Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Trump said he was responsible for getting Bagram air base in Alaska. (It's in Afghanistan) It's been there long before Trump was President.

Abbey Gate, where Biden, Harris and Austin let an orderly withdrawal spiral out of control. Costing US troops their lives.

And if it was so easy to fix the border crisis why didn't Harris do it 3 1/2 years ago when she was crowned border czar. Joe and the media say he's worked a miracle lately.
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WOW!!! The Union going against the DEMS. First time since 1996.

Everyone knows they are a disaster except useful idiots.

What is even scarier, is the Union Leadership WOULD not do (Endorse) as the Members Voted.. WOW!! They are so in the Tank for the DEMS!! Lets hope the Members Vote with their wallets and their safety concerns!! These two on the Demoncrat ticket let the Mid West BURN to the ground, then Bailed out the Rioters!!
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What is even scarier, is the Union Leadership WOULD not do (Endorse) as the Members Voted.. WOW!! They are so in the Tank for the DEMS!! Lets hope the Members Vote with their wallets and their safety concerns!! These two on the Demoncrat ticket let the Mid West BURN to the ground, then Bailed out the Rioters!!
It’s astonishing that the Teamsters Union leaders would not endorse Trump after a large majority of its members clearly prefer him. It just demonstrates how the leadership is actually working against its own members.
Jerome Powell just admitted that the influx of immigrants is contributing to rising unemployment. That's just the beginning. Probably too late for the Dem voting idiots to see what is going on.

Winter is coming.
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Jerome Powell just admitted that the influx of immigrants is contributing to rising unemployment. That's just the beginning. Probably too late for the Dem voting idiots to see what is going on.

Winter is coming.
The rate is under 5%.

And I have a great semi retired job.

We realize only idiots vote for Donald trump
It’s astonishing that the Teamsters Union leaders would not endorse Trump after a large majority of its members clearly prefer him. It just demonstrates how the leadership is actually working against its own members.
“Nearly 1,800 factories have disappeared under Trump between 2016 and 2018,” said Scott. “Additionally, the U.S. trade deficit in manufactured goods rose significantly between 2016 and 2019. In fact, the real U.S. trade deficit has increased in every year since 2016, reducing GDP growth by roughly 0.25% annually over the past three years. Compounded with the devastation left by the coronavirus pandemic, the blue collar manufacturing workers need serious help from policymakers.”
“Nearly 1,800 factories have disappeared under Trump between 2016 and 2018,” said Scott. “Additionally, the U.S. trade deficit in manufactured goods rose significantly between 2016 and 2019. In fact, the real U.S. trade deficit has increased in every year since 2016, reducing GDP growth by roughly 0.25% annually over the past three years. Compounded with the devastation left by the coronavirus pandemic, the blue collar manufacturing workers need serious help from policymakers.”

Nice cut and paste from the scam "Economic Policy Institute" run by this left-wing Democrat nutjob.
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Another Democratic Party Influencer about to fall because he pushed it too far publically.

It turns out the Democratic Party operated alot like a BLACKMAIL AMWAY MODEL.

Get dirt on important people and control them. This guy and Epstein are perfect examples.

They used influencers throughout Hollywood and the Music Industry to do their bidding.

This was effective as America is full of pea-brained Useful Idiots who don't consider policy or even know what that term means.

"Oh cool, DeNiro, Diddy, and Clooney like it so I love it!!"

What did they have on Diddy? Well, he alledgedly killed someone and cut the deal in the early 2000s.

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More good news

Let's see -- Homelessness is at an all-time high. Illegal immigration is at an all-time high.

But NPR and some "expert" from...wait for it--- UNC -- the same University that's all wrapped up in Wuhan -- says Fentanyl overdose is quickly falling just in time for the election?

Gomer, you are the most gullible on all of the InterWebs.

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Nice cut and paste from the scam "Economic Policy Institute" run by this left-wing Democrat nutjob.

  • The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 36.3% from 2016.
  • Illegal immigration increased. Apprehensions at the Southwest border rose 14.7% last year compared with 2016.
  • Coal production declined 26.5%, and coal-mining jobs dropped by 25%.
  • the U.S. economy was slowing down even before the pandemic. The U.S. added less than 2 million jobs in 2019 — the lowest annual growth since 2010.

    When Trump’s term ended in January 2021, the unemployment rate was 6.4% — which was 1.7 percentage points higher than when he took office, but still lower than the unemployment rates when Presidents Jimmy Carter (7.5%), George H.W. Bush (7.3%) and George W. Bush (7.8%) left office.

    (The current unemployment rate is 4.2%)

    The U.S. economy added manufacturing jobs every month during Trump’s first 24 months in office. But those job gains began to erode — beginning in March 2019, a year before the pandemic
Good news.

The state of West Virginia reports drop in overdose deaths- mirroring a national trend. West Virginia typically leads the country in the number of such deaths.

West Virginia reported a 28% decrease in overdose deaths for the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same period last year - per the West Virginia Department of Human Services.