Patience does turn things around. Teams don’t just evolve into being great over time. Those programs you mentioned with history were great at times and times were not. The times they were great they had great coaches and assistants. Example A. You mentioned our national championship in baseball. We had a great coach. It takes a great coach and supporting cast and all pieces to the puzzle must fit. If not you got to replace them with the right pieces. Wills legacy will be decided by the decisions he makes with assistants
And Ray's will be tied to Will's.
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Post a picture of your remaining season tickets or I’m calling your bluff.
Don't do it, he wants to steal your bar code off your tickets and then sell them on StubHub. You'll go to the game and your ticket will be flagged and told "sorry this ticket has already been scanned"

Excellent point, besides, I know how to c&p stuff from the net & post on here, but haven't a clue how to take a pic of my own & post it on here.

I am under the impression that this won't be happening because we beat Missouri on Saturday and Rod just couldn't take it.

You are correct.

You won't need them. New tickets/bar codes will be issued if there is a make up game.


Thought you said you paid top dollar???? Laughing

Well, there's a reason I choose that section. I first started regularly attending Carolina games in '89. I was in middle school at the time. An older couple from my church were season ticket holders & the Mrs. had back surgery, so the Mr. brought me with him in her place. His seats were in section 309. The following year, they offered to add an additional ticket to theirs if I paid for it. My parents told me that if I could pay half with my accumulation of allowance, they'd do the other half. So from 1990, I was a ticket holder in 309. Stayed there until I entered Carolina as a student in '96. Sat in the student section through some bad football. After graduation, & I had a paying gig, I joined the Gamecock Club. Where did I request tickets....section 309. I know it ain't a big donor seating area, but it's low & I can see the field great from there. Plus, it's kinda sentimental. days in 309 are over. The expense has way surpassed the level of enjoyment. Adios........& suck it.
This thread is the epitome of irrationality and I'm not referring to the original post. Everyone who watched that game knows we don't win it minus the rain. We were dead and got bailed out. This team will not beat A&M and will struggle with Tennessee. Rod's right. You just witnessed the height of success for this year.
How what? Surely you know how to post a photo since you live on this board 24/7. Anybody can claim to have season tickets in a random section and row in the stadium. If you actually do, let’s see some proof. I have a hard time believing that anyone who actually pays for season tickets would post half of the things you do, or would boycott the remaining games after a conference home WIN.

So prove it. Prove you actually have season tickets. You can and should redact the seat numbers for your own privacy. How you choose to do that is up to you, I ordinarily wouldn’t recommend permanently defacing your tickets, but I suppose that shouldn’t be a problem since you won’t be going to any more games and won’t be reselling them either.
24/7 puts up a stupid assed video how many times a day? He can do tickets if he in fact has them.
This thread is the epitome of irrationality and I'm not referring to the original post. Everyone who watched that game knows we don't win it minus the rain. We were dead and got bailed out. This team will not beat A&M and will struggle with Tennessee. Rod's right. You just witnessed the height of success for this year.
This thread is the epitome of irrationality and I'm not referring to the original post. Everyone who watched that game knows we don't win it minus the rain. We were dead and got bailed out. This team will not beat A&M and will struggle with Tennessee. Rod's right. You just witnessed the height of success for this year.
When a team is forced to play on our level of sloppy and potential mistake making, it seems to level the playing field for us. Put the other team in a situation to not make mistakes and watch us self distruct.
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When a team is forced to play on our level of sloppy and potential mistake making, it seems to level the playing field for us. Put the other team in a situation to not make mistakes and watch us self distruct.
Agreed, and as we all know bad weather is a great equalizer. With us having to respect Lock's arm, we couldn't crowd the line and stuff the run which is what opened up their run game. Throw the rain in and Lock's passing was neutralized. Credit to our guys for taking advantage of it but to think that we somehow turned a corner because this game alone is ridiculous.

This thread is the epitome of irrationality and I'm not referring to the original post. Everyone who watched that game knows we don't win it minus the rain. We were dead and got bailed out. This team will not beat A&M and will struggle with Tennessee. Rod's right. You just witnessed the height of success for this year.

You may be right, but give credit where credit is due. We beat Missouri. We don't give players and coaches credit for a win when they lose due to injuries, bad officiating, and other things that can't be controlled.
This thread is the epitome of irrationality and I'm not referring to the original post. Everyone who watched that game knows we don't win it minus the rain. We were dead and got bailed out. This team will not beat A&M and will struggle with Tennessee. Rod's right. You just witnessed the height of success for this year.

Well, damn! I was gettin' all worked up over going to the Rose Bowl!
Amazes me how people think anybody gives a rats ass if you don't buy tickets. There will ALWAYS be someone to take your spot. So stay home and type on a message board all day because nobody will miss you....EVER....PROMISE!!
This was once true, but not anymore. Pay attention! There are a lot of empty seats every game. People have gotten tired of spending $$$$ on half-assed entertainment. Be honest, that is all this is, entertainment. When the price drastically out weighs the enjoyment, you will see people stop coming. Ask NASCAR
This was once true, but not anymore. Pay attention! There are a lot of empty seats every game. People have gotten tired of spending $$$$ on half-assed entertainment. Be honest, that is all this is, entertainment. When the price drastically out weighs the enjoyment, you will see people stop coming. Ask NASCAR
And some "supporters" find glory in it. We are loyal of you win, even then some are not happy. Been a supporter since 1964 and will remain so.
NO! I'm gonna make this damn school take football seriously for once in their life and drag their tails to the playoffs if it kills me. No I don't care about beating an average Missouri team when we lost to Kentucky the week before. No I don't want to win 6 games and go to some backwoods barnyard bowl (we did that in year 1, this is year 3, no steps back!). No I'm not going to wait umpteen years to give someone time to prove they either can or can't get it done. They don't give you 20 years at your job to see if you're a screwup or not. I'm tired of all the excuses of "poor old USC can't win cause they're in a small state, can't win cause of this, can't win cause of that." Never seen a school make so many excuses about why they can't win like USC does.
Better gettus a bagman
And some "supporters" find glory in it. We are loyal of you win, even then some are not happy. Been a supporter since 1964 and will remain so.
I find no enjoyment whatsoever in failure. I have been a Gamecock since 1972, including season tickets for years. I will forever be a Gamecock, but after 46 years, I have lost the desire and ability to lie to myself about what I see versus what I wish to see.
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