Florida: Who Do You Think Of?


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2006
Who is the first person you think of when you see:
Emmit Smith......but I lie. Spurrier was first in my mind.

2nd person probably would’ve been a really good thread. In addition to Smith...Wuerffel, Tebow, Meyer, Donovan, Joakim Noah, Fred Taylor, Rex Grossman...etc.

One guy I always think of is Jack Jackson. Funny name and he could fly. I remember a home game in the 90’s (‘95 I think) were we’re playing them pretty tough & they threw a quick pass to him we had him defended well...he ended up breaking it for something like an 80 yard TD. Shoot, it may have even been in their own endzone. Either way, it was game over.

Here is Jackson against us in ‘96 I believe.
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Of course Spurrior comes first but after that I'd say Percy Harvin. Unbelievable talent.
Chris Rainey because he is the poster child for University of Florida athletes charged with crimes. Over the past 15 years UF has been the national leader with scholarship athletes who were also criminals