Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

You guys just read the headlines and never read the substance .

The DOJ also alleged that Allen’s removal of voter registration also impacted natural-born citizens who were incorrectly identified as potential noncitizens.

The Justice Department seeks injunctive relief that “would restore the ability of impacted eligible voters to vote unimpeded on Election Day,” the department said in a statement.

How dare the DOJ force Alabama to let legal voters actually vote...

Gomer -- You'll fall for anything.

Why do you believe they sued to block Kennedy's name from being removed from ballot?

Why do you believe they are using to force states to use the voting machines over paper ballots?

You might want to pay attention to the hearing tomorrow in GA.

It's already been proven the machines can be easily rigged which was Trump's claim in 2020.

Gomer -- You'll fall for anything.

Why do you believe they sued to block Kennedy's name from being removed from ballot?

Why do you believe they are using to force states to use the voting machines over paper ballots?

You might want to pay attention to the hearing tomorrow in GA.

It's already been proven the machines can be easily rigged which was Trump's claim in 2020.

Speaking of falling for anything, you'll post any bullshit someone posts on the internet.

The Tweet you posted is from 2021. The "Cyber Ninja" review is going on in the background.

The results of which were -

"The auditors released a report in September 2021, finding no proof of fraud and that their ballot recount increased Biden's margin of victory by 360 votes. County election officials released a final report in January 2022 finding that nearly all of the auditors' allegations of irregularities were false or misleading."

it hasn't been "proven" the "machines" can be "easily rigged"

Last week, Newsmax settled one lawsuit for making similar claims. Next up is Smartmatic's lawsuit against Fox News. They'll settle because they don't want to go to court- just like they settled the Dominion suit for $700+ billion.

Speaking of falling for anything, you'll post any bullshit someone posts on the internet.

The Tweet you posted is from 2021. The "Cyber Ninja" review is going on in the background.

The results of which were -

"The auditors released a report in September 2021, finding no proof of fraud and that their ballot recount increased Biden's margin of victory by 360 votes. County election officials released a final report in January 2022 finding that nearly all of the auditors' allegations of irregularities were false or misleading."

it hasn't been "proven" the "machines" can be "easily rigged"

Last week, Newsmax settled one lawsuit for making similar claims. Next up is Smartmatic's lawsuit against Fox News. They'll settle because they don't want to go to court- just like they settled the Dominion suit for $700+ billion.

Again, you're being fooled. Blackrock ordered Fox to settle that suit over public perception.

Keep trying.

Not a drag queen.

I haven't counted but I believe this is the 9th or 10th pastor since August 1st that has either been arrested on criminal charges, or resigned due to adultery.

If it's so easy to cheat why doesn't Trump just cheat to win?

Let's recall that Mark Meadows, Trump's chief of staff, Bill Stepien, his 2020 campaign manager all told him the numbers didn't add up and he lost. Meadows would go on to say Trump said that he'd be seen as a loser if he admitted he lost and he couldn't bear to accept it. Other advisors told him he wouldn't been seen as a loser, but as a President that was gracious in an election loss.

Stepien has stated that Trump wanted to declare victory before numerous states even released their results.

Jason Miller, Trump's senior aide said Rudy showed up drunk and started pressing Trump to declare victory and telling him that he was being robbed. Here is Miller

“The mayor was definitely intoxicated. Mayor Giuliani showed up and told the president to declare victory and say that we’d won outright.”

Matt Oczkowski, who was the lead election data person, was brought in, and per Jason Miller, told Trump in pretty blunt terms that he was going to lose, that the numbers weren't there. Matt would review the numbers numerous times with Trump explaining how they didn't add up for Trump.

Richard Donoghue, who was the acting deputy attorney general, said he went case-by-case with Trump to debunk every allegation of fraud, but Trump would just move on to another one and then another one as each got knocked down.

"I told him [Trump] flat out that the information he was getting was false and not supported by the evidence," Donoghue said. "He wouldn't fight us on it, but he'd move to another allegation. He didn't want to listen to anyone that didn't tell him what he wanted to hear and that's never a good sign."

Bill Barr would go on to say that he later told Trump himself that the evidence wasn't there. He then added that Trump didn't want to talk to anyone that didn't believe he was cheated and that he had won. "He wouldn't accept anything but that he won. But that's not reality. I told him his claims were bullshit."

Eric Herschmann, one of Trump’s own attorneys, said the legal claims advanced by Trump’s Giuliani-led circle of outside legal advisers were “completely nuts.”
Speaking of falling for anything, you'll post any bullshit someone posts on the internet.

The Tweet you posted is from 2021. The "Cyber Ninja" review is going on in the background.

The results of which were -

"The auditors released a report in September 2021, finding no proof of fraud and that their ballot recount increased Biden's margin of victory by 360 votes. County election officials released a final report in January 2022 finding that nearly all of the auditors' allegations of irregularities were false or misleading."

it hasn't been "proven" the "machines" can be "easily rigged"

Last week, Newsmax settled one lawsuit for making similar claims. Next up is Smartmatic's lawsuit against Fox News. They'll settle because they don't want to go to court- just like they settled the Dominion suit for $700+ billion.

The fact that someone that is full of shit, calling someone else full of shit. OOF!
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