I would like to have a intelligent discussion about the horrible shooting that occurred today in Boulder, Co. No politics allowed.

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And yet the second amendment states:

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

So why wouldn’t a registry be part of “well-regulated”?

I get that people want to ignore the first part of the second amendment because it’s a bit cloudy for the goal of everyone gets a gun but there is a reason more than the last 14 words are there.

here is you a quick lesson:

oh so now you’re back tracking. Turns out you are the coward who would gladly hand over his weapons when the government knocks on his door to confiscate them.

Another post that makes no sense. Nothing I've said implies that either. You're the coward that fears personal liberty and would tremble with delight in having the government redact swaths of the Constitution. What a useful idiot.
Another post that makes no sense. Nothing I've said implies that either. You're the coward that fears personal liberty and would tremble with delight in having the government redact swaths of the Constitution. What a useful idiot.

Now you’re stuck in this weird scenario where you’ve argued you’re a responsible gun owner but you’ve also argued you’re not a responsible gun owner. It’s also impossible for you to connect those two beliefs because they’re blatantly contradictory. But you also don’t want to admit you’re wrong on either statement.

so you’re just stuck and not sure what to say.
I'll probably get laughed off of here but: I think a lot of this goes back to the day when someone decided spanking children was wrong. Hear me out. Kids grow up now with absolutely no sense of actions = consequences. I teach high school and see it frequently. Kids break the rules and virtually nothing happens. They get away with whatever they do throughout their lives with zero consequences. So they really don't even think about what's going to happen if I do ____________. I know that's not the whole problem but I do believe it's a factor in many cases. Of course this doesn't apply to the mentally ill. I also don't believe banning or limiting any kind of gun is gonna help at all. Like others have already said; the criminals don't care about breaking any other laws, why would a gun law deter them?
Having supportive communities and a social network is critical. There are many reasons why that is more rare these days. I may be old school, but the way we have built cities after WWII has created more car-centric places that don't encourage civic-minded and collective attitudes. Just my theory.
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The first part of the second amendment is conveniently left out (pretty much always) - especially because the first part directly states that regulations are a condition precedent to the right itself.

The constitution isn’t like the Bible, you can’t just cherry pick the portion of statements that support your position. They chose the words of all these rights very carefully - if they meant everyone can have a gun if they want one, they would have stated that.

So you think the 2nd Amendment is only a collective right, and not an individual right?
Everything you just posted is false. Owning a gun is an inalienable right, and our Constitution upholds this right. Getting a DL is a privilege not a right.
The right to bear arms is a fugue description of having a gun. So basically since it's everyone's "right" then we all should just line up at gun stores and have a gun handed to you. Does it give a minimum age requirement in the Constitution?
The first part of the second amendment is conveniently left out (pretty much always) - especially because the first part directly states that regulations are a condition precedent to the right itself.

The constitution isn’t like the Bible, you can’t just cherry pick the portion of statements that support your position. They chose the words of all these rights very carefully - if they meant everyone can have a gun if they want one, they would have stated that.

Todd watch please

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Now you’re stuck in this weird scenario where you’ve argued you’re a responsible gun owner but you’ve also argued you’re not a responsible gun owner. It’s also impossible for you to connect those two beliefs because they’re blatantly contradictory. But you also don’t want to admit you’re wrong on either statement.

so you’re just stuck and not sure what to say.

I never said I'm a gun owner, so on top of being a tyrant, you're also a liar.
I keep seeing the vague references about "criminals," but who are you talking about? Just any person that has committed a crime (of any variety)? Or is it a person whose main occupation is committing crimes (like the mob or gangs)?

Most of these mass shootings are not committed by people with a criminal past - their first and last crimes were one in the same. So you take the Atlanta shooter - he bought a gun legally the same day he shot everyone. He's a criminal now, but prior to that he wasn't. If a gun wasn't readily available to him, would he have moved on? Maybe, we'll never know. Because remember, he wasn't a criminal until he pulled that trigger the first time.

And also, crimes are not all the same - just because you've committed crimes in the past, even violent crimes, it doesn't mean you're down with murder. So just because you've committed some crimes, that doesn't mean that you'll now break all of them, or even want to break all of them. People have their limits.

Now you could say that a murderer with a mission will always find a way - that makes more sense than what's the point of laws, criminals will just break them.
You answered your own question with the last sentence. We already have a lot of laws on the books. People still kill. If someone wanted to kill they’d still do it if they couldn’t buy an AR rifle. Two Glock pistols will do the same or better job.
Only reasonable discussion and opinions allowed.

My understanding is the shooter used an assault rifle to perform his dastardly deed.

Do you believe the banning of assault rifles would prevent these mass shooting/murders?

I don't believe for one second that the banning of assault rifles would prevent these type of shootings. If they were banned nationally I personally believe there would be an underground network of assault rifles being manufactured and sold that would make bootleg whiskey in the 1920s look like a Sunday School Picnic.
I'm not going to waste my time on the "impossible" regarding an assault weapons ban simply because I don't see one happening again. But, a universal background check? Hell, yes. We need that. How anyone can be against that is beyond my understanding. Would that prevent all mass slaughters and other violent crimes? Of course not. Would it help prevent some. I believe it would.
The 2nd Amendment is NOT a “privilege”. It is a Constitutional Right. "The RIGHT of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”. For anyone unhappy with that, there is the option of Amending the Constitution, which you can do, if and when you have enough public support to do so. The fact that as of now, there is not enough support to do that, does NOT mean it’s ok to shred the Constitution, or try to get around it, because it’s easier.

As for this situation, we don’t know (other than a name) who this guy is, or what his motive was, or whether he could legally possess the weapon he used under existing law. This is what investigations are for.
No offense, but does the outcome of the investigation mean anything in the grand scheme of things?

And do you really think the Founders would embrace a citizenry that could have easy access to weapons of mass destruction? It's a valid question. There needs to be a line.
So you'd take a person's right to a firearm away because that person was once behind on child support? That sounds pretty extreme to me.
Being behind on child support is a crime and I didn't say take their guns I said purchase a gun. If you can't afford to pay child support you can't afford a $800 gun.
I'm a bit torn on that, especially when it comes to barring non-violent felon from gun ownership. Given some of the non-violent crimes/charges (mainly financial crimes) that are considered felonies by somewhat antiquated SC Law, I feel a closer look at the felony prohibition should be taken.

Being behind on child support would be something to be handled on a case by case basis, IMO.
You can't afford both is my point who neglects his child to buy a gun? JMO
Being behind on child support is a crime and I didn't say take their guns I said purchase a gun. If you can't afford to pay child support you can't afford a $800 gun.
What if the mom is stealing that money from child support and buying drugs? Still pay her?
It's literally in the Bill of RIGHTS!
The Founders wanted to be sure they preserved the right to keep and bear arms as they established their new sovereign government. Americans asserted a natural right to defend themselves and their property against all threats, including tyranny of any kind, foreign or domestic. The Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights was included to reflect the concerns of many citizens in a number of states. This lesson explores the origins of this amendment. Basically it's gives us the right to defend our property and ourselves. Of course back in the day many people used pick forks as weapons of choice. Never spells out guns...which is why we now have laws with age requirements.
If people are going to kill people regardless to the access of guns, why does the US dominate in this category?
lol so when you were being a tough guy you were going to defend yourself with your hands?

Again, I never said I'm a tough guy, but if you want to come try to take something from me you can find out for yourself what I'll do with my hands. Don't get mad at me because I pointed out you're a liar. Your dishonesty is a you problem, not a me problem.

You're the type of hollow, craven lowlife that would say the 1st Amendment only prevents Congress from prohibiting free speech, but it is okay for a state to do so and jail you if you say anything controversial.

Studies show forcing people to wait to get access in guns (gun control) does reduce gun violence homicide and suicide.

Surprise, the longer people have to wait - the more they consider shooting people is not a good idea

Ha. My favorite constitution scholar, Penn Gillette. He’s a smart guy, but even his words have a “slight of hand.” Even the most conservative justices on the Supreme Court (the ones that hold on tightly to original intent) have said that some regulations are acceptable. That some “infringement” is ok under different circumstances. But they couldn’t if not for the beginning of the sentence.
What if the mom is stealing that money from child support and buying drugs? Still pay her?
We're talking about buying a gun. That goes the same for the loser buying drugs and not paying child support with the money too. What you buy with your child support is between you and your neglected kids but not paying is a crime and should be included in a criminal background check. JMO
I don’t understand it either. It’s designed for war.

Not from what I have seen. Can you provide a link that shows a country using an AR-15 during or preparing for a war?

There are 120 guns PER person in the united states lol and we still cant figure out why we have so many gun murders and suicides
Being behind on child support is a crime and I didn't say take their guns I said purchase a gun. If you can't afford to pay child support you can't afford a $800 gun.
You said "Any past criminal history should disqualify is my view on that, including being behind on such things as child support etc". That's what I was reacting to. Like, once behind on child support you could never buy one. But I understand what you mean. I think it's unconstitutional though.
Why would a well regulated militia need 120 guns per person, that seems like a pretty inefficient militia to me
Not from what I have seen. Can you provide a link that shows a country using an AR-15 during or preparing for a war?

Are you intentionally being obtuse?
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