Prepare to see Rudy as Attorney GeneralOoops! Former MAGA attorney 4 Seasons Rudy is ordered by a judge to give up assets in order to pay for his blantant defamation of 2 defendants in GA. There are more dominos to fall! 🍿
Shazzam! Now the talk is "Nazi generals"? You just can't make this stuff up! 😳 Republican is suspended without pay from her judge's seat after her fraud conviction
Awe! At least he “worked” at McDonald’s…..
First off i NEVER believe a Biden led CDC, Secondly it was a new NEVER seen thing for Trump, Biden had Years to Prepare!!According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Biden presided over about 353,000 deaths in a little over 10 months, compared to about 425,000 for Trump in his final 10-plus months. So there have still been fewer deaths under Biden than under Trump, in a similar time period.
More TDS lying. Only an idiot believes Trump would ever say that crap.22!
Shazzam! Now the talk is "Nazi generals"? You just can't make this stuff up! 😳
Man, he’s literally just pulling up the biggest BS stories on the web. We couldn’t find articles like this, unless we went down the rabbit hole of the internet. Why? Because the Dems control the media and it’s allMore TDS lying. Only an idiot believes Trump would ever say that crap.
Donald Trump’s dark and profoundly un-American vision for our country is antithetical to everything I learned at the U.S. Naval Academy and during nearly 10 years of service in the Navy.
Here we go again! “Hitler and fascism” AGAIN! Broken record libtards
Exactly the person that Believes it!! (Apparently)More TDS lying. Only an idiot believes Trump would ever say that crap.
Hell, if I don’t like you; I can say anything I want and some fool will believe it.27!
Ouch! This conservative isn't pulling any punches. She perfectly nails MAGAs. Is this you? 😲
She is terrible and soulless.Unbelievable.
A really dumb individual attempting to fan the flames to scare other dumb people so she can get in office.
This serves as a metaphor for her entire career.
Remember! She’s the one who spoke about Jesus to black people, then at a different event, when someone said “Jesus is king”, she says “you’re at the wrong rally”Unbelievable.
A really dumb individual attempting to fan the flames to scare other dumb people so she can get in office.
This serves as a metaphor for her entire career.
That is despicable — it’s why he ends up dodging bullets. These demented Dems are trying their best to incite foul play upon him.Unbelievable.
A really dumb individual attempting to fan the flames to scare other dumb people so she can get in office.
This serves as a metaphor for her entire career.
That is despicable — it’s why he ends up dodging bullets. These demented Dems are trying their best to incite foul play upon him.
Carville lists 3 reasons why he thinks Harris will win
“The biggest reason Mr. Trump will lose is that the whole Republican Party has been on a losing streak since Mr. Trump took it over,”