Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Trump asked Esper, "Can't you just shoot them, shoot them in the legs or something" (People protesting)

He then called Esper and his team "F>>cking losers"

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You'll do much better personally and professionally if you take the opposite view of cult members. LOL

I sure have.

"I don't care about 7 million people dying because of a virus we created."

"I don't care that they tried to poison us and lied about everything with regard to COVID."

"I don't care that close to 1 million people have died in a grift war."

"I don't care that corrupt jerks in DC are allowing 12 million illegals into this country for votes."

"I don't care that the homeless population is out of control."

"I don't care that they are kicking hardened criminals who have committed violent crimes."

"I don't care that our government could be trying to assassinate a President for no reason other than power."

"What I do care about is name calling! Damn you Trump!"


Gomer'd think they'd cut MAGA some slack after all of the assination attempts. :oops:

Trump Arlington cemetery incident still under investigation: Sources'd think they'd cut MAGA some slack after all of the assination attempts. :oops:

And there goes Flamer's Flame of the Day.
  • Like
Reactions: cockofdawn'd think they'd cut MAGA some slack after all of the assination attempts. :oops:

MAGA is a disease. The cult fools can't help themselves.
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What? You guys spent years saying it was just the common cold.

Trump spent most of 2020 talking about how wonderful XI was and how China had done a great job with COVID. LOL

and of course they hate Fauci- as if Fauci just busted his way into the White House and ordered Trump to put him in charge and let him lead the effort.

It's their messiah GOD (Trump) that put all these people in charge, bragged about the vaccines and wanted them even faster.

Yep- you were right. They just ignore 2020.
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Trump spent most of 2020 talking about how wonderful XI was and how China had done a great job with COVID. LOL

and of course they hate Fauci- as if Fauci just busted his way into the White House and ordered Trump to put him in charge and let him lead the effort.

It's their messiah GOD (Trump) that put all these people in charge, bragged about the vaccines and wanted them even faster.

Yep- you were right. They just ignore 2020.

You know who you should tell about Trump's name calling Gomer? Tim Walz wife

She means business! Did you see her?

That rompin, stompin, crazed-eyed attitude is sooo sexy.

A strooong woman like that is exactly what you need.

She'll get to the heart of the matter.

Hits close to home, doesn't it. :)
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Trump spent most of 2020 talking about how wonderful XI was and how China had done a great job with COVID. LOL

and of course they hate Fauci- as if Fauci just busted his way into the White House and ordered Trump to put him in charge and let him lead the effort.

It's their messiah GOD (Trump) that put all these people in charge, bragged about the vaccines and wanted them even faster.

Yep- you were right. They just ignore 2020.
The man had an AK-47 shot at him AGAIN yesterday for no reason and you're posting this today?

What worthless and self-serving behavior.
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The man had an AK-47 shot at him AGAIN yesterday for no reason and you're posting this today?

What worthless and self-serving behavior.

Everything I wrote about Trump is 100% correct and I'll post it again.

Trump spent most of 2020 talking about how wonderful XI was and how China had done a great job with COVID. LOL

and of course they hate Fauci- as if Fauci just busted his way into the White House and ordered Trump to put him in charge and let him lead the effort.

It's their messiah GOD (Trump) that put all these people in charge, bragged about the vaccines and wanted them even faster.

Yep- you were right. They just ignore 2020.

He didn't shoot at him. It's highly likely he was going to- but he didn't. Not sure why.
Trump is trying to "steal your democracy" by running for office.

Meanwhile, Democrats are. . .

+ Importing millions of fake asylum seekers to political battleground states to create one-party Democrat rule.

+ Pack the Supreme Court to remove it as a separate branch of government.

+ Remove the filibuster to neuter the minority party.

+ Censor and jail dissenters as "misinformation."

+ Control the entire news industry to keep the public uninformed via a mesh network of hoaxes, from Fine People Hoax to the J6 Insurrection Hoax.

+ Bankrupt and jail independent political voices.

+ Maintain a voting system that cannot be fully audited, by design.

+ Fake pollsters support any suspicious vote outcomes.

+ Take away your most useful firearms.

+ Weaponize assassins of political opponents via media messaging.

_ SA
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Vance is going to piss Trump off to no end at some point. He ends up getting ahead of Trump on a few things and eventually Trump's going to cuss him out and blast him in public.

JD is always going to protect his investors.

Leaving out the important fact that he was a Trump voter in 2016?

Wrong. The FACT is that he didn't even vote in the 2016 election. Here's a link to the NC state board of election website, where he was living in 2016. He didn't move to Hawaii until 2018.

First name Ryan. Last name Routh. Click the link that is his name and scroll to the bottom and you will see.

ElectionVoted MethodVoted CountyPrimary Election Ballot

Like I said, he was lying. And even though he listed himself as unaffiliated, there are records going back to 1988 where he was registered as a Democrat. Once a lying liberal, always a lying liberal. It's what y'all do best.
Imagine this complete BETA thinking he should be one of the arbiters of the "truth" when all he wanted to do was poison his people and fan the flames of Floyd?

Make no mistake....this ticket and that deploracrat party are a collection of terrorists that would casually eliminate your rights and civil liberties without a second thought, at the point of a gun, if necessary.
Wrong. The FACT is that he didn't even vote in the 2016 election. Here's a link to the NC state board of election website, where he was living in 2016. He didn't move to Hawaii until 2018.

First name Ryan. Last name Routh. Click the link that is his name and scroll to the bottom and you will see.

ElectionVoted MethodVoted CountyPrimary Election Ballot

Like I said, he was lying. And even though he listed himself as unaffiliated, there are records going back to 1988 where he was registered as a Democrat. Once a lying liberal, always a lying liberal. It's what y'all do best.
HOW DARE YOU BRING TRUE facts here!! Wait, you are conservative, Then Fact checking will be the Norm, if you are Liberal we cant fact check!! HOW DARE YOU!!??
Imagine this complete BETA thinking he should be one of the arbiters of the "truth" when all he wanted to do was poison his people and fan the flames of Floyd?

That's because he is 100% a communist. He has worshipped Mao since he was a kid. And bragged about it. Got married on the 5th anniversary the Tiananmen Square massacre. And he honeymooned in China and took a bunch of 6th graders with him.

You have to be the dumbest person in America to vote this Chinese-loving turd into any office.

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