Here's hoping the men's bb team wins today

and martin says he doesnt know what to do. what head power 5 coach says this stuff
Well, we just had 3 open shots in 5 seconds. Airball 3, rebound at the basket and missed the bunny, back out for another open 3 off the back rim. Then they score and we turn it over vs their pressure. Same game, different day. C’mon Cocks!
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Alright, I hate to give up but I’m sitting here doing the Jan-Feb Saturday thing of watching ball. I’m moving to Tenn vs Kentucky.
son martin continues mistakes and still in the game. other players get pulled quickly
We are a clown show. I have recorded it so I’m at the 15 minute mark of the second half and every time Florida scores I watch our players look at each other like who is supposed to take the ball out and throw it in? Lots of times I see four people run the other way and one guy standing there like am I supposed to take this ball out of bounds? We run our offense the same way. One guy hands ball to another and the other four run away as he’s getting double teamed. As always the refs suck but we suck worse so what does it matter.
We are a clown show. I have recorded it so I’m at the 15 minute mark of the second half and every time Florida scores I watch our players look at each other like who is supposed to take the ball out and throw it in? Lots of times I see four people run the other way and one guy standing there like am I supposed to take this ball out of bounds? We run our offense the same way. One guy hands ball to another and the other four run away as he’s getting double teamed. As always the refs suck but we suck worse so what does it matter.

Refs are actually letting them play which is to our advantage
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Does that Reeves dude [14] know how absolutely stupid the hair thing looks?
This must be Frank’s last year. Otherwise he wouldn’t play his son so much. He’s too short to rebound from that position and he can’t shoot. I love the way we’re down nine and we need offense and Branden is playing in place of Bryant or Carter or whoever. I stand here with my mouth wide open as I’ve seen church league girls ball with more efficiency. Our big men fumble and stumble and bumble and can’t grasp a rebound. arghhhhhhhhhhhh
Refs are actually letting them play which is to our advantage
They were letting Florida play…..watched as Bryant got the ball knocked out of his hand and the Florida player dove for the ball and grabbed it 3 feet in bounds and slid out of bounds. They gave the ball to Florida. Are you freaking kidding me a monkey could’ve made that call. But forget all that as our problems are simply coaching. Frank’s substitution patterns are comical. I’m not sure he ever thinks about needing to score points. We can be down nine and our point guards walk the ball up the court, no sense of urgency anywhere, and he will have three players in there who couldn’t score a basket if their life depended on it. I’m sure they hustle in practice though. 🥴🥴

our teams never get stronger as the year goes on they get mentally beat down and you can see it in their play and their faces. I too am ready for a change at the end of this year.
The apologists for Frank include many who regularly trash posters who knew he needed to go . Time to admit you were wrong.
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Does that Reeves dude [14] know how absolutely stupid the hair
The apologists for Frank include many who regularly trash posters who knew he needed to go . Time to admit you were wrong.
I know I was calling it 3 years ago. Wanted Frank out and to go get Nate Oats. We shuffle our feet and Alabama fires Avery Johnson and gets Oats. Remember that Alabama fired Johnson a year after making the tournament and winning a game. Johnson’s offense. He followed up his NCAA appearance with getting to the NIT. Johnson never lost to Martin, but we still have Martin coaching and Johnson has been on ESPN for 3 years.
It wasn’t worth watching to me. I hope they can win some more. Do y’all pay for tickets and go to the CLA? BTW, we were predicted to lose. Only predicted wins are over UGA and Vandy. Let’s get another coach, eh?
Here’s looking at another losing record but Frank likes this team. I will be shocked If we win five conference games. Absolutely shocked.