I would like to have a intelligent discussion about the horrible shooting that occurred today in Boulder, Co. No politics allowed.

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fully automatic is mostly just used for suppressive fire in combat, not actually actively killing people - because it is incredibly inefficient
does waiting for a week to get a gun really harm you that much to not want to save a few lives?
I do not have a problem waiting a week. Waiting a week is not restricting my right to buy however many I want. You keep talking about restrictions, not a time period. Plus with my CWP, I do not have to wait at all. I’m already good with that
and this is the problem. We can’t have a rational conversation if you don’t understand the bigger picture of your argument.
I never said randomly shooting someone because you disagree is self defense. Find the post where I made that claim, or apologize for lying about what I actually said.
I do not have a problem waiting a week. Waiting a week is not restricting my right to buy however many I want. You keep talking about restrictions, not a time period. Plus with my CWP, I do not have to wait at all. I’m already good with that
Well background checks are also restrictions and waiting periods are also a form of restrictions
I posted studies earlier that not only does it reduce homicide rate by guns but also suicide rates by gun - win win
Wonder where that data came from? I mean how did they gather it? Do they question people that waited a week to get a gun if they were going to kill themselves or others? And do they answer “well I was gonna off my neighbor but I cooled off in that week and decided not to.” I would suspect data in any “study” to be highly questionable.
Wonder where that data came from? I mean how did they gather it? Do they question people that waited a week to get a gun if they were going to kill themselves or others? And do they answer “well I was gonna off my neighbor but I cooled off in that week and decided not to.” I would suspect data in any “study” to be highly questionable.
You can read the data yourself if you’re really interested, they made the studies very accessible
Ok a ton you say? What might they be? Before you answer, it is against the law to not truthfully answer all questions on a background check form. It is also against the law to use incorrect information while filling it out as well.
Literally took me two seconds to get the information and you should have already know this one

Also lol at it’s against the law- so the only barrier to keep people from killing others with a gun is the honor system of our current background checks? Lol
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I guess you missed this
In all my years of different types of hunting I've never seen anybody hunting with an AR15 or anything similar.

What argument doesn't hold up. I know more people are killed with handguns than rifles. Thats plain common sense. There are a ton more hand guns out there than AR's. I would guess, and its only a guess, that a large percentage of that gun violence happens within the house of a gun holder. So specifically what argument did I make that doesn't hold up or are you making up BS. So what facts do I have wrong? Come on, lay it out.
Wow. I bit touchy are you? Dude, my post towards you was half in jest. Relax bro.
I never said randomly shooting someone because you disagree is self defense. Find the post where I made that claim, or apologize for lying about what I actually said.

You claimed shooting a government agent coming to confiscate a weapon would be self defense.
Here will be an excellent way to keep people from buying guns to shoot people - they have to check a box whether or not they will use the gun in a crime.

That way if they kill a bunch of people - we got them!
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So you admit people are irresponsible with their gun ownership but don’t want to track those people to prevent them from owning guns in the future.

Let that sink in for a minute. Because it sounds idiotic.
You want to track people because someone broke into their home and stole their guns? Are you serious? Oh, and Ricky the crack head got all of his guns off the street so they aint trackable. No. Thats an absolutely stupid idea. The idea of tracking those with guns is the only thing idiotic, as well as being Un American.
Literally took me two seconds to get the information and you should have already know this one

Also lol at it’s against the law- so the only barrier to keep people from killing others with a gun is the honor system of our current background checks? Lol
Your lol is correct. More laws that are not followed are useless. And in the article the person is not legally allowed to own the gun. But you are correct in that is a loophole. But it should be an easy one to fix. Im
Good with that.

Ok you said there was a a ton of loopholes. What’s the next two or three? I’m big enough to admit a wrong perception I had. What’s next?
I do not pay SR 22 insurance rates. And my access to alcohol is not restricted.
SR 22 is an additional penalty it doesn’t change the fact that your premium is based on the population as a whole. The likelihood of a car getting stolen, how likely it is to survive a crash and how likely the car is to be involved in dangerous activities are all factored in. It isn’t just you that determines your insurance premiums.

In terms of access to alcohol whether age restrictions or open container laws absolutely impact your access to alcohol and open container laws were directly connected to drunk driving incidents.
You want to track people because someone broke into their home and stole their guns? Are you serious? Oh, and Ricky the crack head got all of his guns off the street so they aint trackable. No. Thats an absolutely stupid idea. The idea of tracking those with guns is the only thing idiotic, as well as being Un American.

Yes, we need to know if Ricky is just unlucky someone broke into house. Or if Ricky has a habit of leaving his weapons where they get into the hands of criminals.
Can you explain any other reason we have 10 to 20 times more gun deaths per capita than any other highly developed country?
Can a fork make you fat? Wanna explain why obesity is such an issue in the US? I own 6 firearms that have never hurt a soul. Care to explain how that happened, or didn't happen?
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Your lol is correct. More laws that are not followed are useless. And in the article the person is not legally allowed to own the gun. But you are correct in that is a loophole. But it should be an easy one to fix. Im
Good with that.

Ok you said there was a a ton of loopholes. What’s the next two or three? I’m big enough to admit a wrong perception I had. What’s next?
You’re wrong I have already proven that. I don’t need to spend anymore time proving you wrong.

I win. Bye
Can a fork make you fat? Wanna explain why obesity is such an issue in the US?
A lot of countries have obesity problems not a lot of as high gun related deaths as us.

If the US had a ton of forks in comparison to other countries and was the sole country with an obesity problem you might have a connection or a point

But you don’t - that analogy is incredibly flawed
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You’re wrong I have already proved that. I don’t need to spend anymore time proving you wrong.

I win. Bye
How did you prove me wrong? I never said there were none. I just asked you to state some. You said there were “tons” of loopholes in the current background check system. You listed one. I just asked for more than the one. It’s ok if you don’t have more. Maybe “tons” to you means one.
Could have started us off on the right foot by titling it “... an intelligent discussion...”- I am sure I was not the only one to notice the irony there.

Guns are never going to be totally “banned” here.

Assault weapons are what the title indicates- weapons of war made to kill massive numbers of humans, as many as possible. They never should have been legal for citizens to own, should be banned and YES it absolutely would make it harder for people or criminals to get their hands on them to commit these horrible acts if they were.

99.9999% of people would be better served using a shot gun for self defense than an assault weapon anyway, so the self defense argument is just false.

Nobody is saying “get rid of all guns”, what people are saying is assault rifles with extended clips, bump stocks... Should not be owned by citizens. If you ban them and remove them from stores, only the most hardened of black market scouring bad guys would get their hands on them. These are not the guys shooting up schools and super markets. This guy in Colorado bought the gun from a local store like a day before the shooting. He is not some cartel member or black market arms dealer. Would he have still shot some people if all he could get his hands on was a shot gun? Maybe. Would the death toll been as high or the carnage as bad? Certainly not.
I am sure similar sentiments have been stated already, I just do not have the time to read 7 pages! LOL
You dont have any idea what you are talking about. Any gang banger on the street can get a hold to an AK within 24 hours max to sell to anyone who wants it. I havent heard yet on this situation in Colorado what the guy even was using. Doesnt matter either way. The VAST majority of gun violence happens through use of a 9 mill or a 45 handgun because they are concealable. Banning assault rifles will not do ANY good whatsoever, other than keep them from the hands of law abiding shooters. All the high and mighty ideas on gun control wont help anyone at all, except for criminals.
A lot of countries have obesity problems not a lot of as high gun related deaths as us.

If the US had a ton of forks in comparison to other countries and was the sole country with an obesity problem you might have a connection or a point

But you don’t - that analogy is incredibly flawed
Not an answer. If it's just a gun issue, why haven't my 6 firearms gone out and shot people? What's the difference between my guns and a criminal's guns? I'm not a criminal. The only variable is the human heart.
Yes, we need to know if Ricky is just unlucky someone broke into house. Or if Ricky has a habit of leaving his weapons where they get into the hands of criminals.
I already laid the scenario out for you. Ricky is a crackhead who has never bought a legal gun in his life. It is not a gun owners fault who has had a criminal break into his house and steal his gun. Your idea is absolutely ludicrous.
You just said there were “tons” of loopholes in the current background check system. I just asked for more than the one. It’s ok if you don’t have more. Maybe “tons” to you means one.
Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checks for firearms purchased at gun shows from private individuals -- federal law only requires licensed dealers to conduct checks.

Dude you are wrong just take two seconds to do your own research
“Shall not infringe”
As to odds in a knife fight, those are very low for untrained individuals. Even with lots of training you will most likely get cut, you just have better odds of where you get cut.

"Shall not infringe"... infringe - act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on

No one is infringing on your right to own a firearm, which is what the 2nd Amedment is all about. Now... your right to own ammo is never mentioned in the 2nd Amendment... that is not a constitutional right as of today. So... I think that could work constitutionally.
I already laid the scenario out for you. Ricky is a crackhead who has never bought a legal gun in his life. It is not a gun owners fault who has had a criminal break into his house and steal his gun. Your idea is absolutely ludicrous.

Agreed. Definitely ludicrous to expect someone to reasonably secure their firearms.
Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checks for firearms purchased at gun shows from private individuals -- federal law only requires licensed dealers to conduct checks.

Dude you are wrong just take two seconds to do your own research

see this post from earlier:

there are no background checks between individuals. It doesn’t matter if they are at a gun show or in an alley or a Walmart parking lot. There is no gun show loophole durrrr
Not an answer. If it's just a gun issue, why haven't my 6 firearms gone out and shot people? What's the difference between my guns and a criminal's guns? I'm not a criminal. The only variable is the human heart.
So no other country has the human heart for killing people with guns besides the us ?
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If bullets cost $5K each criminals would steal them same as they steal the guns they commit crimes with.

If bullets cost $5,000 a piece they'd be the most protected item at every Wal-mart, Gun shop, etc. Stealing bullets that cost $5,000 a pop would be the equivalent of a diamond heist. Sure it would happen because sh*t happens... but it would not be a regular occurrence. Not even CLOSE to a regular occurrence.
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