I would like to have a intelligent discussion about the horrible shooting that occurred today in Boulder, Co. No politics allowed.

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I saw that that’s why I was so confused you were arguing against it - I wasn’t using it as pejorative for gun shows but as the mechanics of the loop hole

gun show loophole is not an accurate term in itself as it really means any person to person sale of a firearm.

I fully agree there should be a background check on every transfer whether it is at a store, show, or person to person.
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Unfortunately, I can’t force you to admit or accept that you are wrong.

There have been a lot of posts but I missed your response to my question of “what’s your point” about designed for the military. Do you want all weapons designed for war illegal in the US?
You said "Any past criminal history should disqualify is my view on that, including being behind on such things as child support etc". That's what I was reacting to. Like, once behind on child support you could never buy one. But I understand what you mean. I think it's unconstitutional though.
As soon as they elect me President you will see things
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Could it be that calling people obtuse is because they can’t understand what the other person is saying or don’t understand the other side? I’ve never seen so many posts in one thread where people are being called obtuse.

Now you can resume your normally scheduled program.
Could it be that calling people obtuse is because they can’t understand what the other person is saying or don’t understand the other side? I’ve never seen so many posts in one thread where people are being called obtuse.

Now you can resume your normally scheduled program.
What would you call someone who lies about what you posted and then claim YOU are the problem? Asking for a friend...
Your definition of "need" has no bearing or influence on my right to own an AR15 or other rifle.
If you don't want one that's perfectly fine but it has nothing to do with my right to own one.

Just an FYI but a semi-automatic 30.06 is much deadlier than an AR.
NEVER questioned your right to own one, my brother in law owns 3, my nephew has 3. I just questioned why? I asked them why but they didn’t have an answer other than WHY NOT. just trying to understand the fascination.
The 2A doesn't mention "need". But it's an excellent hunting weapon, especially if modified for a specific purpose. You can change the caliber and barrel length just by changing the upper half of the weapon if you want to buy a complete upper. It's very versatile.
Again, sorry for the poor choice of words. Why own an AR vice a ”traditional” hunting weapon? Lighter, can carry more ammo, less maintenance, easier to clean? Just wondering
Having lunatics walking up & down the sidewalk scaring women & children is about the best way I know to aid the movement toward more gun control. Also the 2nd Amendment has reasonable restrictions that have been in place for close to 100 years
I absolutely agree that mental health is key. It's also impossible to weed out all those type individuals ahead of the act, but we need to do more.
Having lunatics walking up & down the sidewalk scaring women & children is, IMO, an excellent example of brandishing a weapon and irresponsible gun ownership. In past generations, the village would prevent such individuals from having access to guns.
We carried shotguns in our cars to high school. Never had a problem. Guns haven't changed, people have.

I'm 52...I've read the NRA magazine since I was every issue there is a section called the Armed Citizen and there are 3 to 6 stories from newspapers or other news sources from around the country of citizens using guns to save their lives and the lives of their loved ones, neighbors etc.... that's 40 years worth of stories and they'll never run out because the fact will always remain that to stop a criminal with a knife, bat, club or gun you need a good guy with a gun. We must not give up our right to keep and bear arms
And yet the second amendment states:

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

So why wouldn’t a registry be part of “well-regulated”?

I get that people want to ignore the first part of the second amendment because it’s a bit cloudy for the goal of everyone gets a gun but there is a reason more than the last 14 words are there.
You know, don't get me twisted. I'd be ok with common men not being able to buy guns as long as they could join local militias not answerable to the federal government.
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Most won’t admit it but it’s compensation. It’s the same reason why a subset of gun owners can’t move without putting on their concealed carry.
I have my CWP but only carry when traveling out of town. Never know when you might wind up somewhere you really don’t want to be.
To transfer registration of the gun, does that clarify it? If you give the gun away the gun and it’s still registered under your name you are still responsible for it - even if stolen you have to report it stolen
Guns in SC are not registered.
Quickest route to confiscation is registration.
I am not going to tell you if I have weapons or not but from what I have heard, AK's and AR's are used particularly in hog hunting. They would not be a good first choice in self defense, unless one lived alone. If one had a family, those rounds are going to go through drywall like butter. They are also popular because they are fun to shoot and, well basically, "just because." I have shot both with friends and they are a fun gun to shoot.
Thanks, most complete, logical answer I’ve seen thus far.
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Again, sorry for the poor choice of words. Why own an AR vice a ”traditional” hunting weapon? Lighter, can carry more ammo, less maintenance, easier to clean? Just wondering
Well, I've mentioned this in other posts. But you can change the caliber, barrel length and even the scope by swapping uppers. Pull two pins and the upper comes off the lower. If you change calibers, you need a new magazine for the new caliber. It can be anything from a squirrel rifle to a deer rifle. It can be any caliber from .22 long rifle to ..300 blackout. There are even .450 Bushmaster uppers, though I'm sure they're expensive. I almost forgot, you can even get a 9mm or 10mm upper for them. For big game the AR-10 platform is a tad more versatile. Check this out.
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I don’t understand it either. It’s designed for war.
In appearance only. As someone else noted, it is a semi automatic not full automatic. When in combat you want that option of going full auto to put out as much distruction you can, both for defensive and offensive reasons. My question was more to understand “why an AR” vice a “traditional“ hunting type rifle.
Again, sorry for the poor choice of words. Why own an AR vice a ”traditional” hunting weapon? Lighter, can carry more ammo, less maintenance, easier to clean? Just wondering

It isn't like "hunting" is a single activity. Those hunting deer probably aren't using a AR-15. In Texas, we are overrun with wild hogs. There are no predators anymore. You can kill them 365 days a year. I said kill not hunt, as no one eats them. They are very destructive to gardens, crops, yards, and everything else. The AR-15 is light, carries a lot of ammo, and is good for killing hogs. Basically what you would call a "varmit" gun, used to kill noxious creatures, not so much in a hunting setting. Coyotes trying to get into the henhouse, etc.

This whole thread is weird to me. This attack was by an Islamic terrorist from Syria. He made detailed plans to attack and kill Americans. No gun law stops him, what stops him is not letting him enter the country.
I'm 52...I've read the NRA magazine since I was every issue there is a section called the Armed Citizen and there are 3 to 6 stories from newspapers or other news sources from around the country of citizens using guns to save their lives and the lives of their loved ones, neighbors etc.... that's 40 years worth of stories and they'll never run out because the fact will always remain that to stop a criminal with a knife, bat, club or gun you need a good guy with a gun. We must not give up our right to keep and bear arms
PCCs should be the first choice for home defense in my opinion.
Having lunatics walking up & down the sidewalk scaring women & children is, IMO, an excellent example of brandishing a weapon and irresponsible gun ownership. In past generations, the village would prevent such individuals from having access to guns.

Open carry does not automatically make it brandishing.
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It isn't like "hunting" is a single activity. Those hunting deer probably aren't using a AR-15. In Texas, we are overrun with wild hogs. There are no predators anymore. You can kill them 365 days a year. I said kill not hunt, as no one eats them. They are very destructive to gardens, crops, yards, and everything else. The AR-15 is light, carries a lot of ammo, and is good for killing hogs. Basically what you would call a "varmit" gun, used to kill noxious creatures, not so much in a hunting setting. Coyotes trying to get into the henhouse, etc.

This whole thread is weird to me. This attack was by an Islamic terrorist from Syria. He made detailed plans to attack and kill Americans. No gun law stops him, what stops him is not letting him enter the country.
Understand the hog issue especially in Texas, Arkansas. I would think this is the perfect weapon for that purpose. Thanks foe response. Haven’t read any info on shooter, will be interested in reading more. THANKS for info.
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In appearance only. As someone else noted, it is a semi automatic not full automatic. When in combat you want that option of going full auto to put out as much distruction you can, both for defensive and offensive reasons. My question was more to understand “why an AR” vice a “traditional“ hunting type rifle.

Can’t we own guns for other than hunting?
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Guns in SC are not registered.
Quickest route to confiscation is registration.
Well, the state claims it doesn't keep records of gun purchases. But let your gun get used in a crime and recovered and see if the police don't come looking for you. Of course, you should report any stolen guns. There is a public database you can check the serial number on to make sure you're not buying a stolen one.
Well, the state claims it doesn't keep records of gun purchases. But let your gun get used in a crime and recovered and see if the police don't come looking for you. Of course, you should report any stolen guns. There is a public database you can check the serial number on to make sure you're not buying a stolen one.
As someone who sold guns for years SLED absolutely keeps records of gun purchases and they used to do surprise inventory audits as well.
That is your opinion and that opinion is not shared by everyone. Did you know that almost all handguns are semiautomatic? The civilian version of the AR-15 is not an automatic weapon.
I am aware of both facts but that does nothing to address the point I made. What would any normal American citizen possibly need an AR for?
I am aware of both facts but that does nothing to address the point I made. What would any normal American citizen possibly need an AR for?
Because we like them. We enjoy shooting them. We enjoy shooting them with our kids, although personally, I much prefer the AK to the AR, but both are great hog hunting guns.
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