How did Ole Miss suddenly emerge as a major recruiting power . . .

Clemson is tied with the most top-250 players, with 11, and SC has...0. Yeah, I'm sure that gap will close real quick...

It will take years to close this gap that was only widen because of Spurrier. It's about relationships with high school coaches and AD. To develop connections and relationships will take 4 or 5 years. You can be one of the best recruiters in the nation but without high school relationships you are nothing. Take a look at clemson on how they have territories divided up among their coaches. 1) the coach is recruiting the area he is from (most of the time) 2) the coach is recruiting the area where he has the best connections.3) Clemson has welcome former players back with open arms this is another good way to build relationships. hence CJ Spiller on the sideline of several games this year. Almost all players that left early for the NFL has came back to get their degree---this makes mama happy plus it's a good recruiting tool.
I see your point. However Pentecostal and Holiness churches are predominantly white, whereas it seems the majority of black churches (at least in my area) are Apostolic or African Methodist Episcopal (AME).

Yeah, I guess I meant it more small "p" than big "P." Perhaps the better word is ""charismatics." Defining people religiously is very difficult. Hope that helps, though.
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I just think they have a staff full of go-getters who know how to recruit & its paying off. I'm hoping CWM has put together something similar here at SC & that we also start raking in great talent sooner than later.
My opinion, if someone wants to float accusations of cheating when a program is having success in recruiting, let that person prove it. Otherwise, it simply comes off as sour grapes. I guess when Muschamp starts getting some heralded recruits in here, and he will, it will only be due to cheating? But that's what they will be saying about us at UPC and Ole Miss.

Sour Grapes would be saying you didn't want to recruit good players anyway.
over the past couple of years in the SEC and nationally? For decades, the Rebels have looked up to LSU, Bama, Auburn, UF, UGA and even UTe. Now, they are an elite recruiting machine. Interesting

I've wondered that same thing. I think a little cash flow has something to do with their improved recruiting. Because like you said for years and years they were behind us. I just don't understand how they made such a vast improvement.
To put that in perspective the guy at Duke was the head coach there for a couple of years and then got ran off. Then the same thing happened to Houston Nutt.
So, one has to ask themselves what gives, so to speak.
It will take years to close this gap that was only widen because of Spurrier. It's about relationships with high school coaches and AD. To develop connections and relationships will take 4 or 5 years. You can be one of the best recruiters in the nation but without high school relationships you are nothing. Take a look at clemson on how they have territories divided up among their coaches. 1) the coach is recruiting the area he is from (most of the time) 2) the coach is recruiting the area where he has the best connections.3) Clemson has welcome former players back with open arms this is another good way to build relationships. hence CJ Spiller on the sideline of several games this year. Almost all players that left early for the NFL has came back to get their degree---this makes mama happy plus it's a good recruiting tool.
Unless you bring in the coaches that already have those connections. There is no coach better in SC for having connections than Ellis Johnson. BMac has fantastic connections in Georgia and from what I understand NC also. And TRob is one of the best in Florida. The coaches we have hired have the connections in the states we primarily recruit in and have great reputations. That will save us a few years in that we don't have to build those relationships. Hiring EJ was a stroke of brilliance for SC connections.....Bentley may also be just as important.
You want to know how they're doing it? Go to Oxford on a football Saturday. Survey"scenery". Their motto is "We redshirt Miss Americas". They aren't lying.

If's a mystery why it took them this long to thrive. I honestly thing the rebel flag thing held them back drastically.

That's been gone a few years now....but the ladies remain. And if there's one thing 18 year old guys like more than football....
I'm defending nobody. However, I am requesting hard evidence. Anyone can just shoot off their mouths about anything. But, some posters make statements as if it's a proven fact. I just want to see it.
This board is where posters, including you, post opinions. If you want evidence or facts you will need to go elsewhere.
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over the past couple of years in the SEC and nationally? For decades, the Rebels have looked up to LSU, Bama, Auburn, UF, UGA and even UTe. Now, they are an elite recruiting machine. Interesting

I am sure there are quite a few Panther fans here and don't want to offend, but when Auburn bought Cam and the NCAA cleared them of any wrong doings in about 2 hours when every other investigation they did before and since took a mim of 6 weeks others in the SEC west decided to go rogue with them, OM leading the way. They bought the star of their jr class this year, and looks like their bank accounts will be lighter after this class signs. OM is a nice enough campus, but the rest of the state is only matched in poor quality of life by Alabama. Why would anyone from a developed industrial state want to go to what is basically a 3rd world country as for as the basic conditions like education, income, infrastructure is some of the lowest in the country.
I believe there is a some amount of cheating at every Power 5 school...

I don't think Clemson is as bad as Ole Miss but there is no doubt a certain amount of shenanigans going on.

I met this guy that works at USC a few years back and he flat out said that Carolina didn't get better until they learned how to "play the game"...and he was not talking about on the field.

I know a guy who was on Clemson's BOT for a while...and he confirmed that everything up there isn't above board but it's nothing the other schools aren't doing.

Cheating is a part of the game...most BIG time recruits are kids...if you talk them up enough, someone will offer them a wad of cash to come play for them...if they are poor enough, they may take it. If they are smart, they are going to see how much they can get from all of the schools.

Just because it's morally reprehensible doesn't mean it's not how the world works...

The truth is, if you want to get back to top 10 rankings, you are probably gonna need a bag man or 2.

If you want a CHANCE to win a National Championship, you WILL need a bag man or 2.

Once you've WON a Natty, you don't need the bag man all of the time...

In short...NCAAF has been pay-to-play for a LONG like to pretend their school doesn't do it...most of the time, those fans are supporting a school that is a traditional loser.

Buying recruits is like sex before marriage...99% of people do it, even if they don't want to admit.
If any of you had 50M in the bank and was approached by someone connected to USC Athletics with intentions of you "donating" to help recruiting, would YOU say NO?

How many of you, if you were asked right now, to give $100 to put in a pool that was raising $100,000 to give to a top ten 5* recruit would actually say NO...?

I pray that none of us are put in that situation...but if we had boosters willing to do that and a staff willing to ask for that type of "donation", we'd be right up there in the top 10 too...


I would LOVE to be able to say that we could win major recruiting battles without "greasing the wheels" but that's naive...

If we won 4 Natty's in the past decade like Bama, maybe...if we win even ONE in the next 5, it will likely be BECAUSE of a bag man or 2...but that's no different from any and all other Natty's won EVER...
Oh, and Clemson giving HS coaches free trips and free tickets to games? Yeah, that's part of buying recruits...

We have to be willing to call and raise on "legal" things like that when it comes to ifs, ands or buts about it.
Oh, and Clemson giving HS coaches free trips and free tickets to games? Yeah, that's part of buying recruits...

We have to be willing to call and raise on "legal" things like that when it comes to ifs, ands or buts about it.
We'll be doing that soon. Muschamp won't miss a trick when it comes to what he can do legally for high school coaches.
You want to know how they're doing it? Go to Oxford on a football Saturday. Survey"scenery". Their motto is "We redshirt Miss Americas". They aren't lying.

If's a mystery why it took them this long to thrive. I honestly thing the rebel flag thing held them back drastically.

That's been gone a few years now....but the ladies remain. And if there's one thing 18 year old guys like more than football....
My favorite SEC road trip - by far. And the most hospitable fans. Walk through the grove and engage people in polite conversation and you don't need to carry any tailgating food. They'll feed you.
A couple of years ago when Bill King was still the morning show on Sirius he had Barry Switzer on. Switzer was just telling a story that he was recently in Vegas with a friend and apparently had like $20,000 in cash on him while gambling. He made the comment "Bill, I hadnt had that much money on me since I was out recruiting".

Point is, I think every program or programs boosters gives out weighted handshakes. If you think yours doesnt, youre naive. I think some programs do it more than others, and Ole Miss is one of those programs. But ....((((shrug))))

Its what UNC did that is truly disgusting.
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UNC probably paid to get them in then and paid for the fake classes to keep them eligible so they double dipped :D

(Not sure of authenticity)[/QUOTE]

So, a young man gets lured to a college campus for a fun visit with promises to play, win, become a star, get ready for the NFL, pay you a little pocket change (within NCAA guidelines of course ... wink wink), and as an added bonus, get a college degree (if you want to work even a little bit intellectually). Whether the pic is authentic or not, we all know there is one thing that tempts almost every man (at some point in his life) to throw everything he values away to get. He's met by 2 babes who are there to show him around for the weekend. What young, well chiseled, athletic, young man (with an abundance of testosterone screaming through his body) wouldn't be influenced by that sales pitch?
I believe there is a some amount of cheating at every Power 5 school...

I met this guy that works at USC a few years back and he flat out said that Carolina didn't get better until they learned how to "play the game"...and he was not talking about on the field.

Sounds like you know people in Rock Hill. Sometimes it is not always about money but making sure people get into school as well.
I'm defending nobody. However, I am requesting hard evidence. Anyone can just shoot off their mouths about anything. But, some posters make statements as if it's a proven fact. I just want to see it.

"....some posters make statements as if it's a proven fact."

...and you never do that, do you, AC!
over the past couple of years in the SEC and nationally? For decades, the Rebels have looked up to LSU, Bama, Auburn, UF, UGA and even UTe. Now, they are an elite recruiting machine. Interesting
Ditching Col' Reb. That was the thing... either that or Jedi Mind Trick.
My opinion, if someone wants to float accusations of cheating when a program is having success in recruiting, let that person prove it. Otherwise, it simply comes off as sour grapes. I guess when Muschamp starts getting some heralded recruits in here, and he will, it will only be due to cheating? But that's what they will be saying about us at UPC and Ole Miss.
It's intellectually lazy charge and give us an excuse for sub-par recruiting (previous staff, of course) and false sense of superiority. Just a little research shows how much religion plays a part in Freeze's success at recruiting:

This 5-star football recruit chose to attend Ole Miss over Alabama to 'get in touch with my religion'

As SB Nation reported Wednesday, Little, a 6-foot-5, 318-pound offensive tackle, received offers from all the major college football programs in the United States. He chose Ole Miss — a team that hasn’t won a title in his lifetime — over schools like Alabama, LSU and Texas because of what Freeze offered him, specifically “Freeze being able to help him with his religion in a way that other coaches cannot,” SB Nation reported.

“He’s a very religious guy,” Little told SB Nation. “He can help me get in touch with my religion. He’s a very big believer, going to church and everything.”

He also said Ole Miss’ recruiters provided a familial touch, saying that everyone on the team and within the athletic organization feels like they’re part of a family.
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The connection here is B.Scott. He has built a strong hold with high school coaches and AD while at FSU.

Now that's funny right there. BS left FL ST in 1993 when hired at SC. That's 23 years ago. I would dare say that the vast majority of those AD's and coaches are no longer AD's or coaches. Besides, those relationships did nothing for him while at SC.
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Clemson's recruiting has skyrocketed fir whatever reasons we want to credit, but if you think about the additional players Clemson narrowly missed out on (Nkemdiche, Clowney), it's a bit frightening to think of what may have happened. Can you imagine a team that had Clowney 2011, 2012, 2013) and Nkemdiche (2013, 2014, 2015) at DE among other ESPN Top 150 players?
Clemson's recruiting has skyrocketed fir whatever reasons we want to credit, but if you think about the additional players Clemson narrowly missed out on (Nkemdiche, Clowney), it's a bit frightening to think of what may have happened. Can you imagine a team that had Clowney 2011, 2012, 2013) and Nkemdiche (2013, 2014, 2015) at DE among other ESPN Top 150 players?

You forgot they had Dalvin Cook from FSU committed as well before he changed. Yes despite what Clemsux is saying they are paying recruits. It probably goes on pretty much everywhere because college football has become a big money sport and there is a lot riding on that sort of thing.
Certainly they will, especially when we start beating them straight up for players, beginning probably next year.

We need to stop 'em in their tracks when that happens - turn it around and focus attention on Clemson's 'questionable' recruiting practices. The key here will be getting the inside info on what/how/how much Clemmy does what it has and is doing in recruiting.

If the ACC schools had any balls (or even enough interest?) in football to stop the Tater Machine, Clem would have been collared several years ago. Remember? Danny Ford openly named only ONE college football coach that 'turned me in' - don't recall his name but he coached at NCSU in the early 80's - Danny did this ON NATIONAL TELEVISION! Funny. He didn't go after Vince Dooley or whomever was coaching at UTe at the time.
What 'questionable' recruiting practices are you referencing? What evidence have you turned over to the NCAA? Inquiring minds want to know.
What 'questionable' recruiting practices are you referencing? What evidence have you turned over to the NCAA? Inquiring minds want to know.

Wouldnt matter what you turned over to NCAA. History has proven they dont do much or at least to some schools.
You want to know how they're doing it? Go to Oxford on a football Saturday. Survey"scenery". Their motto is "We redshirt Miss Americas". They aren't lying.

If's a mystery why it took them this long to thrive. I honestly thing the rebel flag thing held them back drastically.

That's been gone a few years now....but the ladies remain. And if there's one thing 18 year old guys like more than football....
What they don't tell you as a recruit is football in college is basically a full time job that takes up most of your free time to chase all those pretty girls you saw on your
We need to stop 'em in their tracks when that happens - turn it around and focus attention on Clemson's 'questionable' recruiting practices. The key here will be getting the inside info on what/how/how much Clemmy does what it has and is doing in recruiting.

If the ACC schools had any balls (or even enough interest?) in football to stop the Tater Machine, Clem would have been collared several years ago. Remember? Danny Ford openly named only ONE college football coach that 'turned me in' - don't recall his name but he coached at NCSU in the early 80's - Danny did this ON NATIONAL TELEVISION! Funny. He didn't go after Vince Dooley or whomever was coaching at UTe at the time.

Slow yourself a bit, I think a lot of coaches do not want to turn each other in because they do not want eyes pointing back at them. Got to make sure all the glass is clean on the house
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Freeze has some cash advantage, if you know what I mean. Of the cuff getting a number 1 class is suspect.
Yes, Clemson's Itay was suspended for providing money to new construction, due to providing money to player. NOW. Fans need to be asking questions to the committee
being serious for a moment and putting the "hate" aside, the difference between Freeze and Swinney is that Swinney's recruiting successes have come within the recruiting footprint of Clemson or with kids that are out of region but have ties to the University or the area (ie: family members who live in Anderson).

What is glaring to me is that Ole Miss is listed by a ridiculous amount of kids that have no ties whatsoever to Mississippi(ie: Treadwell). Additionally flipping kids who have been committed to schools for a year+ at the last second is a HUGE red flag (ie: Tunsil).

To be frank, if the NCAA didnt step in and hammer UNC for what they did (which is just disgusting IMO), they arent going to do a thing about a few weighted handshakes.

Ole Miss' downfall will be when the big boys in the SEC West get fed up with being "outbid", complain to the SEC front office, and Ole Miss is offered up as a sacrificial lamb. Until then ........ ??????????
Sounds like you know people in Rock Hill. Sometimes it is not always about money but making sure people get into school as well.

LOL...not Rock Hill...

Anyone close to most Power 5 programs will tell you that it's not possible to recruit most of the "Blue Chip" players without a bag man...not because you don't have a lot of sell but because there is always a SLEAZE BALL out there willing to give them a WHOLE LOT OF MONEY to come play for them.

All it takes is one sleaze ball like that to get the ball rolling...and then, it becomes common practice because other players EXPECT a little "somethin' somethin'" in their package at their OV...or a new job for their Mom...or their girl getting accepted too.

You think the Cost of Attendance Fee was Championed by Coaches and most Power 5s because they "care" about the student Athletes? LOL!!! NO.

Cost of Attendance Fee makes it HARDER to catch recruiting violations! LOL...

Personally, I'm AMAZED that Carolina doesn't end up with a top 10 class every year...we have some of the most rabid fans in the Nation! I FIRMLY believe that if a 5* recruit said that his Mom needed a Kidney, a liver and a lung transplant and he'd sign with the team that could find them, Carolina would shut down the STATE with people lining up to be typed and matched (tested) to see if they could donate theirs...

LOL...don't kid yourselves, guys. Every Power 5 School's more about how sleazy you get and how many ethical and moral boundaries you cross...
We need to stop 'em in their tracks when that happens - turn it around and focus attention on Clemson's 'questionable' recruiting practices. The key here will be getting the inside info on what/how/how much Clemmy does what it has and is doing in recruiting.

If the ACC schools had any balls (or even enough interest?) in football to stop the Tater Machine, Clem would have been collared several years ago. Remember? Danny Ford openly named only ONE college football coach that 'turned me in' - don't recall his name but he coached at NCSU in the early 80's - Danny did this ON NATIONAL TELEVISION! Funny. He didn't go after Vince Dooley or whomever was coaching at UTe at the time.
Monte Kiffin, Lane's daddy.