his team. He's fighting on behalf of his players and his school. Does it help him too? Yes. That doesnt mean it's a bad thing. He's going out on a limb for his program. He's basically calling BS on Covid and FSU. I respect it. And there's no way you don't back this if he's coaching YOUR team.
Hey, guy, Covid is not BS. F off.
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Dabo went on a standard 4 minute tirade during his radio show and never mentioned that. He’s dumb but not completely stupid - if that was true it would be an argument he made. It’s not true, haven’t heard it anywhere else. Good try.

Yeah, I always try to fool people by starting the post off in the first sentence announcing how dubious the info is.
Net results so far: FSU looked bad at first, now Dabo is looking bad, FSU lost $1.5 mil by not playing the game. More in the media about how FSU is deep in debt and really needed to play the game. What a nice mess at two wonderful institutions of higher learning.
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F**K Dablo and anything he does or says!!
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He was an offensive linemen. And how did Dabo risk the game? Sounds like that player had four negative tests. Why should a sore throat a week before mean more than four negative tests? That would be against COVID policy, common sense, and be really unfair to the kid. We'd be furious if it came out UGA said they wouldn't play because Harris had some mild symptoms, even though he repeatedly tested negative. If Clemson followed all protocols, which from the ACC it sounds like it did, then that's all there is to it. Florida State didn't want to get humiliated at home and forfeited that game.
Had 4 negative tests?????? Why keep testing? Need 10 negs to be accurate? How many tests are required via ACC protocol?
If I were Virginia, I would not travel to Florida State. They might call it off after you spent a lot to get there even if your team had followed the protocol. If we were scheduled to go to FSU I would not go. Who would now that they play when they want to regardless of the opposition?
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i will never agree with ANYTHING Dumbo does. He is such a Self promoter, he wants to be the spotlight in every situation. Ex. dancing like a fool, Berating a punter on National TV, etc etc etc
When people on this board mention “Dabo berating a punter on national tv” as proof of his true character, their hatred is clearly blinding. Show me one coach in the country who hasn’t yelled at a player, and I’ll show you one pathetic coach. Get real people. You sure think of some idiotic reasons to hate the man, and you obviously never played sports.
When people on this board mention “Dabo berating a punter on national tv” as proof of his true character, their hatred is clearly blinding. Show me one coach in the country who hasn’t yelled at a player, and I’ll show you one pathetic coach. Get real people. You sure think of some idiotic reasons to hate the man, and you obviously never played sports.
Yell at your star RB or your Big Defensive lineman, not your PUNTER!!! YOu are clearly Biased towards Dablo. Name a coach who has berated his punter on National TV!!
Yell at your star RB or your Big Defensive lineman, not your PUNTER!!! YOu are clearly Biased towards Dablo. Name a coach who has berated his punter on National TV!!
What the hell difference does it make what position the player plays? That’s has to be one of the most stupid comments I’ve ever heard. Do punters have fragile ego’s that unlike every other player need stroking instead of correcting? Lemme guess, you were a pee wee league punter?
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What the hell difference does it make what position the player plays? That’s has to be one of the most stupid comments I’ve ever heard. Do punters have fragile ego’s that unlike every other player need stroking instead of correcting? Lemme guess, you were a pee wee league punter?
ROFLMAO, are you BUTT HURT?? Why so much ANGER?? is that you DABLOW, and NO i wasnt a Punter. I never even played Football, I only Played Basketball and Track, And You didnt see his sorry ASS berating a STAR did you??
ROFLMAO, are you BUTT HURT?? Why so much ANGER?? is that you DABLOW, and NO i wasnt a Punter. I never even played Football, I only Played Basketball and Track, And You didnt see his sorry ASS berating a STAR did you??

Do you watch Clemson enough to know who he berates and doesn't?

When a punter decides on his own to run a fake punt and doesn't make it, you best believe every coach in America is going to go nuts on him. In a Championship game no less.

You ever seen Saban go off on players and coaches on the side lines, or reporters in press conferences? I have, he is famous for it. Do you have the same hatred of him?

Hey i get it, you don't like Clemson or their coach, fine, i don't blame you, but don't make up idiotic stories to justify it.
You ever seen Saban go off on players and coaches on the side lines, or reporters in press conferences? I have, he is famous for it. Do you have the same hatred of him?

Hey i get it, you don't like Clemson or their coach, fine, i don't blame you, but don't make up idiotic stories to justify it.
hmm I made up a story... WOW, okay Dablo never berated his punter on National TV, Must have been FAKE NEWS!!
hmm I made up a story... WOW, okay Dablo never berated his punter on National TV, Must have been FAKE NEWS!!
I think the point is who cares. Players get blessed out all the time. You act like he was out of line or something what a joke. Grow up and be a man not a pansy. “Omg he yells at his punter” what a damn joke. I hate to inform you but that guy has won 2 national championships and is well on his way to a possible 3rd all while kicking our ass. I would say anything about how he decides to do things.
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I think the point is who cares. Players get blessed out all the time. You act like he was out of line or something what a joke. Grow up and be a man not a pansy. “Omg he yells at his punter” what a damn joke. I hate to inform you but that guy has won 2 national championships and is well on his way to a possible 3rd all while kicking our ass. I would say anything about how he decides to do things.
The point was i was told it was a MADE UP STORY!!! Go back to Taternet if you love DABO So much
I don’t love Dabo. I just give credit where credit is due. Love or hate him, he is everything you could ask for in a head coach and the face of a program. I don’t have blind hatred for him. I get some on here do and I think it is dumb and makes them look like idiots.
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I don’t love Dabo. I just give credit where credit is due. Love or hate him, he is everything you could ask for in a head coach and the face of a program. I don’t have blind hatred for him. I get some on here do and I think it is dumb and make sure them look like idiots.
I see the deep hatred for anyone and anything Clemson. It’s one thing to pull against them at all times. The hatred is another level that I don’t subscribe to and wouldn’t want my children to either
I see the deep hatred for anyone and anything Clemson. It’s one thing to pull against them at all times. The hatred is another level that I don’t subscribe to and wouldn’t want my children to either
You and I were cut from the same cloth in that regard my friend. I agree 1000% I try not to HATE anything.
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Do you watch Clemson enough to know who he berates and doesn't?

When a punter decides on his own to run a fake punt and doesn't make it, you best believe every coach in America is going to go nuts on him. In a Championship game no less.

You ever seen Saban go off on players and coaches on the side lines, or reporters in press conferences? I have, he is famous for it. Do you have the same hatred of him?

Hey i get it, you don't like Clemson or their coach, fine, i don't blame you, but don't make up idiotic stories to justify it.
Yep, easy enough to find the story. This is what happened. I would hope our coach would set the record straight

Dabo Swinney rips into punter.
Yell at your star RB or your Big Defensive lineman, not your PUNTER!!! YOu are clearly Biased towards Dablo. Name a coach who has berated his punter on National TV!!

This was in the 2018 Game vs UofSC.

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