Do you believe this?

Nope In my opinion that is fear mongering and propaganda at its finest. I will not go as far to say this is a hoax but it is defiantly bring politicized and used by the media to insight fear and get ratings.
Cases are increasing at a faster rate, due to higher testing. In VA, the percentage of positive tests to tests issued is declining pretty well, down from over 17% a week and a half ago, to just 14% today. It's been a fairly steady decline, even as we confirm more cases of COVID per day.
About the author:

Erin S. Bromage, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Biology at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Dr. Bromage graduated from the School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences James Cook University, Australia where his research focused on the epidemiology of, and immunity to, infectious disease in animals. His Post-Doctoral training was at the College of William and Mary, Virginia Institute of Marine Science in the Comparative Immunology Laboratory of late Dr. Stephen Kaattari.

Dr. Bromage’s research focuses on the evolution of the immune system, the immunological mechanisms responsible for protection from infectious disease, and the design and use of vaccines to control infectious disease in animals. He also focuses on designing diagnostic tools to detect biological and chemical threats in the environment in real-time.

Dr. Bromage joined the Faculty of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth in 2007 where he teaches courses in Immunology and Infectious disease, including a course this semester on the Ecology of Infectious Disease which focused on the emerging SARS-CoV2 outbreak in China.

This is a blog from a Phd Veterinarian who is now primarily an educational researcher. This pandemic has demonstrated that the models these researchers put out are all over the place in predicting the cases/death's of the pandemic, and are typically wrong by predicting many more cases/deaths than what we are actually seeing. One has to remember that these educational researchers are competing for research funding and putting out scary scenarios tends to win more money for these researchers. So, you have to remember that these researchers and physicians in many cases will benefit monetarily by presenting this pandemic in the worst possible (i.e. more cases/death) scenario. So in many ways, many of these researchers and physicians have the same motives as Socialist politicians and the MSM.

Also, based on this being some obscure blog that was linked by one of the doomsday socialist propogandist on this message board, I put very little stock in believing this.
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Just because he has a PhD doesn’t mean he is right. How many graphs and charts have you seen over the last month that never came to fruition. At the end of the day they have no idea what this virus is doing and how many are infected.
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Cases are increasing at a faster rate, due to higher testing. In VA, the percentage of positive tests to tests issued is declining pretty well, down from over 17% a week and a half ago, to just 14% today. It's been a fairly steady decline, even as we confirm more cases of COVID per day.

In SC, the positive rates dropped from 14% to under 4% over the last 2 weeks.
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The traveling speed is alarming if it's true and how much is released into the environment.

The author certainly makes some good points and I’m sure this could have another upswing in deaths. I feel like if this gives you fear & you cannot function under these circumstances you should stay home as long as you like.

The decision to stay at home or to go out in the world should be a personal one. I think arguments can easily be made from both perspectives as to what to do. But the answer is, do what you are comfortable doing.

Last thing anybody wants is more deaths, I think/hope. For me personally, I will continue to live a life that doesn’t include being locked away. If a mask is required, so be it. Living life in constant fear over something you cannot control is wasted energy. Taking certain precautions are to be expected but not necessarily required if you choose not to.

With that said, if you want to hide forever, do it. If you want to take the risk of living a normal life, do it. The truth will be discovered soon & it again will be up to everybody to interpret it the way they see fit.
Welcome to the new norm in this country. Don’t like what you hear? Cry “FAKE NEWS” and head off to Breibart or Infowars for some good ol’ confirmation bias.
Sadly, there is indeed a lot of very biased and fake news today that is being peddled as fact.

NBC News was just caught on Meet the Press this past Sunday and admitted it. NBC News used to be a legitimate news source.
Welcome to the new norm in this country. Don’t like what you hear? Cry “FAKE NEWS” and head off to Breibart or Infowars for some good ol’ confirmation bias.
Yes, I am a sure there is a level of confirmation bias in academic research, but it is a cop out to just dismiss studies as biased or influenced by funding. You only hear that stuff regurgitated on social media.

For what it's worth, everyone seems to be guessing to an extent. The article did not seem to make any giant leaps to conclusions. Again, this will be more concerning for older people and those with existing health issues. I don't see how diagramming how the virus spreads in a restaurant or a confined space is controversial. There will inevitably be people that think they are safe and will resume doing things they did pre-social distancing.
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Welcome to the new norm in this country. Don’t like what you hear? Cry “FAKE NEWS” and head off to Breibart or Infowars for some good ol’ confirmation bias.
You make it sound like you think conservatives are the only ones who do this. You would be wrong as many liberals do the same thing. They hear news they don't like and attempt to discredit the source and go back to their comfort zone wherein people with tell them they were right.
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98% of the people that get this virus will be just fine.. The way it's being presented on TV is like it's doomsday if you get it. Keep the old folks at home for a bit and people get back to work. Use good hygiene and get back to normal. This is ridiculous. JS.
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Our daily rates have been lower, that is the total positive tests vs total tests issued.

Yes, % positive among reported tests. Was 3% on 5/10/20 in SC.

Essentially, we are testing more to maintain a similar number of new daily cases.

I am sure Virginia is doing the same thing.
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I'm not downplaying the severity of this virus at all, but the way this spreads is exactly how the yearly flu spreads.

It is similar, but it is much more infectious. It's not the flu though. The same way HIV is a virus that is not the flu. Not all viruses are the same.
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The traveling speed is alarming if it's true and how much is released into the environment.

If infections do not increase over the next few weeks, then we will have wasted a lot of time and money. I expect cases to spike here and there, or we have all been lied to.

As for the blog, the small versus large droplet hypotheses are pretty well established. With that said, the number of health care providers currently infected in the ERs is lower than the models of novel respiratory infection spread would predict, so there is something else that is decreasing spread. It may may be damage to the capsule from turbulence, immune status of ER workers, effective use of masks and PPE (based on reporting, we are told PPE is lacking everywhere) or some other factors effecting the virulence.

Some scientists think that CV19 epidemics would all follow a gaussian distribution without a high level of mitigation, with a probable second smaller echo. We have significantly altered the curve in most places, so we will now have to deal with a similar number of cases, but spread out over time.

Daily new cases and daily deaths in the US (and world) have a multiple peaked waveform appearance. This is not because cities are peaking twice, but because metropolitans are peaking at different times. So the gaussian distribution seems to be relatively accurate when applied to a fixed area like a city. Hopefully, seasonal immunity will hold true, and combined with the fragility of the CV19 capsule, we will experience a low background of new daily cases through the summer. We have several somewhat effective treatments that are now being combined. We have an RNA specific medicine that should be ready by Fall. We have multiple vaccines that may be ready in 5-7 months.

My guess is that greater than 99.9% of us will be just fine.
Yes, I am a sure there is a level of confirmation bias in academic research, but it is a cop out to just dismiss studies as biased or influenced by funding. You only hear that stuff regurgitated on social media.

it’s always worth noting any conflicts of interest a researcher might have due to funding, etc especially if the entire study was funded by a particular company.

the part that I always laugh at is very often the folks that dismiss studies due to possible funding issues are often the very same people that will buy whatever Limbuagh, Hannity, Alex Jones, etc are saying and will just ignore the dozens of conflicts they have.
your argument loses credibility when you use Fauci and bullshit in the same sentence
98% of the people that get this virus will be just fine.. The way it's being presented on TV is like it's doomsday if you get it. Keep the old folks at home for a bit and people get back to work. Use good hygiene and get back to normal. This is ridiculous. JS.

I would bet 98% will be ok. But what do we mean by "ok?" Just not dying? I think the problem with most of this is that we don't know What this virus actually does at this point. The blood clotting symptom is confounding doctors thus far and whether or not there will be permanent damage (thus shortening lifespans) is also unknown, but predicted in many cases. And just being on a ventilator can cause damage that people don’t fully recover from.

Fortunately I think we are learning more each day and we also are getting a grasp on what can and can’t be done during a shutdown.
First, the graphs that he uses for restaurants and workplaces we've seen before. They came out about a month or so ago and were produced by China and originally distributed by the WHO, so their accuracy is disputed.

Second, the data he uses is suspect, too. The data he references comes from the NYTimes database. The NYtimes uses IHME (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation). Where they get their data, no one knows and it has a lot of inconsistencies. For instance, the Georgia Department of Public Health data shows that the new infections in the State of Georgia for May 8th (to use 1 data point as an example) was 395. IHME says there were 739 cases and 'estimates' there were 4,802 infections, but doesn't explain where they got either of those numbers.

Its not that I 'don't believe science or scientists', but I am suspicious when data isn't reproducible or consistent.
your argument loses credibility when you use Fauci and bullshit in the same sentence

I don't question Fauci's experience or knowledge, but he has been wrong a lot during this and he seems only interested in the effects of the virus without considering the holistic effects of our reaction to it. It can't be considered in a vacuum and produce good policy.
About the author:

Erin S. Bromage, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Biology at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Dr. Bromage graduated from the School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences James Cook University, Australia where his research focused on the epidemiology of, and immunity to, infectious disease in animals. His Post-Doctoral training was at the College of William and Mary, Virginia Institute of Marine Science in the Comparative Immunology Laboratory of late Dr. Stephen Kaattari.

Dr. Bromage’s research focuses on the evolution of the immune system, the immunological mechanisms responsible for protection from infectious disease, and the design and use of vaccines to control infectious disease in animals. He also focuses on designing diagnostic tools to detect biological and chemical threats in the environment in real-time.

Dr. Bromage joined the Faculty of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth in 2007 where he teaches courses in Immunology and Infectious disease, including a course this semester on the Ecology of Infectious Disease which focused on the emerging SARS-CoV2 outbreak in China.

This is a blog from a Phd Veterinarian who is now primarily an educational researcher. This pandemic has demonstrated that the models these researchers put out are all over the place in predicting the cases/death's of the pandemic, and are typically wrong by predicting many more cases/deaths than what we are actually seeing. One has to remember that these educational researchers are competing for research funding and putting out scary scenarios tends to win more money for these researchers. So, you have to remember that these researchers and physicians in many cases will benefit monetarily by presenting this pandemic in the worst possible (i.e. more cases/death) scenario. So in many ways, many of these researchers and physicians have the same motives as Socialist politicians and the MSM.

Also, based on this being some obscure blog that was linked by one of the doomsday socialist propogandist on this message board, I put very little stock in believing this.
I talked with a neighbor and trusted friend of mine this past week. He said he knew of a former co-worker of his who recently told him of his elderly father who had been very ill over the years with heart problems and had finally passed away from a Heart Attack. When he received copies of his father's Death Certificate - it read that his father had died of Covid-19. His co-worker went to the doctor who saw his dad and complained to him that his father didn't die of Covid-19 but had simply had his final but deadly heart attack. The doctor sternly looked at him straight in the eye and said - "that is what the Coroner has stated on the record and that's what it will be."
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I talked with a neighbor and trusted friend of mine this past week. He said he knew of a former co-worker of his who recently told him of his elderly father who had been very ill over the years with heart problems and had finally passed away from a Heart Attack. When he received copies of his father's Death Certificate - it read that his father had died of Covid-19. His co-worker went to the doctor who saw his dad and complained to him that his father didn't die of Covid-19 but had simply had his final but deadly heart attack. The doctor sternly looked at him straight in the eye and said - "that is what the Coroner has stated on the record and that's what it will be."

..and then there were the people who died from A virus that mimicked the flu , before the virus was known as covid 19
The author certainly makes some good points and I’m sure this could have another upswing in deaths. I feel like if this gives you fear & you cannot function under these circumstances you should stay home as long as you like.

The decision to stay at home or to go out in the world should be a personal one. I think arguments can easily be made from both perspectives as to what to do. But the answer is, do what you are comfortable doing.

Last thing anybody wants is more deaths, I think/hope. For me personally, I will continue to live a life that doesn’t include being locked away. If a mask is required, so be it. Living life in constant fear over something you cannot control is wasted energy. Taking certain precautions are to be expected but not necessarily required if you choose not to.

With that said, if you want to hide forever, do it. If you want to take the risk of living a normal life, do it. The truth will be discovered soon & it again will be up to everybody to interpret it the way they see fit.
Hope I don't get hit with a 200 mph booger from across the room that would hurt
I talked with a neighbor and trusted friend of mine this past week. He said he knew of a former co-worker of his who recently told him of his elderly father who had been very ill over the years with heart problems and had finally passed away from a Heart Attack. When he received copies of his father's Death Certificate - it read that his father had died of Covid-19. His co-worker went to the doctor who saw his dad and complained to him that his father didn't die of Covid-19 but had simply had his final but deadly heart attack. The doctor sternly looked at him straight in the eye and said - "that is what the Coroner has stated on the record and that's what it will be."

I'm sorry to hear that. Seems like there are only going to be more and more cases of this because of the money associated with treating someone with COVID.
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What's crazy is if you look at the information from the CDC as of April 4th, up to 62,000 people have died from this years flu... yet nobody has shut down a dang thing for that.

I never really understood until this year - that all CDC flu numbers are projections. That only in a small percentage of the deaths attributed to the flu was the deceased given a flu test. It's more interesting as you point out that flu deaths could have been up to 62,000, or as low as 24,000. It's a strange system.

That said, no one talks about flu deaths because we know all about the flu. We have vaccines and know that if a typically healthy person gets the flu they have a crappy couple of days on the couch - not a trip to the hospital. This new virus is largely unknown and though we look at it killing people with "pre-existing conditions" and older people - we don't actually know why and how exactly it taxes our bodies.

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