I would like to have a intelligent discussion about the horrible shooting that occurred today in Boulder, Co. No politics allowed.

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You dont have any idea what you are talking about. Any gang banger on the street can get a hold to an AK within 24 hours max to sell to anyone who wants it. I havent heard yet on this situation in Colorado what the guy even was using. Doesnt matter either way. The VAST majority of gun violence happens through use of a 9 mill or a 45 handgun because they are concealable. Banning assault rifles will not do ANY good whatsoever, other than keep them from the hands of law abiding shooters. All the high and mighty ideas on gun control wont help anyone at all, except for criminals.
Incorrect. It is easy for any gang banging psycho to get an AK or AR-15 because you can literally drive up the street to Palmetto Armory or a dozen other places and buy an AR. If there were not thousands of them Circulating legally, they would be more difficult to get your hands on whether a law abiding citizen or a “gang banger” if that was not the case. This is common sense. People think that there is some easy to access black market for weapons of war on every street corner of big cities or something- there is not. It is harder to find these sorts of weapons in countries where they are illegal than movies and TV shows would lead you to believe. Sure- outlawing things does not ELIMINATE it over night but it does severely limit availability in the very least.

Beyond all of that though, again- what would a “law abiding” shooter need an AR for? Just for show? Is that worth sacrificing American lives- So Chad can look like a tough guy at the gun range twice a year? Not IMO.
Assault rifle is a fully automatic machine gun. The M16 for example.

What we citizens can buy are semi automatic. The AR15 for example.

The AR15 and M16 look the same but they are not. On the M16 you can hold the trigger down and spray bullets. On the ar15 you can’t.

Most firearms we buy are semi auto. From the ar15 to a Glock handgun that is the most common home self defense gun to the tiny Luger .380 that my grandmother carries in her purse. It only holds like 6 bullets.
My problem with the Dems on gun control is that they describe all semi autos as “machine guns” and weapons of war, to try and ban them all.
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After seeing the riots this past summer, my wife, who used to hate my "assault weapons" got completely on board with them.

It not about what you think I need, it's about what I think I need.
I think you need your head examined if you believe you could fight off a thousand rioters by yourself but only if you have “the right gun”. LOL

Once again- nobody, not our government nor anyone I have seen here is saying you cannot have “any guns”. We are saying that eliminating Assault rifles from wide ranging legal availability will reduce the number of these types of weapons of WAR on the streets and thus reduce the number of violent incidents involving them.
I am aware of both facts but that does nothing to address the point I made. What would any normal American citizen possibly need an AR for?
Why would any normal person need any rifle? I mean, there's food right there in the grocery store, right? Don't tell me the AR platform is not for hunting. Just read up a few posts. I explained the reasons an AR-15 is an excellent hunting rifle platform and posted a link to the great hunting calibers you can shoot with one by changing out the barrel, bolt and sometimes magazine. It has legitimate sporting use. The Constitution doesn't address "needs". It addresses rights.
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Why not to have fun? Why limit?
Because these weapons are being used to SLAUGHTER AMERICANS IN THE STREETS, sometimes/ often times dozens at a time. That is kind of more important to try to stop or reduce than... “fun”.
Why would any normal person need any rifle? I mean, there's food right there in the grocery store, right? Don't tell me the AR platform is not for hunting. Just read up a few posts. I explained the reasons an AR-15 is an excellent for hunting rifle platform and posted a link to the great hunting calibers you can shoot with one by changing out the barrel, bolt and sometimes magazine. It has legitimate sporting use. The Constitution doesn't address "needs". It addresses rights.
That need was written into the constitution when there was a “need” for armed citizen militias to exist to help defend the nation from invasion by foreign powers using their muskets. If anyone thinks a power capable of invading our country would not be repelled by our armed forces but would be by bunch of gun toting rednecks... Well, I’d love to have that conversation.
That need was written into the constitution when there was a “need” for armed citizen militias to exist to help defend the nation from invasion by foreign powers using their muskets. If anyone thinks a power capable of invading our country would not be repelled by our armed forces but would be by bunch of gun toting rednecks... Well, I’d love to have that conversation.
Tell that to Viet Nam. But it's actually in the Constitution to help us guard against our own government. We have a military to repel foreign invaders. Who do you think defends us? Even the cop's gun is for him, not you.
As someone who sold guns for years SLED absolutely keeps records of gun purchases and they used to do surprise inventory audits as well.
And once the gun changes hands, legally, SLED has nothing.
Again, SC does not register guns.
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I think you need your head examined if you believe you could fight off a thousand rioters by yourself but only if you have “the right gun”. LOL

LOL all you want. Nothing wrong with my head. That Missouri couple proved it. Those thugs broke into their neighborhood, but when they saw that AR, and they kept their ass walking.
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That need was written into the constitution when there was a “need” for armed citizen militias to exist to help defend the nation from invasion by foreign powers using their muskets. If anyone thinks a power capable of invading our country would not be repelled by our armed forces but would be by bunch of gun toting rednecks... Well, I’d love to have that conversation.

The purpose of the 2nd amendment is to protect the citizenry from their own government.
Because these weapons are being used to SLAUGHTER AMERICANS IN THE STREETS, sometimes/ often times dozens at a time. That is kind of more important to try to stop or reduce than... “fun”.

Yeah, illegal handguns are a problem.
After seeing the riots this past summer, my wife, who used to hate my "assault weapons" got completely on board with them.

It not about what you think I need, it's about what I think I need.
You need to let the most watched new network know about this so they can pass along to their sponsors. Nothing sells like fear.
Oh snap! I forgot about the potential invasion from a foreign super power that can only be defeated via guerrilla warfare waged by pre-pubescent teens.
Right and if that skinny punk Swayze could do all that imagine what Jim Bob and Earle could do.
Versatility and customization.
Right- so you can add functions like bump stocks, pistol grips and large magazines. Which are all features to make the weapon more dangerous in the event you are being fired on and have to fire at a different angle while hiding or if you have a large number of enemies and need to fire more rounds without reloading. All very helpful features for a fun day out in the woods surrounded by gangs of armed white tail deer? Funny it sounds like versatility and customization are arguments for why they are not intended or in any way reasonable or functional within the civilian population.

All these arguments seem to intone these ARs are not any different from a regular rifle one would use in hunting. Why then do all of these anti- government militias arm themselves with ARs instead of an old bolt action hunting rifle or double barreled shot gun? Hmmm almost as if they realize these are military weapons and use them for their intended purpose- fear, and show of force/ in the case of Ritenhouse, this Colorado murderer and over 1/4 of all mass shootings for MASS MURDER. That is what ARs were made for that is their purpose and no civilian should be able to own them. Swat team member? Military? Sure. They need them. Bubba heading down to the creek to shoot some ducks or a deer? No.
And once the gun changes hands, legally, SLED has nothing.
Again, SC does not register guns.
That’s true of a private transaction and if something happens with that firearm SLED will absolutely track down the last documented owner.
So my rights disappear because someone else is abusing theirs?
Nope, again. Nobody said they will eliminate your right to own a gun completely. At what point do we limit that right? What if I want an AR with a grenade launcher? It’s my RIGHTS!! What if I want a bazooka? How about a shoulder fired SAM launcher? A functional tank? It has guns... F-15? Has guns... Where do we draw the line? Just because Sadam Husein missused them in Iraq, I can’t have them at my house now!?!?

Nowhere is it written “though shalt own weapons of mass destruction”.
Reading this thread makes me believe we have posters who either have forgotten, or more likely never learned, what the impetus was behind the Shot Heard Around the World.

History, when accurate, is a great teacher.
When ignored it is often repeated.
I don’t think anyone has forgotten anything but I also don’t think any reasonable person thinks Jim Bob and Becky are going to stop tanks by stockpiling ARs in their trailer.
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I don’t think anyone has forgotten anything but I also don’t think any reasonable person thinks Jim Bob and Becky are going to stop tanks by stockpiling ARs in their trailer.
You said it all in your first three words.
Just as a memory jogger in 1776 Jim Bob (which is more than a little condescending) was known as George.
Worked out petty well.
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Right- so you can add functions like bump stocks, pistol grips and large magazines. Which are all features to make the weapon more dangerous in the event you are being fired on and have to fire at a different angle while hiding or if you have a large number of enemies and need to fire more rounds without reloading. All very helpful features for a fun day out in the woods surrounded by gangs of armed white tail deer? Funny it sounds like versatility and customization are arguments for why they are not intended or in any way reasonable or functional within the civilian population.

All these arguments seem to intone these ARs are not any different from a regular rifle one would use in hunting. Why then do all of these anti- government militias arm themselves with ARs instead of an old bolt action hunting rifle or double barreled shot gun? Hmmm almost as if they realize these are military weapons and use them for their intended purpose- fear, and show of force/ in the case of Ritenhouse, this Colorado murderer and over 1/4 of all mass shootings for MASS MURDER. That is what ARs were made for that is their purpose and no civilian should be able to own them. Swat team member? Military? Sure. They need them. Bubba heading down to the creek to shoot some ducks or a deer? No.

Why do you continue to categorize gun-owners as gun-toting rednecks? Your elitism is showing.
Understand the hog issue especially in Texas, Arkansas. I would think this is the perfect weapon for that purpose. Thanks foe response. Haven’t read any info on shooter, will be interested in reading more. THANKS for info.

The shooter is an immigrant here from Syria. Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa. Became an islamic extremist. Planned to target a Trump political rally in Denver that was cancelled due to COVID.
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